Nick Hardy's Skunk Works #3 5x5 - Dissertation Grow

Bushy and green! Why go with diluted neem first? Just to piss the bugs off before you finally kill them?
I needed some for when some seedlings were really babies. I picked up a hand spray bottle of it that & Co’s daughter had made up the day before. It looked unusually dark and not sure on her mental arithmetic - L in to 300ml 😅 So I diluted it down a bunch and its been in that tent. I’ll make up a fresh batch with the big pump spray tomorrow but it seems to have stopped. Oh I zapped the tent with UV for an hour halfway through, can that kill bugs? Probably not, attracts them?

Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap
Its a staple all over Thailand, people don’t even say “soap” anymore they just say “bronners” - “Honey you go get yersel all bronnered up in that bath tub and I’ll come join ya with me whiskey in jus a moment…”


Pretty sure it was spider mites, they come in the potting soil, neem seems to do the trick, always seem to clear right up with a couple of (full strength) applications.

Nick & Co

Gas Reup day.

I’ve been clicking the UV on for an hour or so half way through the day. Its been at around 715 PPFD for about 5 days now. It obviously goes up with the UV on but also they’ve grown an inch or two since then so the canopy level is rising closer to the lights.

The two Runtz x LC one so droppy and one so thin have perked up loads since I sorted out their watering (I hand watered a couple of days before fixing the problem) Still look like they’ll always be different phenos, Sativa front left, Indica front middle.

Looking good. Top them tomorrow. Flip next week. Just realised we’re totally out of Bloom nutes so ordered some more of them earlier. They might arrive tomorrow or maybe in a week. Never know with those guys. I’m not in a hurry so I’m gonna guess Saturday 🤣

Nick & Co
They are looking nice and healthy, all Co's work im guessing 🤣🤣
Are they sending the controller for the light ?
I messaged him yesterday to ask for the price with shipping but he hasn’t read it. I think they were heading to Vegas for the Expo there. Be nice to get my mitts on it.
VPD Part One


You can just make it out, 26.3c Leaf Temp

The air temp at the the time was 28.1. I’ve been guesstimating the leaf offset. Initially at out of the box 0 and this week -1. I adjusted it to -2. This of course instantly made my numbers a little better. My 1.0ish VPD yesterday was probably about 1.1. No matter. i’ve never checked it before I bought the Pulse Pro - but I have always been fighting to create the perfect environment. I know my target Temps and Rh through the grow - ours are a little different to some as we run Co2 so I actually don’t mind both being a little toppy compared to most peoples.

Rh is a real battle for us, especially in flower. Especially in a tent outdoors where Rh never drops below 70% To counter mould all we can do is make sure we changing the air in the tent or room as fast as we can. Keep it fresh as you possibly can.

So turns out just by watching your Temp and Rh you’re VPD is likely to pretty much fall into place. Concentrate on getting them right first.

If I can be bothered, and depending on whether or not I try the Charas someone gave me this morning I’m going to figure out what roughly my VPD was day and night with the HPS. I reckon pretty good despite the mega extremes.

Nick & Co
VPD Part One


You can just make it out, 26.3c Leaf Temp

The air temp at the the time was 28.1. I’ve been guesstimating the leaf offset. Initially at out of the box 0 and this week -1. I adjusted it to -2. This of course instantly made my numbers a little better. My 1.0ish VPD yesterday was probably about 1.1. No matter. i’ve never checked it before I bought the Pulse Pro - but I have always been fighting to create the perfect environment. I know my target Temps and Rh through the grow - ours are a little different to some as we run Co2 so I actually don’t mind both being a little toppy compared to most peoples.

Rh is a real battle for us, especially in flower. Especially in a tent outdoors where Rh never drops below 70% To counter mould all we can do is make sure we changing the air in the tent or room as fast as we can. Keep it fresh as you possibly can.

So turns out just by watching your Temp and Rh you’re VPD is likely to pretty much fall into place. Concentrate on getting them right first.

If I can be bothered, and depending on whether or not I try the Charas someone gave me this morning I’m going to figure out what roughly my VPD was day and night with the HPS. I reckon pretty good despite the mega extremes.

Nick & Co
Nice dissertation there…
They seem to be happy as can be 👌 looks like they are praying. Do them big leaves not get water on them from being so close? I love big leaves but they getting the boot in my next one 😂
They’re watered by Netafim bow collars so the water just goes straight down into the coco? If the leaves have water on them then my environment is out of whack because I’m approaching Dew Point I guess and that’s up there with don’t cross the streams 😂
They’re watered by Netafim bow collars so the water just goes straight down into the coco? If the leaves have water on them then my environment is out of whack because I’m approaching Dew Point I guess and that’s up there with don’t cross the streams 😂
Yep even ats 55/60RH if my leaves touch I still get some wet spots between them. But I suppose running Co2 their always using everything up 🤔

This is a couple of hours ago. I’m way off Dew Point. I’ve touched it once over night on the HPS grow. The AC still being on full chat on a really humid night after lights out did it.
Yikes! Those temp and humidity numbers would really concern me in my grow. Like wading into bud rot.

Does CO2 reduce the bud rot?


Sorry Nick at work.. I was more on about transpiration if leaves are touching as they transpire it will get caught and build up between the leaves..
My comment about the co2 is that your plant will use up more water then plants with low Co2 so some times the excess can come out in the leaves too but you have plenty of that stuff 😂
Its veg, they love it hot and humid and the Co2 only really works effectively with elevated numbers like those. In flower we’ll never get down rhe numbers you see most quoted. Its 28-34c and 80%+ RH 365 here. Even in the flower room a whole home 280L Dehumidfier only gets it to 60%. As it happens the VPD at 1.20 shows the conditions are absolutely perfect for this stage of growth. As we chill and lower the Rh further in flower (we might struggle as this is a tent outdoors) I want to see the VPD tick up to say 1.5. Around there. They’ll be getting UV pretty much constantly too but that’s by the by. My point is really have targets and a rational for your temp and Rh and design the room/tent so you can achieve it, don’t just make do and mend. And for the rot/mould? Do as best you can on the above but blast fresh air through the tent as quick as you can whilst maintain the above best you can.
Sorry Nick at work.. I was more on about transpiration if leaves are touching as they transpire it will get caught and build up between the leaves..
My comment about the co2 is that your plant will use up more water then plants with low Co2 so some times the excess can come out in the leaves too but you have plenty of that stuff 😂
That really toppy 15xx PPM above thing is I think its right. The Co2 controller is lying on the pallet. I need to raise it up to canopy level.

Also if you look ar Rh, VPD and Temp - you see there’s a wave pattern. That’s quite new. The intake from
The AC is low down top right corner the output fan is front left at the top. Across the other diagonal are two swing fans. I think its that device spinning and taking readings in the same place. I’ve stood with my ear to the AC for a full cycle. Nothing is changing there. Tomorrow gonna fix it so it can’t spin and that should stabilise the readings.
Its veg, they love it hot and humid and the Co2 only really works effectively with elevated numbers like those.
I suspected as much, which is why I asked for clarification. Thank you.
My point is really have targets and a rational for your temp and Rh and design the room/tent so you can achieve it, don’t just make do and mend. And for the rot/mould? Do as best you can on the above but blast fresh air through the tent as quick as you can whilst maintain the above best you can.
Yes. My system is designed to work best when grow room -- an old coal bin -- is between 13º and 18º C. That is max flowering time for me, with no risk of bud rot. I actually insulate the inside of my boxes with Reflectix, and heat the interior with seedling mats and the lights in the tent. Temp is also controlled by vent speed. Flower months occur December, January, March, and maybe April. At that time I have my vegetable gardens, bird and butterfly gardens, and my orchard to tend to.

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