NTH’s Grow Corner

Was wondering if you fine folks could help me figure out what happened to this seedling. It was a test run with some swag seeds but would like to figure it out before it happens to my new seedlings. Thanks in advance.

Its too blury to see for sure but it looks like insects in pic.
In soil?

Just a little update. Miss GG , Miss AK and Miss P are starting to really grow. I’m really excited. Planning on transplanting them into 5 gallon fabric pots and put them in a closet under the light in a couple weeks. Was going to grow them outside but for security reasons and space available to me I’m going inside with them. Looks like I will be around for the summer so I will be able to look after them. For soil I’m going to go with Fox Farms Ocean Forest. That’s the plan anyways. @Grower2020 jump in here whenever. I’m all ears for the knowledge floating around this place. Have a great day guys and gals!

Just walking through, to see how you are coming along.

Your ladies are looking fine. Are they auto's?

Have you had a chance to read:

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Nice to see you Tok. Yes they are all autos. And I’m thinking that is @Emilya wonderful thread on plant watering for better root growth. Hope I didn’t put my foot in my mouth because I’m posting before looking at the link. On my test run seems like transplanting stunted my swag seeds a bit. I did transplant kinda early. I still have one going but I’ve just kicked it outside. Planning on transplanting these right before lights out to help with the stress. Anyways I’m a long ways off from making any jaws drop or bowls drool but I’m working on it! Again thanks for stopping by.

As long as you read it.

It just to help you understand the proper way of watering.

Big pots with small plants can sometimes have watering issues.

I’ve seen multiple size pots used for autos. Is a five gallon pot too big in your opinion for autos? I’m all ears on all tips and tricks. Thanks again for stopping by.

Edit: The reason I was going with the five gallon pots is because I’ve read that autos don’t take transplanting well so I was only planning on one round of up potting. After reading the post again I see what you are saying. I’m going to go with smaller pots when I transplant my ladies in a couple weeks. Thanks Tok!

@Nine Toed Hippie I think you may of misunderstood me.

I haven't grew auto's myself and I understand about the stress they go through when transplanting.

I did not want to insinuate that you should use smaller pots.

I just mean that when you place a small plant in a large container, care is needed to ensure she gets water and not just the soil around her.

There's a few grower on here that grow nothing, but auto's and they do very well.

That's probably who you should talk to.

I will get back to you with a couple recommendations.

These gentlemen should be able to answer your question.



He from your neck of the woods.


Sorry I just noticed Delps8 is growing in RDWC.
Thanks Tok. I have a way of being kinda “slow” on occasion. Thanks for your patience.

Part of the reason for my thoughts on big pots or up potting is because I read a thread where the grower structured the soil in his big pots to not only avoid having to transplant but also avoid nute burn or problems of that nature. If I have it correct the general concept was to fill the 5 gallon pot with high powered soil. Then carve out a nice hole to place regular topsoil or a “weaker” mix to place the seedling/young plant in. This allows the transplant time to mature therefore being able to handle the added nutrients as the roots grew and got into the “ hot” soil. As I understood this would be a way to just water and not feed. I thought it would work great with the watering thread you posted up. But again I can overthink lots of things. I’m just having fun growing some plants and I really appreciate all the help I’ve received. By all means slap me around when I start to do something stupid. I’m really looking forward to smoking some of my own bud so thanks for the knowledge!!

I’ve seen multiple size pots used for autos. Is a five gallon pot too big in your opinion for autos? I’m all ears on all tips and tricks. Thanks again for stopping by.

Edit: The reason I was going with the five gallon pots is because I’ve read that autos don’t take transplanting well so I was only planning on one round of up potting. After reading the post again I see what you are saying. I’m going to go with smaller pots when I transplant my ladies in a couple weeks. Thanks Tok!

Hi growmie. just seen the tag from tokin ( cheers buddy) You are bang on the money on the pots thinking. I have not tested the theory out on transplanting autos having a detrimental effect yet but can see the logic and reasoning due to the rapid nature of their intended growth. final pot from the beginning and water from the stem outwards to the width of the plants footprint. ideally ,where the leaves run water off to when wet from above is where the edges of the lateral roots are at and i try to water from that point in a circle outwards. it is teasing the roots outwards that is the intention. I use 30L and 60L fabric pots and the soil is no-till from the previous grows so to keep the pace active and not halt any searching roots i keep them moist for the living oganics that provide the nutes. This is the key with l.o.s though ,feed the soil not the plant so I try to work with that and let the soil do the work of feeding the plants but.... for los to keep up with the autos demands , I have to supplement with a feed in flowering. I do amend the soil with products to recharge the bio life too initially and during veg but with such a short time to react and work , this couldn't keep them fed enough and they began to use their stores in the fan leaves too early. Since adding the megacrop in flowering to support more, I have had a more productive experience with them in soil. We expect a slightly lower yield from the medium as a general rule but with living soil being made up with looser elements and also adding coco and perlite , we can increase the roots movements through it better. The payoff is worth the extra waterings to keep the soil more moist than a normal soil too. The roots are super sensitive with autos as they grow the tiny root hairs rapidly too. transplanting will rip these apart from movement alone. unlike photoperiod roots that can be handled and washed ect. Hope not too much waffle bud. Happy to wander along with you as you go. I am 3 weeks into the next auto run and will tag u in . only started the new diary yesterday so could be helpful as have done a 3 week summary as the 1st post.lol

Just a little update. Miss GG , Miss AK and Miss P are starting to really grow. I’m really excited. Planning on transplanting them into 5 gallon fabric pots and put them in a closet under the light in a couple weeks. Was going to grow them outside but for security reasons and space available to me I’m going inside with them. Looks like I will be around for the summer so I will be able to look after them. For soil I’m going to go with Fox Farms Ocean Forest. That’s the plan anyways. @Grower2020 jump in here whenever. I’m all ears for the knowledge floating around this place. Have a great day guys and gals!

Too easy man. I just had to do a trace element top up today. Tested soil acidity with a soil test kit and had a neutral ph . So all I could think of was to water with trace elements at a ph of 6. I'm thinking that the potting mix ran out of nutes and the autos under 24hr lights through veg mist have just chewed through the tracers. That's thr thing with autos, they may be smaller plants but there's a reason they finish budding so much faster than photos, because they are getting twice as much light and with extra growth comes extra hunger . I was on my feeding my plants like 400ppm at one stage and it simply wasn't enough. Especially when every other watering was just plane water with a ppm count of only 150-170. They have been starved of tracers for a couple of weeks now. I can almost guarantee they are going to go off their heads into full flower and not look back now .
Hi growmie. just seen the tag from tokin ( cheers buddy) You are bang on the money on the pots thinking. I have not tested the theory out on transplanting autos having a detrimental effect yet but can see the logic and reasoning due to the rapid nature of their intended growth. final pot from the beginning and water from the stem outwards to the width of the plants footprint. ideally ,where the leaves run water off to when wet from above is where the edges of the lateral roots are at and i try to water from that point in a circle outwards. it is teasing the roots outwards that is the intention. I use 30L and 60L fabric pots and the soil is no-till from the previous grows so to keep the pace active and not halt any searching roots i keep them moist for the living oganics that provide the nutes. This is the key with l.o.s though ,feed the soil not the plant so I try to work with that and let the soil do the work of feeding the plants but.... for los to keep up with the autos demands , I have to supplement with a feed in flowering. I do amend the soil with products to recharge the bio life too initially and during veg but with such a short time to react and work , this couldn't keep them fed enough and they began to use their stores in the fan leaves too early. Since adding the megacrop in flowering to support more, I have had a more productive experience with them in soil. We expect a slightly lower yield from the medium as a general rule but with living soil being made up with looser elements and also adding coco and perlite , we can increase the roots movements through it better. The payoff is worth the extra waterings to keep the soil more moist than a normal soil too. The roots are super sensitive with autos as they grow the tiny root hairs rapidly too. transplanting will rip these apart from movement alone. unlike photoperiod roots that can be handled and washed ect. Hope not too much waffle bud. Happy to wander along with you as you go. I am 3 weeks into the next auto run and will tag u in . only started the new diary yesterday so could be helpful as have done a 3 week summary as the 1st post.lol
Man I sure appreciate that write up! Welcome to my journal and thanks for the knowledge.

Too easy man. I just had to do a trace element top up today. Tested soil acidity with a soil test kit and had a neutral ph . So all I could think of was to water with trace elements at a ph of 6. I'm thinking that the potting mix ran out of nutes and the autos under 24hr lights through veg mist have just chewed through the tracers. That's thr thing with autos, they may be smaller plants but there's a reason they finish budding so much faster than photos, because they are getting twice as much light and with extra growth comes extra hunger . I was on my feeding my plants like 400ppm at one stage and it simply wasn't enough. Especially when every other watering was just plane water with a ppm count of only 150-170. They have been starved of tracers for a couple of weeks now. I can almost guarantee they are going to go off their heads into full flower and not look back now .
The need to feed seems to be the general consensus so I’m going to be prepared to do so. Now to research the feed. Lol. And I agree. Your girls are going to erupt!

The need to feed seems to be the general consensus so I’m going to be prepared to do so. Now to research the feed. Lol. And I agree. Your girls are going to erupt!

Yeah make sure you research a lot about trace elements and also deficiencies. Npk nitro , phosphorus and potassium are the easy ones. Most fertilizers are abundant with those nutrients and you'll most like experience a toxicity from them nutes , but trace elements are barely discussed and if they aren't on point they can be just as detrimental as the macros (npk) if not given enough.
Happy reading brother questions just holla
time is of the essence with these ladies. 4 weeks is all you get to set the stall out. A true race against time. Low stress training (L.s.t ) and topping can also help to increase the results for us with autos as we have to plan ahead slightly. With photoperiods , we can allow the plant a little more control to form her structure but autos want to go natural Christmas tree A.S.A.P .lol
Our intention is to break that spirit and twist her limbs to our will. !!. heehee. sounds gruesome but necessary with their vigour to go back to original design. We can't really damage the interior of the plant as photoperiod training allows as the time is not there to repair the damaged limbs ect.. Our l.s.t is more gentle to keep the growth constant and readying for flowering start at around week 4/5 above the soil. This time passes very rapidly and we have to be set for the stretch advantage we get to use too. They will virtually double in size by the end of stretch ( 14/20 days flowering) so we use that to finalise the bud positions in the light and by light Defoliation along the way of lower popcorn growth and some leaf to allow airflow beneath , we can get buds on spikes to form instead of a bushy tangle of leaf and growing tips fighting for light and space. Their quick growing can easily become this way. I have started lst ect and use tent pegs and plant wire to keep them in place. have a pop over anytime and see what I mean . more than welcome. I am in process of breaking the apical dominance and stopping the main stem being the focus for the energy . hopefully creating even sized , evenly fed , evenly productive donkeyd#@k buds.. what we lose in height , we gain in girth.. Happy to help anytime.

Thread 'Auto Fun At Ganjagrandaddies' Auto Fun At Ganjagrandaddies
time is of the essence with these ladies. 4 weeks is all you get to set the stall out. A true race against time. Low stress training (L.s.t ) and topping can also help to increase the results for us with autos as we have to plan ahead slightly. With photoperiods , we can allow the plant a little more control to form her structure but autos want to go natural Christmas tree A.S.A.P .lol
Our intention is to break that spirit and twist her limbs to our will. !!. heehee. sounds gruesome but necessary with their vigour to go back to original design. We can't really damage the interior of the plant as photoperiod training allows as the time is not there to repair the damaged limbs ect.. Our l.s.t is more gentle to keep the growth constant and readying for flowering start at around week 4/5 above the soil. This time passes very rapidly and we have to be set for the stretch advantage we get to use too. They will virtually double in size by the end of stretch ( 14/20 days flowering) so we use that to finalise the bud positions in the light and by light Defoliation along the way of lower popcorn growth and some leaf to allow airflow beneath , we can get buds on spikes to form instead of a bushy tangle of leaf and growing tips fighting for light and space. Their quick growing can easily become this way. I have started lst ect and use tent pegs and plant wire to keep them in place. have a pop over anytime and see what I mean . more than welcome. I am in process of breaking the apical dominance and stopping the main stem being the focus for the energy . hopefully creating even sized , evenly fed , evenly productive donkeyd#@k buds.. what we lose in height , we gain in girth.. Happy to help anytime.

Thread 'Auto Fun At Ganjagrandaddies' Auto Fun At Ganjagrandaddies
We must have watched the same videos and read the same articles. Very true and accurate information .
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