NTH’s Grow Corner


Miss Peyote Critical had a really bad dream and woke up in a new home. She seems to like it though and I like that too.

Miss Blueberry Glue is chugging along and will have the same bad dream in a few days.

Using a different soil this time due to the fact it was what was available. Read a really good review on it. It was actually stated in the review that it is actually pretty good but it’s been known to have gnats included! Oh my what great news! Haha. Will keep a close eye on my watering cycle as it seems this soil will hold water a bit longer that some other soil types. Boring update I know but it’s all I got right now. Happy Growing!

BlueGlue seems perfectly happy in the new home, though I'm confused by the overlapping edges of the pot! Looking forward to seeing how the control seeds do against the ones doused in Maritimer's concoction!
BlueGlue has spent her life in the black pot. The pot was cracked due to my kids playing with it so I just taped it up. Plan on just unwrapping the electrical tape when time to up pot. My daughter gave me that black pot so I couldn’t throw it away.

How would I do a control group on four seeds that are twenty years old? I was thinking of trying one at a time due to these factors just praying for the best! Would hate to waste any of these seeds. But having a control group would be nice. Can you soak a seed multiple times? Thanks for stopping by as always Shed.


Miss Peyote Critical had a really bad dream and woke up in a new home. She seems to like it though and I like that too.

Miss Blueberry Glue is chugging along and will have the same bad dream in a few days.

Using a different soil this time due to the fact it was what was available. Read a really good review on it. It was actually stated in the review that it is actually pretty good but it’s been known to have gnats included! Oh my what great news! Haha. Will keep a close eye on my watering cycle as it seems this soil will hold water a bit longer that some other soil types. Boring update I know but it’s all I got right now. Happy Growing!

Cook that shit.
Don't let those fekers into your room you will regret it.
Hi:ciao: hope your good Amigo

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
I had them on my first grow. They are such a pain. Hydrogen peroxide and water mix will be introduced in the morning.

Put that shit in the oven and cook it.
300 for 50 minutes dead xxx done.

Stay safe
Hello fellow 420 people. It’s a beautiful day on the corner. Thought I’d drop a few pics. Both plants are now 18 days above ground. Both have been topped above the fourth node. Nodes one and two are no more for both girls also. Here is Miss Peyote Critical ( man I love that name! )

And here is Miss Freak. Her helmet head has caused her to be a little “bent” but hey I like getting bent too so we carry on.

And here they are wondering when I’m going to do something about those temps! This closet worked real good during the winter but thinking I’m going to move to another closet closer to an air conditioned room. Haha.

All I have for now. Peace.

That closet is very nice, but I guess it's great to have options! :Rasta:
Nice to be able to move the grow from closet to closet depending on the weather!
I have a really nice thing going with the two adjoining closets I have. I use the ventilation fan to move air from one closet to the other closet and use a fan to blow air from an air conditioned room to both. Will just move into the closet closest to the ac and will be golden. I actually have four closets and two barns I could utilize. I’m just stuck to a plant or two at a time due to the risks involved where I reside. Fekken war zone here.

Won't work for an LOS grow though...kills all the microbes built in. But then so would H2O2.

you can just toss a little voodoo juice or similar product in, it'll repopulate in 24hrs or so. you can run it with h202 as well h202 breaks down so fast it won't kill all the microbes, which then repopulate.

it's dwc that runs sterile on constant h2o2. soil media stays live.
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