Old G's New Auto Grow

Hey old g .
I gradually reduce my nitrogen from my flowering mix nothing the last two weeks.
Except the micro nutrients have a minor amount of N helps with nutrient uptake.
As soon as you see pistols you should be using your flowering nutrients.
Do you have the schedule for your nutrients?
Stay safe.
Everything I’ve read says to fertilize very lightly with autos, I’m going with half what the directions say.I was confused when to switch to bloom , I’ll use bloom Tomorrow, it’s my next feeding. I’m gonna feed every other watering, and I’m watering every other day thanx Bill
HELP PLEASE lmao, someone there’s too many leaves WTF did I over fertilize, these plants are growing almost faster than I can keep up, should I snip leaves, my biggest plant looks like it has 2 colas . Leaves on the big plant are seriously drooping under the fan leaves, I put them in direct lite. The plant looks like it’s thriving but these branches growing out from underneath don’t look good. I was supposed to feed tomorrow but I think I’ll hold off. Their like plants on steroids





Maybe I had the lites too low, the branches coming up look a lot better this morning. I’m gonna research LST and defoliation, there’s way too many leaves. The main cola has pistils coming out on all the plants, the buds have begun.
I couldn’t figure out why these plants were growing the way they were. For one I used fox farms frog soil which I didn’t realize had bat guano in it amongst a lot of a lot of other good nutrients, so I definitely overdid the nitrogen, also the reason I have yellow tips from too much nitrogen.
The plants are all in flower which 2 are blue dream and 2 zskittles, the plants look the same.
I only have 44 inches to the lites, their all only at 11inches so I’m good for another 20 inches till things get cramped.I have no idea how much their going to stretch, I’ve read a lot of auto journals, seems these plants can get up to 3 feet while some grow only to a foot.I’m gonna set up lites to hit the sides until I can figure out how to make these plants not as dense as they are.
Day 24 plants look great today , I’m picking up FF Bloom today, it’s easier to mix than the Jacks which was powder. Plants 11 inches high and 14 inches in circumference. They look good




Day 24 plants look great today , I’m picking up FF Bloom today, it’s easier to mix than the Jacks which was powder. Plants 11 inches high and 14 inches in circumference. They look good




It does look like a little too much nitrogen.
How is your ph?
Shed has a good tutorial on lst.
I don't like to defol much myself.
Do you have good air flow.
Lots of light?
Stay safe.
It does look like a little too much nitrogen.
How is your ph?
Shed has a good tutorial on lst.
I don't like to defol much myself.
Do you have good air flow.
Lots of light?
Stay safe.
Thanx Bill, I raised my lite and the plants opened up. Definitely too much nitrogen, I’m gonna pull branches down to get lite into the plant. I just don’t wanna shock the plant. These plants are in fast forward I’m trying to keep up
Thanx Bill, I raised my lite and the plants opened up. Definitely too much nitrogen, I’m gonna pull branches down to get lite into the plant. I just don’t wanna shock the plant. These plants are in fast forward I’m trying to keep up
Keep on rocken brother your doing great.
Stay safe.
Question I didn’t LST and I didn’t top, I trained some small LED lites from my last gro on the sides is that ok or is it gonna make them grow weird. Took some pics in my backyard, I love this time of year



Question I didn’t LST and I didn’t top, I trained some small LED lites from my last gro on the sides is that ok or is it gonna make them grow weird. Took some pics in my backyard, I love this time of year



Got my answer DO NOT PUT SIDE LIGHTS , live and learn
HELP PLEASE lmao, someone there’s too many leaves WTF did I over fertilize, these plants are growing almost faster than I can keep up, should I snip leaves, my biggest plant looks like it has 2 colas . Leaves on the big plant are seriously drooping under the fan leaves, I put them in direct lite. The plant looks like it’s thriving but these branches growing out from underneath don’t look good. I was supposed to feed tomorrow but I think I’ll hold off. Their like plants on steroids





G what pots are they in?? You need to go up
Day 25, I raised the lites and this morning the plants look good. Their up to 12 inches and their all really full.I have bud sites everywhere



I got it now, lites we’re too low , I raised them and they all opened up. It looked scary at first, thought I killed them w fertilizer. Lunar eclipse 4am
I missed it!!!! Girls look better with the light up some G
I missed it!!!! Girls look better with the light up some G
Thanx Krissi, don’t mind me for panicking , lol, things are gonna happen and I have to figure it out. I moved the lites higher and the plants opened up nicely. I have a lot of bud sites starting, I would have more if I did LST like u suggested, 2 weeks before harvest I’m gonna start some plants in silo cups, I’m gonna tie them down as soon as their 3 inches tall, the yields are just awesome like that.I have a bunch of seeds still , next is wedding cake and Og kush . Krissi anything amiss with my plants don’t hesitate to tell me , please . It’s getting intimidating now that their getting big and showing flowers, I’m definitely gonna run outta room width wise, the lites only 13 inches wide , I kinda saw some people put small plants together and try to make it like one giant plant, SOG , not that I have a choice in the matter, I’m at the mercy of my plants
Thanx Krissi, don’t mind me for panicking , lol, things are gonna happen and I have to figure it out. I moved the lites higher and the plants opened up nicely. I have a lot of bud sites starting, I would have more if I did LST like u suggested, 2 weeks before harvest I’m gonna start some plants in silo cups, I’m gonna tie them down as soon as their 3 inches tall, the yields are just awesome like that.I have a bunch of seeds still , next is wedding cake and Og kush . Krissi anything amiss with my plants don’t hesitate to tell me , please . It’s getting intimidating now that their getting big and showing flowers, I’m definitely gonna run outta room width wise, the lites only 13 inches wide , I kinda saw some people put small plants together and try to make it like one giant plant, SOG , not that I have a choice in the matter, I’m at the mercy of my plants
Take this as a learning experience G, that's all. Do what you can with finishing this up and like you said, start planning for the next go where you will have so much more confidence!! LST early next time. You could add a cheap grow bulb on the side to add light from another angle. In fact, should just send you some...I have 6. You're just gonna have to keep those girls together and make the best of your space and light. Did I tag you in the maxsisun giveaway?
Thread 'Looking For A Tester Of Maxsisun MG3000' Looking For A Tester Of Maxsisun MG3000
Look at those little pre flowers! Is there something biting at your leaves??
Something biting, don’t even say that. I battled spider mites from a month into my last gro throughout it. I check these plants for pests several times a day. The fan leaves are giant. No nothing is biting . These plants grow so fast it seems the plant has a hard time keeping up. Everynite I get new leaves growing and they look wilted, by morning they look great. The plants are literally growing so fast it seems it takes a day for the leaves to catch up. I think I overdid fertilizing , I didn’t know ff frog soil had guano and earthworms castings, I overdid the nitrogen, I’ve never seen leaves as green as these, the top leaves tips are yellow. I’m only using bloom nutes from here on out.Thanx Krissi
Something biting, don’t even say that. I battled spider mites from a month into my last gro throughout it. I check these plants for pests several times a day. The fan leaves are giant. No nothing is biting . These plants grow so fast it seems the plant has a hard time keeping up. Everynite I get new leaves growing and they look wilted, by morning they look great. The plants are literally growing so fast it seems it takes a day for the leaves to catch up. I think I overdid fertilizing , I didn’t know ff frog soil had guano and earthworms castings, I overdid the nitrogen, I’ve never seen leaves as green as these, the top leaves tips are yellow. I’m only using bloom nutes from here on out.Thanx Krissi
OK cool I thought I saw a rip on the edge prolly just from being moved around and not from a little biter then! Yes that shows you are pushing it to their max on nutes. Still good to go...I do it with mine because all strains are different, I see what each one needs. Just don't go overboard...Bloom feed moving forward for sure
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