Old G's New Auto Grow

This was what I ended up with you crazy retiree, G!!!


They do look better...yes. always better to under water...Can't take that water back lol...ugh no spider mites but gnats...I hate them!!! Ughhh Mosquito Dunks and insecticidal soap but I called in the troops and ordered 300 ladybugs-they'll be here in a few days...let those girls handle it

Hahah well hurray 4 plants! You know if you're 2 days apart or 3 it's no big deal with autos if u wanna drop one then another after u see or don't see it germed...autos are fast but they are resilient...don't go crazy thinking if u don't catch it quick it will ruin everything, it won't-just seems like it at the time...I'm getting more comfortable with my mistakes every day because I learn from them...blue dream my top 5 all time...I'm excited for you, someone else just asked for an opinion on what strain to get and I said that-good choice! Most autos level between 24 and 36 inches...I think you're golden as much as you can be buddy!
I found Neem Oil works great with the little garden critters.
I found Neem Oil works great with the little garden critters.
I was going to order it and then one of the seasoned canna vets here told me no no no...so I took it out of my cart...
Looks great.

Get you some Neem Oil, it's my go to, and has killed any little pest who tried to take over my garden. Good Stuff.
It doesn't affect your taste in the end? That was the feedback I received and thank you!
It doesn't affect your taste in the end? That was the feedback I received and thank you!
No it doesn't affect the end taste, but don't ever spray anything into my Buds. I've had a bad case of the little black mites diving in and out of my soil, and sometimes I've done what I call a complete spraying as far as spraying the outsides of my Material pots, the top soil and even spray the foliage. Usually I just spray the Soil and the problem is solved. Neem Oil is even beneficial to your plants.
Their beautiful,I have room for the width it’s the height I don’t .how tall are those.That tent looks really nice too.
I was told by a good man here that you always go back and make sure you didn't forget something and I forgot these...thank you they are 28-36 inches full grown. The tent is a 48 x 48 x 80...it's Zazzy which is a great tent at a lower cost, I got mine on an Amazon deal it was 129 listed for 99.
Nice looking crops ya got there mam :) but i laughed when I saw the one branch doing the 90° angle....it's like nope I'm my own boss I'ma grow dis way.
Thank you again and :laugh: I always have some doing what they want...I snap and bend and turn and they turn the other way or I come back and they are straight back up...I work for them...
No it doesn't affect the end taste, but don't ever spray anything into my Buds. I've had a bad case of the little black mites diving in and out of my soil, and sometimes I've done what I call a complete spraying as far as spraying the outsides of my Material pots, the top soil and even spray the foliage. Usually I just spray the Soil and the problem is solved. Neem Oil is even beneficial to your plants.
Thank you very much!!! I appreciate this first hand information Marty!! This is good to know!
No it doesn't affect the end taste, but don't ever spray anything into my Buds. I've had a bad case of the little black mites diving in and out of my soil, and sometimes I've done what I call a complete spraying as far as spraying the outsides of my Material pots, the top soil and even spray the foliage. Usually I just spray the Soil and the problem is solved. Neem Oil is even beneficial to your plants.
My first grow of white widow I had a bad infestation of spider mites,I used neem oil and capt jacks dead bug. 3 weeks before harvest I found webbing on the main cola and several other buds, I made a concoction of rubbing alcohol, baking soda and neem oil. I could see the mites walking back and forth building the webbing, I sprayed everything, buds leaves it was either take my chances on neem or torch the plant, which was what I was gonna do until someone in here stopped me. All the pistils turned red and brown and they curled up.I thought I killed my plant, it happened to another guy , same thing. Some of the pistils grew back, the buds got fatter. I smoke it everyday, gave it no strange taste at all. Tastes like good weed like it is, and I soaked my plant
You know G, that story just made you all the more real!!! None of our pasts are uncheckered at least I know mine sure as hell hasn't been! I've had ups and downs, I made lots of money, blew lots of money, dabbled in the wrong drugs, drank too much and ate too little, worked restaurants for years! Serving, bartending, kitchen, before I was general manager. It was my whole life and that life makes you crazy and do crazier things lol makes you want those 25 year olds more than you think you do lol

I do always have stuff going. I have two tents a flower and a veg...I have 7 plants in my veg right now...I harvested one in flower yesterday so that leaves me with 5 in there...

I have to have back to back. I don't work anymore either, I stay at home w my son. Medical marijuana is expensive and not as good. Plus, I love to grow. The man said I could start up so this past June, there I went...off to the races...
Lol isn’t that the truth, I was bar manager for 17years, made entirely too much money, but I found ways to blow it all. I agree dispensary weed is not that good at all, my weed I just harvested is much better.I love this too, I think guys like us that made our money in bars and restaurants, all of us suffer from PTSD, I dealt black jack for 15yrs too, talk about brutal. We’ve all done the drug thing, now I keep mine to prescriptions and weed, I find that if I take my pills as prescribed instead of finishing the bottle in a week they work much better, not as much fun but better
Lol isn’t that the truth, I was bar manager for 17years, made entirely too much money, but I found ways to blow it all. I agree dispensary weed is not that good at all, my weed I just harvested is much better.I love this too, I think guys like us that made our money in bars and restaurants, all of us suffer from PTSD, I dealt black jack for 15yrs too, talk about brutal. We’ve all done the drug thing, now I keep mine to prescriptions and weed, I find that if I take my pills as prescribed instead of finishing the bottle in a week they work much better, not as much fun but better
That life can age you fast brother. I'm grateful I've always been athletic and could bounce around, live that side of that life and still come back to the healthier life and be healthy-ish in it...now, at almost 40, my first and only soon to be 2 year old, my house, my grows, a beer or glass of wine here and there (and you know every now and then, an extra dirty martini w 3 check that 4 blue cheese stuffed olives)-just don't need much else and I realize I was chasing all the wrong things back then...but oh was it fun and illegal
That life can age you fast brother. I'm grateful I've always been athletic and could bounce around, live that side of that life and still come back to the healthier life and be healthy-ish in it...now, at almost 40, my first and only soon to be 2 year old, my house, my grows, a beer or glass of wine here and there (and you know every now and then, an extra dirty martini w 3 check that 4 blue cheese stuffed olives)-just don't need much else and I realize I was chasing all the wrong things back then...but oh was it fun and illegal
Biggest regret in life was not having kids, I was caught up in that whole scene that I never slowed down and took inventory of what was actually important in life. To me now, your supposed to bring life , it’s what it’s all about. To me I was always chasing ass, oh I caught quite a few , now I feel stupid shoulda married one . Had some beautiful relationships, just never settled down. I’m praying there’s just one left I can spend whatever I got left with, if she has kids all the better. I’ve kinda been an athlete my whole life as well, guess I was trying to extend the party as long as I could. Still hit the gym everyday, your still young, 40 I was just getting started, and the best times didn’t happen till I hit 50, so do not think your too old to do anything,time is definitely on your side
Biggest regret in life was not having kids, I was caught up in that whole scene that I never slowed down and took inventory of what was actually important in life. To me now, your supposed to bring life , it’s what it’s all about. To me I was always chasing ass, oh I caught quite a few , now I feel stupid shoulda married one . Had some beautiful relationships, just never settled down. I’m praying there’s just one left I can spend whatever I got left with, if she has kids all the better. I’ve kinda been an athlete my whole life as well, guess I was trying to extend the party as long as I could. Still hit the gym everyday, your still young, 40 I was just getting started, and the best times didn’t happen till I hit 50, so do not think your too old to do anything,time is definitely on your side
I think I have a pic without my face, turned 63 this past August
That life can age you fast brother. I'm grateful I've always been athletic and could bounce around, live that side of that life and still come back to the healthier life and be healthy-ish in it...now, at almost 40, my first and only soon to be 2 year old, my house, my grows, a beer or glass of wine here and there (and you know every now and then, an extra dirty martini w 3 check that 4 blue cheese stuffed olives)-just don't need much else and I realize I was chasing all the wrong things back then...but oh was it fun and illegal
Not for nothing if it’s not illegal it’s not fun lol. Don’t ever think staying fit isn’t huge in your quality of life. Most of my friends are dead because they didn’t take care of themselves, my aches and pains are from lifting and car crashes that I always walked away from because my body was like Gumby I was so high. Nothing I’m proud of whatsoever, my stuff is all self inflicted,if you got yourself straightened out by 40 your doing great, you can still live a full life.
Not for nothing if it’s not illegal it’s not fun lol. Don’t ever think staying fit isn’t huge in your quality of life. Most of my friends are dead because they didn’t take care of themselves, my aches and pains are from lifting and car crashes that I always walked away from because my body was like Gumby I was so high. Nothing I’m proud of whatsoever, my stuff is all self inflicted,if you got yourself straightened out by 40 your doing great, you can still live a full life.
It was only a few years after my divorce that I was a little loose and that always leads to a lot loose as you already know!! Thankful..
It was only a few years after my divorce that I was a little loose and that always leads to a lot loose as you already know!! Thankful..
Guess you gotta go thru the low times to appreciate when life is good.I’m coming off 8 years of absolute hell, it can only get better from here. I’m 6 years clean, except for weed and some script stuff, the bad stuff is gone and so is the girlfriend from hell, I’m talking the devil reincarnated
Guess you gotta go thru the low times to appreciate when life is good.I’m coming off 8 years of absolute hell, it can only get better from here. I’m 6 years clean, except for weed and some script stuff, the bad stuff is gone and so is the girlfriend from hell, I’m talking the devil reincarnated
I empathize, that's how I feel about my mother being out of my life :rofl: I had her in my phone as Satan
That’s off one auto , that’s awesome, that weed looks really good. I’m jealous lol
Yes one little 26 incher...I am blessed to have been born with some God given gift to grow good weed without knowing how. That and all green things...her sister is bigger (same seeds)

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