Nick Hardy's Skunk Works #3 5x5 - Dissertation Grow

Respect bro, never seen rings in solos.. 😂😂😂.. bro getting serious up in here.
It was some old lady’s room I saw you did in a photo earlier today?! 🤣

That was slick!

Yeah they’re 110oz Solos - 3200 ml or 3.2 litres. Its messing with everyone’s perspective 😂

Standard solo is only 16oz.

I can neither confirm nor deny reports that I may have done it to mess with people! Actually I can deny but I guessed it might. I just did it for pretty. I have a whole other grow of just 12x OG Kush in standard solos in my signature. #4 my last ever journal - though #2 might finish later.

We test our stuff. Legit numbers. Lot of years old Cali glut stuff illegally imported carrying breeders numbers plus 10% on for THC. The “Entourage Effect” for Cannabinoids is apparently much more important than just THC. There’s studies on it.

Dunno when they crack down on those illegal imports we’ll have better sales. Heard today most Thai growers are sending to the UK (where its illegal!) so really its messed up. As of tonight we have 58 plants under lights.

Mental. We’ve only been doing this since November last year and have kilos of weed already lying around. Be nice it got a little easier to sell!

Nick & Co
I already have bluelab everything as they are solid and I have a bluelab duo on my DWC but I was attracted by the WiFi option from Alibaba lol I thought I could see my Coco readings in and out remotely but not necessary just being me lol

The problem with Nerbows and 4mm is they leak. We found it easier to increase the size of their pipe with a lighter - tighter fitting. Think that works well with any potential leak.

Did you change all the insides or just the T piece? That T piece is definitely small and I was concidering changing it. I already drilled holes in the pipes to get more flow 🤣

Rest well buddy ur up late! I'm about to walk the dogs 🤣✌️
Like the crazy! Import illegally from California (and its from illegal black grows with PGH you can smell) so the local growers can’t price match and its all tourist sales so no one really knows! So legal growers ship illicitly to other countries where its illegal!

UK Customs busted so many people with suitcases full of weed earlier this year flying in from the US they now give extra cannabis inspections to bulk sized packages from there now. For now Thai ones (and I know how its packaged up, everyone does the same) are getting though. Though I know a guy had two busted in a row recently. We don’t snd won’t ship. Zero illegal for us. That’s not even internet BS. I’d rather lose money and give it away than do anything illegal here, or in the country of my birth.

Rest well buddy ur up late! I'm about to walk the dogs 🤣✌️
Cheers bro. I slept quite a bit during the day. My dogs somehow escaped when the missus and kids went fishing. I wokr up and the Lab was barking (nicely) with the Chihuahua in tow waiting to get back in the house when I guess they heard/smelt me walk downstairs. Good dogs and yeah my wife isn’t telling me who didn’t pay attention to the dogs” location I know she knows who it was and I pity the fool 🤣 you enjoy the walk.

I’ve been laid up with probably Zika Virus all day so now up late though feeling better.

Cheers dude.

Its Co2. All the AC’s are compressors outside the house and cartridges/fan units wall mounted in the room - there’s no central system.

This shows only the output pipe as its not hooked up yet. The return pipe goes into an extra bit of plastic hooding and it all just recirculates.

Since last night the tent is just zipped up reasonably tightly. Co2 levels hit 1300 the controller switches the solenoid on the tank to off. The power goes off the solenoid goes off. We’re just using a little too much Co2 right now.

But the garage is basically outside. One side is open to the pool, a big chunk is not covered and there is only a low wall on another side. Its a triple garage, 10m wide so it’d be a pain we got a cylinder run away but it’d vent off really quickly. Make a load of noise and everyone just waits inside the house a little while until it calms down!

Its important to remember as its common misconception about AC, those outside units bring in no air, the fans are just to cool the compressors. The indoor units cool the air because the refrigerant that cycles through in copper pipe has air run over them which cools. They are in effect two closed loops anyway. One of refrigerant and one of the air in the room. Were it not for the hood that AC would do sweet FA!

There’s picture of the wider perspective as well, excuse the state of the garage! The washing machine is being collected for service in a mo and there were 46 plants up potted last night.


I already have bluelab everything as they are solid and I have a bluelab duo on my DWC but I was attracted by the WiFi option from Alibaba lol I thought I could see my Coco readings in and out remotely but not necessary just being me lol

Did you change all the insides or just the T piece? That T piece is definitely small and I was concidering changing it. I already drilled holes in the pipes to get more flow 🤣

Rest well buddy ur up late! I'm about to walk the dogs 🤣✌️
BlueLab is legit quality stuff.

Yeah those T Pieces once they’re on they’re on right! Takes The Lad some effort get them off! I once cut 21 pieces of pipe the same length when we rejigged the room and then him and his mate cut them all to the length to the pots. Hell hath no fury like me that night 🤣

When the new pipe arrived he had to remove them all with pliers.

We actually replaced 21 of the 25cm collars as they were blocking, we’ve also punched some holes in them where they’ve clogged before. Now we add the Keep It Clean solution to every feed it seems like its fixed that. Its irrigation pipes and root zone allegedly. H2o2 perhaps? Its really small amounts, like 0.5ml/L addition. Dutch Pro don’t really share what anything contains so can’t tell you.
So lights - and the Pulse Grow. Whilst I love the Skin & Eyes (TM) the light stuff is new fun.

I bumped the light a little last night to here:


The Lad being the lad obviously just watered to run off last night. Run off the whole reservoir. Think it was about 20L left in there. Trays were full and water running out the tent. Awesome kid. You'll go far. Far away from my house!

Anyhoo, I took a light reading this morning. This is how its done with the Pulse Grow Pro. Think there's a button on the side of the device but I find it easier to open the app and click the Spectral Light button. Takes a good 10 seconds or so to make the reading. Dunno what much of that means to be honest. So I maxed the Cool White dimmer 100% and left the warm alone on about 20-25% for now, UV is probably on 10%. Interestingly, that's a "Clicker" dial. The Cool and Warm whites are freestylers bit like this light really, design your own curve.

So yeah this is how you take a reading above your over watered plants 😂


Then I got this which just feels right to me. The light is still up high. A bit stretch right now would be welcome!

And I got this:


So I'm gonna up the Warm White a touch because I got the gas on and they're gonna want feeding. They're 4-5 days into veg now. I don't really have a target for days in veg. Quicker the better because I love saving the 6 hours of electricity on the lights with the flip from 18/6 to 12/12. Its a height target, nothing more. This is gonna be tough to judge though. New pot size, new light, ooh but its fun!

Rh is a bit low but then its unusually dry here the last few days. As low as 70% outside yesterday. Don't go much below that ever. So I left the run off in the trays.

The other metrics right now:


I turned the inline fan up to 5/10 last night and you see the corresponding drop in Co2 - the purple dotted line. I just remembered to turn it back down to 2/10 and so you can see the spike. I can actually configure the @Mars Hydro inline controller to do this I think. Need to think up the triggers, but when its all just a full closed loop it won't matter. We're just wasting some Co2 now.

Anyway its all looking pretty good and healthy.

Nick & Co
Seems solid enough. :thumb:
The lower bit of the hood has screws in the wall, the duct pipe is slightly bigger than the hole so it squishes (not very easily!) but then gravity takes of it when the wire expands. The upper one is cut to fit down the back and sides of the AC so gravity does that, though the gaffer tape as we call it in my neck of the woods holding the pipe has been known yo come loose in a storm. Its basically outdoors, right!

Must be a heavy phone holding it up with 2 hands
Must be some heavy hitting weed you’re smoking 🤣 My phone is in one hand, my right and the orange Pulse Grow light sensor is in my left hand, I’m a bit stretched as its my bad shoulder so I look a bit veiny!


So yeah. Just fed them properly by own fair hand. I like to get an approximation of how long to run off. These ran off in 4 minutes. Some quicker but its Coco so yeah whatever.

Now if there’s juice in the tank near everyone in the house can Ph it to 5.8,

Alexa set timer for 4 minutes…

That’s it. Say that and press the blue button and when she beeps press it again. Fun for all the family!

I got other stuff to do.

We went full mid range zone with the Dutch Pro. 3ml/L on guidance of 2.5-3.5

Plus some other stuff. They took about 1-1.2L each (15 litres total across 12 plants)

The EC? Lolz - one sensor said 2.4 and another 3.4. Probably average it 2.9 which I’m ok with. Gas is banging. Lights are banging.

I’m trying very hard not to order a BlueLab EC pen 😂 But I’ve been here done this same thing. Same mix so its doesn’t matter so much.

Nick & Co
Must be some heavy hitting weed you’re smoking 🤣 My phone is in one hand, my right and the orange Pulse Grow light sensor is in my left hand
Go back and look at photo that Azimuth mention about blue painters tape and look at your reflection, 2 hands at phone 😊🧐


Bit pale, OK perky. Made them full veg mix, I’m guessing it’ll come out at like 2.8 EC. Reckon they’ll green up a touch. Little bit pale, no?

Nick & Co
A little
You’re a maniac. Happy Thanksgiving @NickHardy, he says to the dude in Thailand who has never and would never celebrate the dumbest holiday in the US. Lol! Love the consistency of these plants.
You’re a maniac. Happy Thanksgiving @NickHardy, he says to the dude in Thailand who has never and would never celebrate the dumbest holiday in the US. Lol! Love the consistency of these plants.

I don't know about that. One day to reflect on what we're thankful for during the past year?

I'm going to argue President's Day is the dumbest. Why are we celebrating the citizens with arguably the biggest ego's on the planet? And most of them aren't even qualified to be making the decisions they do. That one makes no sense to me. I mean, it was originally intended to remember our greatest, and first President, George Washington but, like many things in our culture, it got watered down by the Everyone Gets a Trophy crowd, and now it's just a day off.

In any event, Happy Thankgiving @Jon and everyone else!

I'm thankful for this site as without it there would be a lot less of this incredible medicine in the world! Think about how each of our own grows have gone. My harvests have come a looong way, and that's almost entirely due to the input from fellow members willing to offer advice from their experience.

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