NTH’s Grow Corner


Another view of the massacre.

Howdy do mate..
There's nothing wrong with your plants. Just be patient and wait for their surprise, the best bits coming next

Each member gets two words to describe this picture. Haha. But the two leaves in the middle pot weren’t scripted!

I don’t know if I should be proud or embarrassed. I feel dark inside. Haha.

My world has gotten busy work wise so I’ve not been boring everyone with my day to day on here. Been lurking though and my plants are still the worst on here. Peace my fine friends!

Very nice. :cheer:
Those are my two.

Each member gets two words to describe this picture. Haha. But the two leaves in the middle pot weren’t scripted!

I don’t know if I should be proud or embarrassed. I feel dark inside. Haha.

My world has gotten busy work wise so I’ve not been boring everyone with my day to day on here. Been lurking though and my plants are still the worst on here. Peace my fine friends!

you sound like Eyore from winnie the pooh. lol Nothing wrong in here buddy. using the scrog net will be a good option too. loads of support and loads of thread holes to keep them moving too. Just means a daily move of the growing tips to the next hole along. great for keeping chubby buds apart too. Dont forget they will still stretch some more yet so move them horizontal until you notice slowdown of stretching. A lot less aggressive than supercropping too. Good call

Each member gets two words to describe this picture. Haha. But the two leaves in the middle pot weren’t scripted!

I don’t know if I should be proud or embarrassed. I feel dark inside. Haha.

My world has gotten busy work wise so I’ve not been boring everyone with my day to day on here. Been lurking though and my plants are still the worst on here. Peace my fine friends!

Cattle fence?


Hello guys and gals. Been following along and not posting for a couple weeks. Not much to tell here. I would say they have stretched a little. Haha. Kinda crazy to me that they have grown this big. Would have tied down some more but my stems seemed to snap and bend over really easy and it was freaking me out. Now I know how much abuse they can actually take! Oh well. Girls are getting fed around 6-7 grams of MC per gallon of rain water. They have been left alone for the past two weeks to grow how they want. Will look back later and get a close estimate on days old. My thoughts are so far so good. Hope everyone has a wonderful week. Special shoutout to @Bill284 Hang in there Amigo. That insurance company will pay. It’s just throwing its equivalent of a teenage pouting session. And damn @NuttyProfessor ? Leaving? I wish you well in your endeavors and want to thank you for the things I’ve learned from you. And not just gardening lessons either. You rock Nutty! Peace to all. Have a great week!




Hello guys and gals. Been following along and not posting for a couple weeks. Not much to tell here. I would say they have stretched a little. Haha. Kinda crazy to me that they have grown this big. Would have tied down some more but my stems seemed to snap and bend over really easy and it was freaking me out. Now I know how much abuse they can actually take! Oh well. Girls are getting fed around 6-7 grams of MC per gallon of rain water. They have been left alone for the past two weeks to grow how they want. Will look back later and get a close estimate on days old. My thoughts are so far so good. Hope everyone has a wonderful week. Special shoutout to @Bill284 Hang in there Amigo. That insurance company will pay. It’s just throwing its equivalent of a teenage pouting session. And damn @NuttyProfessor ? Leaving? I wish you well in your endeavors and want to thank you for the things I’ve learned from you. And not just gardening lessons either. You rock Nutty! Peace to all. Have a great week!


I think we missed the scrog opportunity nth. Lol. Threading them would have given you more control. As suggested by another here too , maybe a second screen to push them down under a little and allow the buds to build above that screen. Be ready with supports for when those buds get building if you think they are too weak. Best to be prepared in case. Looking healthy and happy though. Keep up the good work .
Hello to all the fine folks here at 420! Just another boring update from a newbie/wannabe grower. My ladies seem to be doing fine. Day 80 more or less for my girls. Day 20 in flower. Watering with 7-8 grams MC to a gallon of water every other day. 14 hours a day for lights on. Here are some pics:

Gorilla Glue Bud
Don’t know why or how AK fell behind in the bud department but she is progressing so all good. The aroma of the Pineapple plant is amazing. Can’t wait to try it. Thanks for following along and have a great day!

Hello to all the fine folks here at 420! Just another boring update from a newbie/wannabe grower. My ladies seem to be doing fine. Day 80 more or less for my girls. Day 20 in flower. Watering with 7-8 grams MC to a gallon of water every other day. 14 hours a day for lights on. Here are some pics:

Gorilla Glue Bud
Don’t know why or how AK fell behind in the bud department but she is progressing so all good. The aroma of the Pineapple plant is amazing. Can’t wait to try it. Thanks for following along and have a great day!

Dont worry about stragglers nth. They have a good habit of passing the others too with an extra week or two growth. Some strains stack up early , some cluster grow buds. Sativa leaning strains often look leggy and less solid budded at the flowering stage. My banana mash are similar but the purple monkey are finished with rock solid buds while the banana are soft and more airy too. Both grew very differently but I expect a similar yield of actual usable bud to each. Often the case with multi strain grows for me but always gives us a good variety and avoids strain tolerance better. All looking nice and happy mate. Chin up, soon be sticky fingered and cursing trim jail mate.
You may be a newbie but you ain't no wannabe...those look great! Any reason you have gotten them to 7-8g/gallon of MC?

For my grows I try to max out at 5.5 (6 for the really hungry ones). Plants do need N in flower, but too much can make for very leafy buds with less weight in the calyxes.
No reason for the high dose of MC other than me just experimenting a little. Just barely getting some yellowing of the leaf tips at two teaspoons per gallon. I will back it down to 6 g (1 1/2 teaspoon) from here on out to avoid the high N during flower. Thanks for that tip.

Looking good Toe-less Hippy :)

I agree with Ganja. My misfits and runts are always the plants that offer that extra glitter come the end of the grow.
Thanks T. Miss AK won’t let me down. She is already trying to catch up. Even stretched out a little the past few days which I thought was strange. Misfit that she is! Always a pleasure to have you stop by my thread. Have a great week!

Dont worry about stragglers nth. They have a good habit of passing the others too with an extra week or two growth. Some strains stack up early , some cluster grow buds. Sativa leaning strains often look leggy and less solid budded at the flowering stage. My banana mash are similar but the purple monkey are finished with rock solid buds while the banana are soft and more airy too. Both grew very differently but I expect a similar yield of actual usable bud to each. Often the case with multi strain grows for me but always gives us a good variety and avoids strain tolerance better. All looking nice and happy mate. Chin up, soon be sticky fingered and cursing trim jail mate.
Yes sir I’m all about that variety so I’m cool with the different strains just doing their thing. To be honest I am always a little shocked /amazed every time I open the closet door. Judging by the pics what is your guess on how much longer they will be in flower? Like everything in my first grow I’m about a week or two behind. My jewelers loupe won’t be here until Aug 25! Haha. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week GG.

I’m moving my grow area to a new location. It has a wooden floor, walls and ceiling. Looking for suggestions on what to do to get it ready as far as reflective material, flat white paint, shiny tin, sheet rock and paint is where I’m leaning due to being more fire proof. Wouldn’t be opposed to putting shiny tin on the walls and ceiling either. It will be climate controlled year round. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions and tips in advance!

FWIW, my brothers caregiver grows in a room with sheetrock and white paint on the walls. I went over with him one day to help trim 24 plants and it's safe to say, I've never seen so much bud in one place before so, it's obviously working out well. There were 6 of us in the room and we worked from 9 AM to 3 PM with very little breaks to get it all done. The caregiver didn't think we'd get through it all and was very happy we did it all in a day.

Your plants are looking good, keep it up!!
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