Noobs First Grow - First In Ten Years

Im not sure what the pro's do but in my mind its always been if you put a piece of cardboard in front of a blowing fan it pushes it away still allowing airflow, however if you put that same piece on the other side of the fan it creates a vacuum and sucks it in restricting all airflow and putting major strain on the fan. If you have a fan that needs to draw air through bends, past globes (some hoods have grilles too), more bends, carbon filter etc its going to be straining to get that air compared to a fan sucking maximum airflow, maybe only restricted by a filter in flower. Again im no pro or fan specialist :rofl:, just going off what works for me which done a great job right through this 40c+ summer :circle-of-love:
Exhaust fans are made to suck. The intake should be clear as possible.anything after the air outlet strains the fan. Including reducing the exhaust fans exhaust pipe size or all restrictions..what it pulls in you need the same volume of cfm to do hvac work. Learned this in school. (Sheet metal workers local 46).and thats how we run our duct systems with fans.

Glad to see you got some plants going..!!!
As i said, im no fan specialist, just stating what works best for me and having the fan over the other side of the reflector increases my temps by a good 5-10c, thats a huge deal to me when already battling with high temps here in summer. Main thing is it stays cool and does what its supposed to.
It's recommended to pull it through rather than push, isn't it? I recall Duggan emphasizing that. Of course, I use LEDs, so I don't deal with the same heat issues, but I thought it had something to do with straining the fan. I could be completely wrong here and Feral has the practical experience with this light, so I'll defer to him. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Nope, your right on the money, extraction fans are built to pull not push. Moreover, you want some negative pressure in tent to help with smell leakage.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
I guess im doing something wrong then as i get no negative pressure with the fan after the reflector, i get a lot running it where i do right after the filter, so much i run an inlet fan to regulate it. But no point flogging a dead horse, i will keep my opinions to myself, sorry to bother you ;)
Sorry, I'm not trying to cause an issue. If it works your good, I'm saying if it comes to a point after adding more watts that you need more cooling you still have room with your system. Read up on HVAC Web sites on duct fans and their correct use. These fans have been in use for years. Using them in a grow environment is relatively new. I have a long run hot gas extraction fan made to move hot gasses over long distances. It is recommended that you pull gasses not push. Some fans wear out faster when moving hot air, because of that people think you need to push air to keep fan operating longer. Just buy correct fan. Slight negative pressure keeps tent cooler and smells in check by pulling all air through filtet. Positive pressure will pass air out holes in tent causing room to ramp it's temperature and move less air out the window. If you are working fine you are under capacity for heat extraction and can add more watts. If you tent starts running warm you have more to do but can lower your tent delta. My tent runs 12° over room temperature while running 1050 watts for peak and will come down to 5° above room temperature at cycle end.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Oh, I just realized we are not talking about a cooltube, but a fan/filter combo. I don't think it matters for this setup. You will not leak air like pushing through a cooltube. Push or pull it's just a filter that's sealed to fan and ducted out window. Sorry to cause confusion.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Hey what ever it takes to keep it cool..pushing..pulling.dont matter long as it does the job..i was just saying ehxaust fans are made to pull ...not saying any particular way is wrong..
Ok then ..gettin all this noob..LoL
Mornin Noob....OK brotha...about the fans , heat , filters etc. When you set up your tent and exhaust and cooling. hook the filter up right the start...why would ya wanna mess with doing that tricky job after you realize the stink now but didn't three weeks ago...right!!! Do it now...don't be silly...if ya wait to do it later , when your plants are in there it's gonna be harder to do , and your gonna wish ya did it at the start. As far as the light and heat goes ...get another fan for that ...don't use the exhaust fan/filter for that as well. When you do you can hook that up to push the air thru your big deal...but for the Can #33 filter ....don't have any thing else hooked up to it that system by itself with no other ducts , lights or BS hooked up to it. The fan/filter combo must be hooked up to SUCK the air thru the filter ...NOT pushing it thru ...that's very INCORRECT . Cheers and BTW this is just my 2 OK....your gonna do what ya want any how so....this is how i would do it. Cheers eh!
To clarify what i said earlier, filter>fan>reflector>exhausting out (airflow in the direction of my arrows), sucking through the filter, *Pushing Airflow through the hood* which then flows through the duct and in my case out the window.
What i was talking about was placement of the fan in the ducted system not the direction of the airflow hehe

I agree you should run a separate fan setup for both filter and reflector but when running lower wattage MH/HPS setups you can get away with it all in one.
Another fan thing to consider is where the filter and fan occur in relation to the tent. If your ducting isn't absolutely sealed and you have the filter at the beginning you run the risk of pulling unfiltered air through the system. I have an inline carbon filter and have it right at the end of the ducting outside the grow. I then have the fan attached at the very end post filter. This way anything going out that fan must go through the filter first. Gives me major peace of mind.
His exhaust fan/filter combo should be put as hi up as possible , and in a corner ...out of the way. It can be mounted vertically or horizontal, doesn't matter. Hang the fan and filter together as one unit close to the tent wall so you only need a short pc. of 6" flex or duct to the outside...keep it simple . For cooling the light , if ya need to, you can hook up a 4" flex duct with a cheap inline fan to push or pull the air thru ...past the lamp. If it was me , i'de put another speed control on it as well, that way if ya need more cooling for the bulb, just turn up that speed control a bit , got it! The exhaust fan/filter should NOT be on your timer as it should run 24/7/365 except when you do cleaning and stuff, then ya wanna turn it off so it doesn't get clogged with dust and dirt that will shorten the life of the filter. Any Q's.....? fire away Noob.
I would like to thank everyone for their responses. I am thinking I will pull the air through the filter then out through the lights then out the tent. I will do the same in the closet. So it would look like this: filter-fan-hood-exhaust. I knew I needed to pull through the filter or else it would be pointless to have it. I can't afford nor do I have to room right now for additional fans for the lights. But maybe someday I will be able to. I am hoping this works well for me needs. If it doesn't, I will rearrange because I have to. lol This community is awesome.

Here's one for all of you guys :roorrip: mmmmmm Girl Scout Cookies in the morning....
If I cant add another fan right now, could I just run ducting from one side of the light hood to the filter then the fan and out of the room? That way air would be pulled through the lights then the filter and out of the room. It's so frustrating not knowing things. lol

Ima make you a video tonight with my J.S.D.S. grow so you can see what 90% of rooms look like out there as far as how most setup there air circulation. it'll be better than trying to write it all down. specially since your getting hit from all angles I would be going crazy with all this differentiating information. Ima just show you what most rooms want to go for as far as air circulation!!!!
here you go noob not perfect but this is what i see in most grow tents and rooms... Whether its only 400w or 1000w air cooled lamp you still want to keep the heat out and seperate from your room and give youself more control over the atmosphere your trying to go for your ladiez!!!
Quick explanation of how to setup intake and exhaust with air cooled hoods for your grow room. - YouTube
Mornin Nasty and Noob....and Gang....Thanks for showing Noob how most people with tents , set them up. And another thankyou for explaining the whole "keep the light cooling separate from the room exhaust" thing. Noob, see how the fan/filter is up high, out of the way with a very short run of flex to the outside....this is very correct and how it should be done, period! His intake which is passive, again, correct,....his light cooling ...again , correct.Nasty is pulling the air thru the filter, very correct as well! Thanks again Nasty for taking the time to show and explain the CORRECT way to hook up all your ventilation , cooling and exhaust. Cheers and have an awesome day Noob, Nasty and Gang!:circle-of-love:
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