OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1LB!?

Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Excellent job so far Vick. You seem to have a knack for growing. I would be extremely happy to unzip that tent every day! Take it easy...
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Nice work, Vick - I am really envious and hope I will be able to do as well some day. Have some well-deserved Rep, as well as a vote for the monthly competition!

Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1


Those are gorgeous!

As mentioned, great photos too. Very nice! Oh, how is the Super-cropping working out?

Thanks Xman!
The super cropping worked in the way that it allowed for me to get the whole canopy "even". But It's been over a week now, and the larger colas that I SC'ed haven't even started to knuckle up at the bends yet.. Not to mention most of the others. I fear that I suercropped them too late. But when you look at the buds that were supercropped nothing is wrong with them, in fact they are sprouting more whites than the ones that weren't! Plus the shorter buds underneath the supercropped colas really did seem to "Xlr8" (sorry)..couldn't help it.
I think next time, I'm going to make sure I pay more attention to the canopy around a week into flip, then I can supercrop with more effective results, because they will have more of a chance to repair themselves before hunkering down to produce flower.
Nonetheless, I'm very happy with how they are progressing. The Koolbloom liquid/dry combo is obviously working because they are so crystalized Trichs are about half clear half cloudy, so a few more weeks..
I want to go a little longer with this grow. On the last I was aiming for a more energy high, and I got it alright. But this time I either want to harvest with 50/50 cloudy,amber. Or clip my top colas at 20% amber, then drop the light and bring the lowers as far as I can without going too far. Then I'll have an up and a down. Cuz shit, sometimes you wanna get up? and sometimes you just wanna get down..right?
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Nice update. Thanks for the hood input also. Everything is running real smooth in your tent. Im loven how all those buds look.:thumb:

Thanks Whiz
Glad to help..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

pics be looking awesome bro, keep up the sick yardwork lol

I find that super croppin can delay the plant anywhere from 3 days to over a week. If I do it early veg then it's a quick recovery, but if I'm fighting height in flower and super crop then it can add an extra week to the schedule.

I think cutting the top 1/2 first and letting the bottom half develop for a week or two more is a good idea. I've seen a couple people do it here and the only negative thing they say is the bottom half can burn a bit harsher if you reapply nutrients. I would do it just cuz I've never done it lol...maybe do some full ones, and leave a couple bottom halfs in there to see what's better?
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Excellent job so far Vick. You seem to have a knack for growing. I would be extremely happy to unzip that tent every day! Take it easy...

Damn, thanks Doc!
and for the rep bro. appreciate it!
The worst is when you're so excited to look in the tent!
And you go to unzip the zipper, and.. the Fucking thing gets snagged.
After swearing at the thing, and shaking your tent all around for 5 minutes it finally unzips.
Then the smile replaces the frown pretty quick..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Nice work, Vick - I am really envious and hope I will be able to do as well some day. Have some well-deserved Rep, as well as a vote for the monthly competition!


Ah Geez, Thanks Aardvark!
A rep and a vote?
I should be sending out samples to people like you..:cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

The girls are loking very sexy Vick074.I bet the skunk smell is great
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

very nice, clearly you have given the plants all they needed and now its time for the plant to give you something nice in return
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

pics be looking awesome bro, keep up the sick yardwork lol

I find that super croppin can delay the plant anywhere from 3 days to over a week. If I do it early veg then it's a quick recovery, but if I'm fighting height in flower and super crop then it can add an extra week to the schedule.

I think cutting the top 1/2 first and letting the bottom half develop for a week or two more is a good idea. I've seen a couple people do it here and the only negative thing they say is the bottom half can burn a bit harsher if you reapply nutrients. I would do it just cuz I've never done it lol...maybe do some full ones, and leave a couple bottom halfs in there to see what's better?

Thanks man,
Yeah, I plan on going another week anyway because I know they hurt after that.
The cutting half and leaving the other thing I might try.
I don't think I'd re-apply any nutrients at all. I'd just let them go with PH'd water and maybe the odd Molasses feed.
We'll see what happens. I kinda need the tent to dry them but I might figure something else out.
Was hoping to do a longer dry than my last grow. Like a week and a half. then jar (which will be a 3 week cure:cheesygrinsmiley:)
So a de/humidifier might be a new item on the shopping list..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

The girls are loking very sexy Vick074.I bet the skunk smell is great
Thanks peanut!
It smells like I've got 4 dead skunks stashed in the tent..
Very skunky without the rubber smell..
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

very nice, clearly you have given the plants all they needed and now its time for the plant to give you something nice in return

Thanks Don,
I've been bowing down to these ladies for about 2 months..:adore::yummy:
I've listened to their voices..
Tended to their every need..
Now it's time to pay back daddy
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Ah Geez, Thanks Aardvark!
A rep and a vote?
I should be sending out samples to people like you..:cheesygrinsmiley:

Oh yes, please!
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

I had to come back on here to check out your awesome + garden Vick. What Gh nutes are you using? You use any additives? Well other than the Kool Bloom

Thanks whiz!
Using GH Flora line for base nutes, Grow, Micro, Bloom. Then adding Florolicious plus, Liquid Koolbloom and Koolbloom dry(now). Bio Root. Running a feed, feed, water schedule. I age my tap water for 4 days with airstones to keep it fresh and oxygenated and chlorine free. On water only days, I'll feed 15ml/gallon of Molasses so they're getting some sort of carbs at every feeding. PH'ing soup consistantly at 6.5 PH. PPM's are currently at 900-1000.
Clones are getting GH's flora line for base nutes too, with the addition of Superthrive.
I'm using this GH feeding schedule as a base to my feeding program, then add and tweak it as I see fit..

Week 1 (rooted clones or 3 leaf-sets on seedlings) : 2.5 ml EACH Grow, Micro & Bloom
Week 2: 5ml Grow + 2.5ml Micro + 2.5ml Bloom
Week 3: 10ml Grow + 5ml Micro + 3ml Bloom
Week 4 until 12/12 : 12ml Grow + 6ml Micro + 3ml Bloom
Week 1 of 12/12 : 6ml Grow + 6mil Micro+10ml Bloom
Week 2 of 12/12: 3ml Grow + 7ml Miccro + 12ml Bloom
Week 3: 3ml Grow + 8ml Micro + 14ml Bloom
Week 4: 3ml Grow + 8ml Micro + 16ml Bloom
Week 5: 2..5 Grow + 7ml Micro + 18ml Bloom
Week 6: NO GROW + 6ml Micro + 20ml Bloom USE UNTIL FLUSH!
Flush 10-14 days before harvesting
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Yea I think you told me this already before. I apologize for that lol. But the tap water, Ive used it before and it was bad on my plants but I only aerated it for 24hrs. So you do 4 days and havent had any problems? Or chlorine build up in your grows? I may try that again doing the 4 day aeration. I use water from my lake. Or store bought water when my lake water is to cloudy from rain
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Yea I think you told me this already before. I apologize for that lol. But the tap water, Ive used it before and it was bad on my plants but I only aerated it for 24hrs. So you do 4 days and havent had any problems? Or chlorine build up in your grows? I may try that again doing the 4 day aeration. I use water from my lake. Or store bought water when my lake water is to cloudy from rain
My tap water is pretty good where I am. Never had a problem with Chlorine buildup in my grows ever, but I've done this from the start because I knew how chlorinated the tap water is. Right after I feed, those 5 gallon buckets get rinsed, refilled and sit in corner of the grow room with airstones bubbling away in them until the next feed, which is between 3-4 days.
I guess it's different for everyone. Not every water source is the same. I was thinking of switching to RO water because I am thinking of trying hydro DWC soon, but since I'm not having any issues with current tap, why switch? And it's free to boot, all I gotta do is wait 3 days.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Yea I never got my water tested but I know it leaves build up around my shower head and such. So I know its not good to use for feeding my plants. Yea theres no need in switching if its doing you good since day one. It may or may not be a difference when using in hydro? IDK. I would do a test run to see the out come. I wonder if filtering it out would do my tap water any good? I do have the coffee filters here. Maybe a thought to use on one of my clones i took from my male plant before i found out it was a male.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Yeah test it, why not..
I'd want to make sure I had that all figured out before I even started growing. So I knew what was in my H2O.
Water is life. It's gotta start with good water or you'd be battling it all the way along with def. issues.
If you have time space to do a test run, then go for it. You never know, your tap water might have some crazy super duper vitamin nutrient that grows 4 foot colas!
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