Old G's New Auto Grow

Yes one little 26 incher...I am blessed to have been born with some God given gift to grow good weed without knowing how. That and all green things...her sister is bigger (same seeds)

It is definitely a gift, I gave my brother seeds and told him how to. He gave up already, I love doing this , your plants look awesome
Yes one little 26 incher...I am blessed to have been born with some God given gift to grow good weed without knowing how. That and all green things...her sister is bigger (same seeds)

Do you top your plants or use LST
Do you top your plants or use LST
Neither, unless it's a photo then I top. I use HST. Have you heard of snapping the branches?
Neither, unless it's a photo then I top. I use HST. Have you heard of snapping the branches?
No, what’s HST, the buds on your plants look amazing. I figured your doing something for them to look like that. I’m kinda limited because my space is small, the ceiling in my closet is slanted , the back is maybe 3 feet and the front is about 4 feet if that
Now I know why they say autoflowers is a beginning growers dream. My photo was very tall and gangly , I had to constantly move it it got so tall. It finally ended up next to a armoire, what a pain. With this you plant it , feed small amounts of nutes and watch it grow. Amazing Day 15, it’s growing a ton of bud sites , I’m hoping this lite is enough when these plants flower, don’t wanna end up with a small yield again, I’ve only got 2 weeks, if that , worth of weed left.



I don't want to get your hopes up in case it is not, but, This one is growing like my Audrey did. You may have a large one there. I want to see her in 30 days! :thumb: :popcorn:
With these being autos I would expect them to start early/ I have not grown any yet so it is just my thought. There are others that would have more knowledge than I on auto's. It does look like pistols in this pic though...
With these being autos I would expect them to start early/ I have not grown any yet so it is just my thought. There are others that would have more knowledge than I on auto's. It does look like pistols in this pic though...
There pistils, it’s bushy as hell , but it’s only 6 inches tall. I don’t know if I did something to induce flowering. Guess all I can do is hope for the best. I got the seeds from 420, they say not till week 5 should it start flowering. The 2 skittles are fine, it’s the 2 blue dream, this one has pistils, the other has calyx growing
No, what’s HST, the buds on your plants look amazing. I figured your doing something for them to look like that. I’m kinda limited because my space is small, the ceiling in my closet is slanted , the back is maybe 3 feet and the front is about 4 feet if that
I twist and snap them at the bottom most joint. It increases resin production and allows for a more even distribution across the canopy. Sorry been out today and just catching up!!
There pistils, it’s bushy as hell , but it’s only 6 inches tall. I don’t know if I did something to induce flowering. Guess all I can do is hope for the best. I got the seeds from 420, they say not till week 5 should it start flowering. The 2 skittles are fine, it’s the 2 blue dream, this one has pistils, the other has calyx growing
Those are pre flowers. Depending how they rate the time of "Flowering" I would guess it will be when the tops of the branches show.

Like this:
Baby Bud.jpg
Those are pre flowers. Depending how they rate the time of "Flowering" I would guess it will be when the tops of the branches show.

Like this:
Baby Bud.jpg
Is that an actual camera photo or your phone? Cool pic regardless
I twist and snap them at the bottom most joint. It increases resin production and allows for a more even distribution across the canopy. Sorry been out today and just catching up!!
Krissi should I keep using the big grow or switch to bloom nutrients.I’m gonna try your method HST , live and learn. Thank you
The stem coming outta the ground looks like a tree trunk , pretty amazing the way these grow. My other blue dream has preflowers on it also. The zskittles look like the same plant must be the ruderis genes , the fan leaves are huge. Should I trim some of them to let lite in. These plants have so many leaves on them, that’s gotta be a problem getting lite to the lower branches
Hi G. I would probably wait til they stretch a little before doing the HST..I hear that during veg they aren't fond of the HST but do well with it in flower...however, I did hear that you can top autos...yours seem to be healthy. Idk if you want to try that above the 5th node. Have you looked up the bend and snap technique yet. I need to find you a good link for it cause I can't figure out how to upload videos or I would show you on one of mine
The stem coming outta the ground looks like a tree trunk , pretty amazing the way these grow. My other blue dream has preflowers on it also. The zskittles look like the same plant must be the ruderis genes , the fan leaves are huge. Should I trim some of them to let lite in. These plants have so many leaves on them, that’s gotta be a problem getting lite to the lower branches
At this stage..those pretty leaves are solar panels of energy. Leave them...you want to de fan later. Once they get bigger and I can point out what to trim you'll see why I pick those leaves...I also look up from underneath them when they get bigger and you can see what big leaves are blocking the light from reaching the inner canopy much easier that way
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