Old G's New Auto Grow

That was taken with my microscope.

Morda I ordered mine the other day!! Wireless one, I'm so excited to whip it out!
Hi G. I would probably wait til they stretch a little before doing the HST..I hear that during veg they aren't fond of the HST but do well with it in flower...however, I did hear that you can top autos...yours seem to be healthy. Idk if you want to try that above the 5th node. Have you looked up the bend and snap technique yet. I need to find you a good link for it cause I can't figure out how to upload videos or I would show you on one of mine
Thank you, I guess I should try topping them, I watched a grow diary and the guy topped, he had at least six colas, the plant looked amazing, he got 57gr , I’m just not ready to try HST, I’ll screw it up lol .I keep scouring these plants looking for spider mites, I’m paranoid after my last grow. These plants are beautiful you get mites and it just kinda ruins the whole vibe
Thank you, I guess I should try topping them, I watched a grow diary and the guy topped, he had at least six colas, the plant looked amazing, he got 57gr , I’m just not ready to try HST, I’ll screw it up lol .I keep scouring these plants looking for spider mites, I’m paranoid after my last grow. These plants are beautiful you get mites and it just kinda ruins the whole vibe
Don't be nervous it's a plant it will repair it self. The thing with HST that I found is to just wrap the branch loose and bend until theres a slight pressure....I know your big guy so just try to be gentle :p lol I used bread ties for around the stems and then used a series of interconnecting Christmas tree ornament hooks to reach my tie down points...I chose the Christmas tree hooks as I can cut/bend them easily when I removed them. But they're looking great OldG keep doing what your doing!
Everything is packed in on these plants, I guess I’ll try on the one skittles. My big plant has leaves popping everywhere, it’s got 2 sets of leaves coming out of the top, I can’t top it , I have plenty more seeds I think I wanna grow these out and start another grow a week before harvest, yes I’m afraid of stunting the growth , I wanna fill some mason jars then experiment with these
Hey G....

Check this link out on LST

Thread 'How I perform low stress training on my plants: Lots of pics!' How I perform low stress training on my plants: Lots of pics!
That’s awesome thank you, that made it much easier. I kinda knew what you do , now I know.I think I’m past where I could do that , I’m starting a new grow as soon as these get close to harvest and I’m gonna do it.I’m thinking 2 of these I can do it too now, 2 have too much branch development I think I’d damage them. I waited too long,the blue dreams are too bushy already . I’ll take pictures and show you what I mean. Thank you Krissi I’ll get a much better yield doing LST, I think I’m gonna get less than an oz by just letting them grow out normally.I watched a grow journal of someone that grew a blue dream auto natural , it was beautiful but the main cola was only 7 grams, I want 8 colas that weigh that much.
Don't be nervous it's a plant it will repair it self. The thing with HST that I found is to just wrap the branch loose and bend until theres a slight pressure....I know your big guy so just try to be gentle :p lol I used bread ties for around the stems and then used a series of interconnecting Christmas tree ornament hooks to reach my tie down points...I chose the Christmas tree hooks as I can cut/bend them easily when I removed them. But they're looking great OldG keep doing what your doing!
I’ll get it, just watching these plants grow is a treat . I’m learning, I waited too long to mess with them now. My last gro was a shit show from beginning to harvest. So just seeing what these plants do their thing without med tape splicing branches and I actually even broke the main stem . It was a very stressful gro


Tbh with you G, I just started doing any type of stress training on my autoflowers. I usually just let then ride until flower and then I gently bent the branches so they weren't clustered together. I would expect 2-4 ounces per plant dry. I think you're plants will produce and you will be happy...next round go with your stress training when you're more comfortable
Tbh with you G, I just started doing any type of stress training on my autoflowers. I usually just let then ride until flower and then I gently bent the branches so they weren't clustered together. I would expect 2-4 ounces per plant dry. I think you're plants will produce and you will be happy...next round go with your stress training when you're more comfortable
I’ll get it, these plants are wild, their growing outwards and bushy as hell. Their 6 inches tall and 13 inches in circumference, look at all those leaves, theirs maybe a 1/2 inch between branches pistils are showing in all the nodes it better stretch. It’s like a miniature marijuana plant, well actually I guess it is. I read one guys plant was only 11 inches tall My white widow was 6 feet , but these look healthier and much more sturdy than the white widow ever did. I’m hoping for 2 ozs Krissi I’d be really happy to get that,4 ozs outta one small plant, I can’t see it at this point, all your colas looked a foot long , you had a beautiful harvest. Hopefully one day I will too
I’ll get it, these plants are wild, their growing outwards and bushy as hell. Their 6 inches tall and 13 inches in circumference, look at all those leaves, theirs maybe a 1/2 inch between branches pistils are showing in all the nodes it better stretch. It’s like a miniature marijuana plant, well actually I guess it is. I read one guys plant was only 11 inches tall My white widow was 6 feet , but these look healthier and much more sturdy than the white widow ever did. I’m hoping for 2 ozs Krissi I’d be really happy to get that,4 ozs outta one small plant, I can’t see it at this point, all your colas looked a foot long , you had a beautiful harvest. Hopefully one day I will too
When autos pop into full flower it's still surprises me every time - buds just keep stacking up
Nice work Old g, keep it up and look forward to a great harvest
When autos pop into full flower it's still surprises me every time - buds just keep stacking up
Nice work Old g, keep it up and look forward to a great harvest
Thank you brother, I’m hoping lol
Thank you brother, I’m hoping lol
Don't worry, we're all rootin for ya dude

ps go back yo your 'Signature' and paste the below into the box - delete the 'code' bit


Your 'New Grow' signature will now link to this post
Don't worry, we're all rootin for ya dude

ps go back yo your 'Signature' and paste the below into the box - delete the 'code' bit


Your 'New Grow' signature will now link to this post
Thank you , I got it.
I’ve been reading a lot of peoples journals, I’ve definitely been under watering my plants. I kept watching the one blue dream that the pot was soaked, the plant is twice as big as the others. I watered last nite and was nervous I overwatered , plants really liked it. I’m using a 16 oz Pepsi bottle , I’m putting 1 ml of the ff grow big , I spread the bottle over the 4 plants and put 16ozs of water in each pot, except the gallon pot . What a difference in these plants. Guess I’ll be picking things up in each grow. I’m feeding every other water , and I’m watering every other day
Their all starting to open up, I can see space between the branches, maybe now I’ll start lite LST. Sorry I post pics so much, I’m just amazed how much these plants grow everyday. So I figured out the correct amount of days, seems everyone counts from when the seeds crack, I’m at day 20, I feel better now, thought they were flowering too soon , that seems the average time to show preflowers



I’ll get it, just watching these plants grow is a treat . I’m learning, I waited too long to mess with them now. My last gro was a shit show from beginning to harvest. So just seeing what these plants do their thing without med tape splicing branches and I actually even broke the main stem . It was a very stressful gro



Their all starting to open up, I can see space between the branches, maybe now I’ll start lite LST. Sorry I post pics so much, I’m just amazed how much these plants grow everyday. So I figured out the correct amount of days, seems everyone counts from when the seeds crack, I’m at day 20, I feel better now, thought they were flowering too soon , that seems the average time to show preflowers



Don't be sorry lol this is your grow journal you can post pics every five minutes if ya want..your just excited to see your babies striving ... I update every 2-4 days... But yes like stated above we're all rooting for ya! Keep up the great work
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