OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1LB!?

Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

I just went through your whole journal Vick,sorry it took me awhile to get here but I aint leaving now!!:adore::adore: absolutely freakin gorgeous bro!Im really liking all the supercropping during flower info,the holy grail im growing stretches like your og or worse so its good to know I can suppercrop them that late into flower.I was worried my canopy was going to be a mess because the 4 purple kush dont stretch anywhere near as much but I feel better about it now.:bravo:
+ reps for sure:)

Thanks Jon!! and for the rep attempt..
I gotta spread some love around too:love:
I'm glad I could be the "late in flower supercrop" guinea pig.
Just be forewarned though like X and I are talking about, it's not wise to do it after around 21 days into flower unless you absolutely have no choice. I'm going to take some close ups of the stems tonight where they were bent, and post them up to show you guys the delayed healing that occurs when supercropping this late in flower..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Nice info on the super cropping during flowering time. Something I needed to read early on before I made the choice of super cropping during bloom. Ive super cropped 2 of my plants for there last week of veg, and they bounce back so quick. Though I still havent seen the knuckles for yet. But it hasnt been a week or more so i guess thats something that will come in due time. Any way cant wait for updates:cheesygrinsmiley:

Thanks Whiz,
You should be seeing knuckles pretty soon. While still in veg they have the capacity to heal a lot easier..
It's just when they get woody that far into flower as I did, when they have a harder time repairing the wounds..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

One of my plants have woody stems. And I was wondering are those branches cloneable? I think they turned woody to protect there selves when to much cold air is blowing on them. Or it may be natural. IDK. But I want to take more clones from this plant. The woody branches are on the lower half of the plant.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

One of my plants have woody stems. And I was wondering are those branches cloneable? I think they turned woody to protect there selves when to much cold air is blowing on them. Or it may be natural. IDK. But I want to take more clones from this plant. The woody branches are on the lower half of the plant.

They're cloneable..
And exactly, the branches get woody to protect the veins or innards (if you will) of the plant. That's why the further into growth the woodier the stalks get.
If you're talking about the little spindly branches at the very bottom, then these should be coming off soon anyway.
You could time it with a good defoiliation. That way it would create less stress for the plant, then just clone what you cut off bottom. They could take a little longer to root than your average upper noder, but they will root. Just scrape or split the bottom with the blade when you slice..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hey guys and gals.
I'm wondering if anyone's tried using these new Hercules Pots with soil?
Are they any good? Seems similar to the air pots, just wondering if it would be more for Hydroton, Coco mixes.
Would 50%Coco & 50%Perlite work? or you think all the medium would fall out the vent holes..
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

here's the write up on them:

"New Hercules Pots are formed with a unique shape to give your plants the guidance they need to keep from becoming root bound. Air holes positioned around the sides of the Hercules pots encourage grow media to dry more evenly between feedings, giving growers increased control over plants' nutritional and watering needs. Hercules Pots are available in 5 sizes, from 8" to 16". which are sizes of 4.5L, 7.5L, 20L, 25L, 35L
here's a photo of one:

hi mate ive got a couple mothers in these pots in 50/50 coco/perlite. they ok but not as good as proper air pots. i think the coned shape on real a airpot makes the difference.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Cool thanks C.
Does your medium come out the holes??
Or does everything stay pretty contained.
The reason I was interested in these over the airpots is they come in way bigger sizes.
I think they only make airpots in max 7.5L?
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

I just ordered one of those co2 meters Vick,thanks for the tip:)

Glad to have helped bro..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Big Photo update coming up tonight.
stay tuned..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Day 48 of flower!
A few shots just before lights on tonight..

Here's a few photos showing the still healing bend sites, from the supercropping at day 35..
I didn't even see this first one until I was doing a check-up tonight. The stem is almost open it's split so bad. But you'd never tell from looking at the bud at the end of it.. Same growth as the others, filling, same resign stackage as the others and generally, looking healthy.. Let me assure you that when I bent it, it didn't split. That just happened over the course of a week or so.. I'm sure you could use medi tape to mend the wound. But I opted to just let them go. Couldn't see any signs of the buds suffering.. Actually some look happier than the non cropped!? So other than having to cradle some of the bent colas with string (getting heavy), and some of the bends looking "ugly" I can't really see any BAD side effects from the late supercropping.. I know I said it shouldn't be done this late in flowering, and blah blah blah. But I might have spoken too soon..
I think I need to let this grow run it's course before making those claims.
I'll keep updating how the wounds heal until they get snipped.


Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Forgot to add a trichome shot.
Getting pretty cloudy now.
Saw a few ambers, but not many.
Thinking maybe a week and a half..

Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Cool thanks C.
Does your medium come out the holes??
Or does everything stay pretty contained.
The reason I was interested in these over the airpots is they come in way bigger sizes.
I think they only make airpots in max 7.5L?

It comes out the holes a little at first. U need to pack in media real tight because after a few waterings and root growth the media comes away from the sides. This leaves a gap which makes it a ball ache wen u feed as u have to pour real slow to stop it coming out of sides.

Im not sure where u are looking for air pots but they come large enough to pot trees mate. just google the official site and order direct from them. Also if u can only find 7.5litre pot, its prob equivalent to using a pot twice the size. U get so much root mass its crazy. What size pot were u thinking of?

Here is a pic of a plant i had in a 7.5 litre pot recently and it was a good size plant.


And here is an older plant in a 12litre pot like the one u show.

Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Thanks for the info and pics C!
I was thinking of running 5 plants each in 35 liter Hercules pots. FIM'ed and topped out the yin yang. Then scrog or tomato cage to fill my 5x5 tent.. That photo of your MOM in the 12 litre pot has Hydroton in it. Is that just on the top of the Coco/perlite mix in order to aid with feeding?? Or is the whole pot Hydroton..
Ive got a few more weeks to decide which way I'm going to go next. I'll figure it out.. WANT to go DWC! But just can't afford to do the switch just yet. Res, pumps, filters, chillers, it all adds up pretty fast. I know I could DIY up a cheap DWC setup, but I don't want to go cheap, I want to get good gear that will last me a while.
If anyone has any suggestions as to which medium to move to next, please let me hear it.
I'm guessing if I want to go hydro eventually, Coco/perlite is going to be the next step.
What do ya'll think?
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

I literally just joined 420 to let you know that your plants look AMAZING!:bravo:
I just started flowering my self, I'll be making a journal check it out if you find the time :peace:
Again, amazing plants man I can only hope mine can be so great:high-five:

Wow, Thanks D!
Welcome to 420 magazine! You're going to love it here.
Let me know when you have your journal up, I'll swing by.:)
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

ok u really dont need 35lite pots if u going air pot. the clay pebbles are just a top layer to deter pests and i ust a few inches in the bottom of pot for drainage. DWC isnt expensive. trial an oxypot alongside ur regular grow to see if u'd like to go that way. Its def my fav way to grow but i cant grow all my plants that way as some of my locations where i can only get to once per week dont have people with the right knowledge to look after them. honestly just diy it. i buy mine cos im lazy and i have a budget that allows it. But they so simple to build. just go with a few individual pots to start till u get the hang of it then wen u comfortable switch to rdwc. a bucket with a lid, a net pot and an air pump is all u need and a few clay pebbles. u obviously have green fingers as ur plants look great, hydro is the way forward mate.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Ok C.
You made some very good points.
Just one more question and then I'll shut up.
If I did go DWC in 5, 5 gallon buckets. Then I'm probably not going to be able to transfer my "soiled" clones into clay pebbples and nets. Right? Which means having to clone off the clones that I have and start over. Which I don't have time for. I've been training these current clones to have some serious tops. That's why I was opting to go HUGE with my pots to allow them to blow up.
gunna post up some photos of the next generation that's next in line..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Here's some shots of the next gen babies..

Ive been LST'ing this baby around the edge of the pot. Should get heaps of sites from her.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

no u cant transfer those to dwc. looking great btw. aeroclone or rockwool preferably, as u no by now i worship aerocloning! lol. if they are no go u could get away with using jiffy pellets or riot cubes, not ideal but would work.
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