NTH’s Grow Corner

I have a really nice thing going with the two adjoining closets I have. I use the ventilation fan to move air from one closet to the other closet and use a fan to blow air from an air conditioned room to both. Will just move into the closet closest to the ac and will be golden. I actually have four closets and two barns I could utilize. I’m just stuck to a plant or two at a time due to the risks involved where I reside. Fekken war zone here.

Where do you hang your clothes?
Hello to all the fine peeps that visit my little corner. Thought I’d drop a couple pics.

Pulled down the four coca colas to open up Miss PC and give the girl some wiggle room and she is absolutely loving life at the moment.

Will give this girl a little more time before I hook her up. Thanks for peeking in!

I don't know shit about organic growing (as I've been told) but is the bacteria in the soil specific to that soil, rather than whatever has been put into a bottle of voodoo juice?

beneficial bacteria is beneficial bacteria.

Like everyone's stomach biome is different from everyone else's?

different yes. not always better. i know this intimately in a way i hope you never do. i have diverticulitis. it's a bowel disease.

Or is all bacteria the same?

depends. there's a lot of bacteria. best way to describe it is there's a lot of bacteria that's the same as a lot of other bacteria that is the same as the first bacteria .... :cheesygrinsmiley:

but yes, there's a few key beneficial bacteria / microbes / and their food / available in a number of products. anything with myco etc. loads of sponsors stuff.

I’m really proud of this lady! Miss Peyote Critical is booming! At least for my corner. Adjusted her ties to grab on to the second node of the third node if that makes sense. Few more days and I will do the same on the fourth node. Probably time then for a little defol also.

Worthy of noting that I haven’t fed this plant anything. Using this Black Gold All Purpose soil for the first time and as it has some nutes in it I have just let this plant do its thing. Funny thing is the review I read claimed it was the best soil for autos over FFOF even. Guess this photo thinks it’s a auto? Haha.

Meanwhile the auto of the bunch is just barely chugging along. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.

Good morning Hipster!

I have been so busy workin ma gherkin I’ve needed to play journal catch up.

I love watching both the neatness and order of your grows, and again, that floor brah. It gives me life!

Sending you colourful plate vibes and big smiles. Xo
Good morning Hipster!

I have been so busy workin ma gherkin I’ve needed to play journal catch up.

I love watching both the neatness and order of your grows, and again, that floor brah. It gives me life!

Sending you colourful plate vibes and big smiles. Xo
So many great journals going on here! Hard to stop by every one of them. Thanks for the vibes and smiles!

So many great journals going on here! Hard to stop by every one of them. Thanks for the vibes and smiles!

It’s so hard!

I have my capped number of journals I follow, and I just keep adding to it!
Hello to all the cool kids that stop by my corner. Here is what growing on!

My Blueberry Glue auto had started to flower. Not much to look at but I love her and her four coca colas.

Miss Peyote Critical is just lovely to my eyes. I have tied this plant down more than I normally do and I’m liking it. This plant has quite the smell already so I’m excited about her.

Thanks as always for stopping by.

Good morning Hipster!

Your plants look super happy. I think it’s because they get to sit on that beautiful floor!

Hey my peyote critical leaked this amber jizz stuff right before harvest, and carcasses did too. I tasted it and it was super sweet with a honey like texture. Keep an eye out.
The "Odd Couple" looks nice NTH. And your grow space looks flawless! :Rasta:
Hey guys and gals. Thought I’d drop a few pics of my girls today. Here is Miss Peyote Critical. She is really growing well and the stretch is definitely on! She will most definitely be my biggest harvest if things keep on going like they are. I’m super stoked.

And the runt Miss Blueberry Glue. We have some color showing up and is doing quite well in my eyes despite the bad helmet head she dealt with at the start. Should make for some tasty smoke!

And here is a side shot of the two girls.

And a close up of Miss BBG’s current bud status.

I also have a new arrival! Had a very good friend ask me to grow him a plant. His strain of choice was Cannatonic due to his medical issues so here she is in all her youthful glory.

And last but not least is something I think is kinda cool. Was gifted some tobacco seeds and a seedling plant awhile back. She was originally the size of Miss Cannatonic above but look at her grow! Going to have to up pot her soon!

Will be switching to my flowering closet soon to give them some wiggle room.

That’s it for now. Thanks for stopping by my corner! Peace.

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