Nick Hardy's Skunk Works #3 5x5 - Dissertation Grow


@Jon Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone else in the US!

I’ve been to quite a few Turkey Day celebrations! The restaurant/bar I ran in London was called Cheers so we’d get 100 or so in for the Turkey and Pumpkin pie, good warm up for December/Christmas when we’d be doing 150-200 a day for office parties or whatever.

Then living as an expat you end up getting invited to US expats homes or their parties in places put it on. I actually looked for one last year was feeling like turkey oddly! But yeah that was weird. Didn’t even celebrate Christmas last year. Just a tree and a couple of presents for L.

I pulled one of the plants out to get a natural light shot, I actually squished her a little. Oops. The colour with the exception of centre last but one row all look the same as this. Much better green.


The sister plant of the one at top is bottom left - looks like a way more Sativa leaf shape. They’re Runtz x Layer Cale. Everything in there is @Barney's Farm - our success rate with them is remarkable. Really solid breeder.

Thanks @greenmobster440 - yeah I don’t know I have a lot of control over VPD. Seems to like 1.4 now which is more for flower so a bit high, probably 1.0 is better. My excuse as ever “because Co2”.
And you said humidifier? Yeah we are generally trying to get rid of Rh - its 70% minimum every day here!

Nick & Co
I'm going to argue President's Day is the dumbest. Why are we celebrating the citizens with arguably the biggest ego's on the planet? And most of them aren't even qualified to be making the decisions they do. That one makes no sense to me. I mean, it was originally intended to remember our greatest, and first President, George Washington but, like many things in our culture, it got watered down by the Everyone Gets a Trophy crowd, and now it's just a day off.
Maybe you're too young to remember, but Presidents Day is the official national holiday celebrating your friend Washington's birthday, which used to be celebrated on his actual birthday (the 22nd wherever that fell). In 1970 they changed it to the third Monday to make a 3-day weekend out of it. It can also include Lincoln (also born in February) in some states, but it is not a celebration of every president ever.
Maybe you're too young to remember, but Presidents Day is the official national holiday celebrating your friend Washington's birthday, which used to be celebrated on his actual birthday (the 22nd wherever that fell). In 1970 they changed it to the third Monday to make a 3-day weekend out of it. It can also include Lincoln (also born in February) in some states, but it is not a celebration of every president ever.
Presidents' Day, officially Washington's Birthday at the federal governmental level, is a holiday in the United States celebrated on the third Monday of February. It is often celebrated to honor all those who served as presidents of the United States and, since 1879, has been the federal holiday honoring Founding Father George Washington, who led the Continental Army to victory in the American Revolutionary War, presided at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and was the first U.S. president.
Stage #1 Pop’em 27th October
Stage #2 Peat to sprout 29th October
Stage #3 Seedling Swicks 2nd November
Stage #4 Veg Pots 14th November

So they did 2 days, 4 days and 12 days in the first three stages.

So this is where we’re at on Day #10 Veg


Looking awesome to me. Green is obviously a bit darker than that. Very uniform. They’re 18-19cm tall sorta about 7” - a touch taller than the length of my phone.

I don’t think flip is more than 2 weeks away - although we haven’t topped them yet. Meh top them Sunday maybe. Starting to see enough space between nodes now.

Just leaving them with same nute mix, same light for now. Looking very happy.

Nick & Co
Stage #1 Pop’em 27th October
Stage #2 Peat to sprout 29th October
Stage #3 Seedling Swicks 2nd November
Stage #4 Veg Pots 14th November

So they did 2 days, 4 days and 12 days in the first three stages.

So this is where we’re at on Day #10 Veg


Looking awesome to me. Green is obviously a bit darker than that. Very uniform. They’re 18-19cm tall sorta about 7” - a touch taller than the length of my phone.

I don’t think flip is more than 2 weeks away - although we haven’t topped them yet. Meh top them Sunday maybe. Starting to see enough space between nodes now.

Just leaving them with same nute mix, same light for now. Looking very happy.

Nick & Co
Those giant solo cups crack me up.

Good to see how you have those emitters working.


AC is in allowing me to up the inline fan speed, rather than chucking perfectly good Co2 out the room it really circulates any it can draw up out and through the AC and back in nicely chilled with some fresh air - the hood is by no means airtight.

Was really worried about the one front left earlier. So I gave her about 300ml of extra Cal-Mag this morning. You can see from the damage some of those leaves were folding up. Mixed up a new batch and went to 2.5ml/L of Calmag with Iron. Its 5-0-0.

Hopefully with the lower temps - its 28c now with the AC set to 24, lights put it will lower a bit we’ll get a sense of how low we can get overnight in flower. BUT - unusually cool today and really weird rain too. It was like drizzle - super rare. Its either raining, proper raining or torrential rain. Drizzle?! No not really. 😂

We had a power cit for about an hour, whole village. My guess is it was someone crashing themselves and truck/car/motorbike into a power pole. There are cases of fires in the transformers up on double pylons but not near here on cool damp days. Lots of electrical fires in old kit on hot days. Sunday evening 8:30pm slippery greasy roads? Yeah traffic accident my actuarial sense tells me 🤣

Anyway keep an eye on that.

Oh lowered the lights yesterday and backed the lights off a bit. Not added any Warm White back yet. We’re max on the Cool White though. Think tomorrow morning I’ll add in a bit of 3500k and then evening lower the light a touch more in the evening - see what that does for them.

Nick & Co

AC is in allowing me to up the inline fan speed, rather than chucking perfectly good Co2 out the room it really circulates any it can draw up out and through the AC and back in nicely chilled with some fresh air - the hood is by no means airtight.

Was really worried about the one front left earlier. So I gave her about 300ml of extra Cal-Mag this morning. You can see from the damage some of those leaves were folding up. Mixed up a new batch and went to 2.5ml/L of Calmag with Iron. Its 5-0-0.

Hopefully with the lower temps - its 28c now with the AC set to 24, lights put it will lower a bit we’ll get a sense of how low we can get overnight in flower. BUT - unusually cool today and really weird rain too. It was like drizzle - super rare. Its either raining, proper raining or torrential rain. Drizzle?! No not really. 😂

We had a power cit for about an hour, whole village. My guess is it was someone crashing themselves and truck/car/motorbike into a power pole. There are cases of fires in the transformers up on double pylons but not near here on cool damp days. Lots of electrical fires in old kit on hot days. Sunday evening 8:30pm slippery greasy roads? Yeah traffic accident my actuarial sense tells me 🤣

Anyway keep an eye on that.

Oh lowered the lights yesterday and backed the lights off a bit. Not added any Warm White back yet. We’re max on the Cool White though. Think tomorrow morning I’ll add in a bit of 3500k and then evening lower the light a touch more in the evening - see what that does for them.

Nick & Co
Hey :ciao:
I missed it when did you start c02?
Your always mentioning traffic accidents.
Please be safe, you and the family. :Namaste:
Those little scooters make me nervous.
People don't always see you.
Enough already, ok.
I finally finished the upstairs.
The drying room is a fully functional bedroom now with new flooring.
I need to get one more thing off the honey dew list before I can pop beans.
So Dec 1 might be iffy now.
But I'm going loopy 🤪 without a garden.
I've got my heating pad and Howie asleep on my lap, I'm done for today.
Hope your all doing well. :hug::love:
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Looking crowded already! Time for a bigger pallet...
Yeah probably 6 plants makes more sense in there - but I can’t suddenly start growing in a totally different style now, can I?! Its meant to be a demonstration of how you might be surprised by yield whilst having a smorgasbord of strains to chose from.

I missed it when did you start c02?

Just after when we up potted to this tent. Not sure its of much use at this stage but the tank is still pretty full after 10 days or so. Gonna top them tonight. Been trying to spy out some nice quad spots.

I’m either going to add some additional bars across the roof of the tent - I see PVC pipe in my future - or I bought a couple scrog nets, I put one on the roof.

Why this lunacy? Supporting the solos with vertical wires, marionette style, worked really well in the 4x4. Do it at final defoliation about 4 weeks out from harvest. P
If you support the branches you can lose the pallet and spread them out to fill the space! :thumb:
They’d need way more support than just fishing line we used last time without the lateral support the pallet provides. Its also way better for drainage. With the 16oz solos which sit a little higher we needed rocks in them by say week #3 flower. I’m not space stressed.

They have relatively speaking between pots about the same as upstairs.


Big Bushy Style. & Co has been eyeing them. Wants another two days before topping. Who am I to argue? I swear she’s going to clone them. The Blueberry and OG and Runtz x Layer Cake she can, we got lots of the others, oh Tropicanna Banana, I guess. They’d have to go outside. No room at the Inn(s)

The irrigation problem solved. The poor wee one front left wasn’t getting fed properly. We used a bottle or two of Bud Candy for the HPS grow. It separates when you leave it in the tank. Looks like floating soil and no stirring gets it back together.

The manifold was clogged with it. There were two out there and we used the clogged one. Cleaned with the other one and a third new one ready for the irrigation systems in the other two tents next week some time when we up pot for upstairs. Got some awesome Netafim drippers for the OG Kush Solo grow. Boss Red colour. 60 irrigation spots in the house.

That’s it really. Been Neeming twice a day. Some pest lurks. Its really diluted Neem - gonna hit them full strength tomorrow.

Nick & Co
Been Neeming twice a day. Some pest lurks. Its really diluted Neem - gonna hit them full strength tomorrow.

Nick & Co
If those pests are fungus gnats, I use a mix of neem oil and Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap. I trim the bottom of my plants so there is enough room between the foliage and the growing media and spray the growing media only. The soap helps dry the existing bug bodies out and the neem oil is effective in killing the bugs emerging from the larval stage, and the ones visiting to lay eggs.

I'm down to once a week maintenance sprays and have virtually no bugs.

Hope this helps.

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