Noobs First Grow - First In Ten Years

Miss you Sue! :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Actually the bigger one used to look like the little one. It is on it's way after I flushed it. I gave it a half dose of feeding today as it was wilted. I let it go too dry. Stupid Noob. The runt has actually started to make a recovery although I am very concerned about the weight of the pot. I hope that isn't a sign that the roots have been eaten or rotted or something like that. Cross your fingers for me.

I flushed them with pH adjusted water 4 days ago, which I found out was not the right thing to do. I fed the plant with a light feeding with half dose Iguana Juice, full dose calmag, and 1 tsp of black strap molasses. The larger plant has started to make a comeback as has the runt, although not as quickly.
I hope I did what I was supposed to do for these plants. If you think I should do anything else let me know. Thanks GL

Cheers :roorrip:

...I just kept feeding them like a noob until I finally flushed them last week. Learning experience....

It's funny aye mate? How we automatically treat Nutes like medicine sometimes. Our natural reaction is "Just take your fkn medicine!!!!" Meanwhile the plants like "I was up until 5am drinking I don't want anything but some water.... and electrolytes" hehe

You're doing fine mate. In no time this will come to you like it does to myself and others that are on here. Everything becomes a reflex and you'll react and address issues appropriately. There is just a lot of info and I personally think with this species of Flora that a little goes a long way ;) Keep at it. Just let those beauties dry out a lil and then keep at it with light feedings of cal-mag water for the next couple of feedings to get a better idea of where they are and where they are headed.
Soon enough bud. Soon enough.

I think they will make it difficult for cultivators so the corporations can make all the money once it is legal. jmo
Until then, let's move to Canada eh. :)

Looks like your in for the Big Grow..

Thanks buddy. It's a little intimidating to be honest.

It's funny aye mate? How we automatically treat Nutes like medicine sometimes. Our natural reaction is "Just take your fkn medicine!!!!" Meanwhile the plants like "I was up until 5am drinking I don't want anything but some water.... and electrolytes" hehe

You're doing fine mate. In no time this will come to you like it does to myself and others that are on here. Everything becomes a reflex and you'll react and address issues appropriately. There is just a lot of info and I personally think with this species of Flora that a little goes a long way ;) Keep at it. Just let those beauties dry out a lil and then keep at it with light feedings of cal-mag water for the next couple of feedings to get a better idea of where they are and where they are headed.

I think my other plants spoiled me. They just took anything I threw at them and kept on chugging. These two plants are my teachers.

Thanks for the help GL.

Cheers everyone. :roorrip:
Once it goes fully legal...we will be one of the big corporations lol. And if trump wins, there will be a uhaul here November 9th going to canada lol

And if that scenario plays out we should all caravan to Pigeons' place. :laughtwo:

So... Turns out I was wrong about all of my C99s being female. I had to yank two plants this morning. It is so awesome that they showed their sex that quickly. The other two that I was sure of are definitely female though.

It was so hard taking these beautiful plants that I have cultivated for almost 2 months. I had to take them outside and out to the compost. I thought I was going to freaking cry when I started tearing that plant up and breaking down the beautiful root ball.

Frees up the flower room to really train these girls.

RIP C99 2 and 4


Not a very good shot of the balls but I think you get the idea
Balls everywhere! My eyes! Sorry for your Cinderellas being dudes...but hey oh the bright side like you said, more room and it's time to train! Considering its only noon, hope you get some more pics up after you get done with training and having your way with them. Oh, how did your scrog idea pan out?

So... Turns out I was wrong about all of my C99s being female. I had to yank two plants this morning. It is so awesome that they showed their sex that quickly. The other two that I was sure of are definitely female though.

It was so hard taking these beautiful plants that I have cultivated for almost 2 months. I had to take them outside and out to the compost. I thought I was going to freaking cry when I started tearing that plant up and breaking down the beautiful root ball.

Frees up the flower room to really train these girls.

RIP C99 2 and 4


Not a very good shot of the balls but I think you get the idea

Top of the day to ya Noob....Ya , I used to run reg. seeds too, until I got tired of doing what you just did....get rid of plants you've cared for, for so long....not me ...I just don't have that kind of time to f...k around....why bother anyhow...Fem seeds are the ticket! Cheers Noob! :volcano-smiley:
Balls everywhere! My eyes! Sorry for your Cinderellas being dudes...but hey oh the bright side like you said, more room and it's time to train! Considering its only noon, hope you get some more pics up after you get done with training and having your way with them. Oh, how did your scrog idea pan out?

I still have two Cinderellas left. I need to take two more clones now though.

My dark period is from 10 to 10. I was done in there like 5 minutes before 10. I pruned all the girls. I take all the fan leaves below the top two sets. So, the undergrowth is filled with little shoots, or clones. :) I'm not brave enough to cut those off yet, nor am I brave enough to take the 1st and 3rd nodes. If somebody has any advice on this, I would appreciate it. For now, I think I'm going to tie the branches down a bit to widen them out and place the screens over them once I figure out the right height I want the bamboo to be. They are too tall right now. They would hit the light.
Top of the day to ya Noob....Ya , I used to run reg. seeds too, until I got tired of doing what you just did....get rid of plants you've cared for, for so long....not me ...I just don't have that kind of time to f...k around....why bother anyhow...Fem seeds are the ticket! Cheers Noob! :volcano-smiley:

I hear you on that one Duggs. Thankfully, all the new plants in the veg closet are female. Cheers Duggan
I sense the (breeders) force in you. Yes, it is strong. Feed into the .... pollen..... hahaah. Yeah I kinda couldn't keep that going. I know it's a lot. I just can't help myself but to breed. It's incredibly addictive.

I do want to make some new strains once I get my growing chops down. I think I might have bit off a little more than I could chew for my first time back.

Cheers GL! :roorrip:
Off with their heads!!! :laughtwo: Hello my favorite Noob. :hug::hug::hug: :love:

How fortuitous that only two turned out to be males and Kuddos on getting them quickly away from the harem.

On my way to bed, but I couldn't do that without stopping to at least say hello. I'll see you tomorrow. :kisstwo:

I finally got into my flower tent to start getting these ladies trained up a bit. I tied down the NL branches so they can widen out a bit. I super cropped the C99s. I was going to tie down the C99s too but I decided to try two different methods to see which work better. I could be messing these girls up for all I know. I'm really just winging it. I don't think I will be super cropping after today. I'm too worried about them going hermy on me.

The Flower Tent

The two Northern Lights with their branches tied down


The two super cropped Cinderellas.


One of the supercropped branches


A good picture of the Northern Lights branches tied down


The Veg Closet

The clones


The seedlings


OG Kush 1


Carnival 1


OG Kush 2


Carnival 2


The two sick Northern Lights



Took forever to upload these pics. They were from this morning.

Hope everyone is having a good week

Thanks for checking it out

Cheers :roorrip:
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