NTH’s Grow Corner

Hello and Happy New Year from my corner! Just a couple pics of my closet for now. @Mars Hydro must have put the plug on a spaceship for delivery. Pics of the beast hanging in a couple hours. Here is my @ViparSpectra ladies getting their stink on! Well at least two of the three.


Happy New Year to you and yours NTH!
Looking good in the closet NTH! I hope the new year brings you and your family joy and great harvests. :party:
Happy New Year to you and yours NTH!
Thank you very much and right back at ya. This upcoming year is going to be a hard one for myself and my family. First world problems no doubt but problems nonetheless. Full steam ahead brothers. Let’s get this party started!

There's always one space hog!
She is pretty enough to let it slide though. Don’t have a steady enough hand much less the equipment to pull off some trichome shots but I’m pretty much all cloudy on the two close to chop. Getting Stanky on the Corner! Thanks for stopping by Shed. Hope the New Years is treating you and yours right.

HI, do you receive the connector? @Nine Toed Hippie
Sorry for late reply and thanks for the inquiry. Life has been “hectic”. I did receive the new plug but I’m still having trouble getting it to connect correctly. I think when I tried to connect the other plug I might have damaged it? I will load some pics of the two connections today.


Just checked my girl in the one gallon pot and she will get her final drink tomorrow. In a pic a few posts back there was a couple buds that I had snipped and had drying on the edge of my sophisticated elevation device. Just got around to trying a bowl and yea we are rolling. Saw some amber here and there also. I’m thinking two days or so in the dark. First time doing that so any suggestions would be appreciated. I’m in no rush but she is very close.


Nice solid flowers in there! Any luck with the electrical connection?

Thinking if I punch those blue “tabs” down a little with some needle nose pliers it will be ok. Thinking the other plug that I tried to insert pushed them too far in towards the center?
@Mars Hydro
Any help with my self inflicted problem?


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