Noobs First Grow - First In Ten Years

Welcome little ones. :love: Grow to be mighty trees. :circle-of-love:
Hee hee it is a happy sight to see the little green ones! Keep Em coming! Look forward to having them all pop up!
Keep an eye on the weight of your peat pots. Peat pots dry out very quickly I have found. So let them get light in weight but vigilant! If they get real light just give them plain or PH'ed water.

This is the first time I have used them. The plan was to transplant the whole pot into the next sized pot. They do get dry man. They were bone dry so I pH the water which was 7.8 down to 6.7. I watered them around the sides slowly until i got runoff. I felt them before and after. Thanks for the heads up. I would have let them go another day thinking the soil underneath was still moist.
Thanks for the link Sue. Duggan have a link in his signature yet? lol I believe Ziggy and Shigg were helping him out.

:laughtwo: I'm not holding my breath. He's totally resistant to the idea of learning to cut and paste, so we've developed this system where he comes to me and I drop the link on all the pages I know his buds hang out in. Then it doesn't matter because they're all subbed to him anyway. LOL! Yeah, it's a bit nuts, but we've made it work now for three grows. I don't see him getting that link in there. Haha!

I'm all out for the next month, so why not enjoy a virtual one with you? :roorrip:
Thanks for the link Sue. Duggan have a link in his signature yet? lol I believe Ziggy and Shigg were helping him out.

Oh honey... I feel bad smoking on this Girl Scout Cookies I got from a friend.
I'm going to take an extra one for you Sue ;)


Don't feel bad love, I'll survive. I went without for 7 weeks over the holidays. I can do a mere month. :roorrip:
Thanks StillANoob. It's all a waiting game. This is my patience class. You don't mind so much when you lose a bag seed plant. But when you lose one from a seed that cost $4 or $10, it's a bigger deal that only adds to the anxiety.

I posted the same answer without the link. Yours is better.

AMEN to this^.

Just lost the Things in my first attempt that were bag seeds. Although it was sad I would be so distraught if it were one of my pretties.
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