NTH’s Grow Corner

All caught up and your doing ok!
Great attitude...I like....to enjoy the fruit and failure of trying and learning.
It takes time to dial a grow in. So hang with it and give a shout out. Great to see good Peep's helping you out!
Was tidying up my grow supplies and discovered something I had forgotten about. When I ordered my seeds I got a pack of Cheese Autos for free. But since the grobo start thingy only has three pods I just tucked the cheese beans away. I dropped one @Emilya style just for the heck of it.
Can’t wait to meet Miss Queso.

Hello there :)

I had a quick squiz and your seed humidity cribs look hell fancy. Looks like you’re off with a bang!

My first question:- do you in fact have 9 toes?
Most people do the question is does he have 10 i think. :Namaste:
Hello there :)

I had a quick squiz and your seed humidity cribs look hell fancy. Looks like you’re off with a bang!

My first question:- do you in fact have 9 toes?
I am missing one. Got blown off by a shotgun. I was lucky it wasn’t my whole foot. That was a bang for sure!

And that seed contraption is called a Grobo Start. Works really good but if I had it all over to do again I probably wouldn’t go that route. Especially growing autos. But hey I’m learning as I go. Thanks for stopping by!

Day 36
Ladies seem to have taken the topping well. They have gotten “bushier” since and seem to be doing fine. Miss Gorilla Glue has some curling going on on some of the top growth that I’m unsure if it’s natural for the strain or something in regards to nutrition. My nutes should be in on Thursday and will get started feeding them. Overall I’m happy with how the grow is coming along. Any one see something I don’t please yell at me and set me straight.

Miss GG and the curling new leaves.

Miss P (she was the smallest from the start but has passed up her sisters and is the biggest now)

Slow and steady growth so I’m pleased. I’m in no rush. Have a great day folks.

As you get to know their "personalities", I hope you continue to use that inner knowledge to guide you. It becomes a very personal journey. I have not been active but I remember your kindness and enthusiasm from our first interaction. I am quite pleased to see you and your girls doing well. mX
As you get to know their "personalities", I hope you continue to use that inner knowledge to guide you. It becomes a very personal journey. I have not been active but I remember your kindness and enthusiasm from our first interaction. I am quite pleased to see you and your girls doing well. mX
Thank you for those kind words and yes it has already gotten personal with my girls. I’m really enjoying the journey and the learning process. My plants for sure aren’t the biggest or the prettiest but they aren’t dead yet so I’m good! Peace brother.

I am missing one. Got blown off by a shotgun. I was lucky it wasn’t my whole foot. That was a bang for sure!

And that seed contraption is called a Grobo Start. Works really good but if I had it all over to do again I probably wouldn’t go that route. Especially growing autos. But hey I’m learning as I go. Thanks for stopping by!

Did you blow your own toe off or was it someone with a really shit aim?

Well it looks like you’re off to a great start.

Ive never really got any decent advice, but I’m great a cheering if you can fit one more spectator in.

See ——-> :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Did you blow your own toe off or was it someone with a really shit aim?

Well it looks like you’re off to a great start.

Ive never really got any decent advice, but I’m great a cheering if you can fit one more spectator in.

See ——-> :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Embarrassingly enough I did it myself. Haha. Freak accident involving a slip in some mud/clay but no one to blame but myself.

In regards to my plants I’m sure I’ve done a few things to slow them down but they are for the most part healthy so I’m happy. Will start feeding on Thursday so they should really take off. They’ve done what they have done with miracle grow soil and tap water so don’t think I’ve done too terrible. How are you liking the new nutes you switched to?

And of course you are welcome here. I need all the cheering I can get! Plus I’m sure you know more about growing than you are letting on. Thanks for being here!

Have a great day T!

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday! NTH’s grow closet got a touch of an upgrade today. Moved the plug for my light and other devices inside the closet to tidy things up a bit. But I’m in need of some advice on my next move. I’m getting prepared for flowering and need to install a device to not only suck air but take the smell away. I will be moving air through a carbon filter and into the attic where the “whirly birds” will do the rest of the work and expel that air outside. I’ve researched and found the DIY five gallon bucket/ carbon filter set up and have priced a couple inline fans/filters. Plug and play looks to be from 75-125$ range if I remember correctly (4 inch). I know I have options but I was looking for opinions on how big to go. It’s a small area. Maybe 4x2 1/2 feet. I just want to keep my grow room both very nicely vented/circulated (I will be sucking air out of climate controlled room) but also would like the exhaust scent free. At the most I would think four autos would fit. I will probably stick to three plants tops per grow. Thanks in advance for any nudge as to what I need to purchase / install.

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday! NTH’s grow closet got a touch of an upgrade today. Moved the plug for my light and other devices inside the closet to tidy things up a bit. But I’m in need of some advice on my next move. I’m getting prepared for flowering and need to install a device to not only suck air but take the smell away. I will be moving air through a carbon filter and into the attic where the “whirly birds” will do the rest of the work and expel that air outside. I’ve researched and found the DIY five gallon bucket/ carbon filter set up and have priced a couple inline fans/filters. Plug and play looks to be from 75-125$ range if I remember correctly (4 inch). I know I have options but I was looking for opinions on how big to go. It’s a small area. Maybe 4x2 1/2 feet. I just want to keep my grow room both very nicely vented/circulated (I will be sucking air out of climate controlled room) but also would like the exhaust scent free. At the most I would think four autos would fit. I will probably stick to three plants tops per grow. Thanks in advance for any nudge as to what I need to purchase / install.

Hello NTH hope your having a good day.
So im having trouble breaking down you questions so if I miss something just tell me.
A 4" carbon filter will work fine in a 4x4 tent. Or 4x2 1/2.
Although if you get a 6" with a bushing hooked to a 4" adjustable exhaust fan you will have better air flow and virtually no pot smell from the exhaust to your attic.
Since this won't be your last grow a 6" carbon filter might be a good investment.
I know I bought 2-4" and switched to 6" so now I have 2- 4" carbon filters going spare. Wasted money.
But if your on a budget you can get away with 4" no problem.
Does that come close to answering your question?
4x2.5 is perfect for 2 girls. Three will be crowded once you see what that light can do but I'm sure you could fit them in.
Hello NTH hope your having a good day.
So im having trouble breaking down you questions so if I miss something just tell me.
A 4" carbon filter will work fine in a 4x4 tent. Or 4x2 1/2.
Although if you get a 6" with a bushing hooked to a 4" adjustable exhaust fan you will have better air flow and virtually no pot smell from the exhaust to your attic.
Since this won't be your last grow a 6" carbon filter might be a good investment.
I know I bought 2-4" and switched to 6" so now I have 2- 4" carbon filters going spare. Wasted money.
But if your on a budget you can get away with 4" no problem.
Does that come close to answering your question?
4x2.5 is perfect for 2 girls. Three will be crowded once you see what that light can do but I'm sure you could fit them in.
You answered everything perfectly like always Amigo! I was away at the time I posted that and quoted the wrong dimensions of the closet(#stoneder) haha. It’s 5x2. I’ve had so many plans I was quoting another area I had picked out or just plain threw up some GORILLA CHEESE!
All joking aside I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the 6 inch filter and the 4 inch fan will still be sufficient to meet my needs on this closet. And you are correct on this not being my last grow. I have plans to mount some adjustable brackets and have a way to put up a scrog screen for each grow. The only other thing I was planning on doing was getting a humidifier (dry ass desert here) and / or humidifier and a hygrometer. Then by my research I should have my equipment dialed in. Just need to up my nute game and I should be g2g?

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