They look alright, I hear a whisper they got fed a little by accident - please kid. Leave my plants alone.
This rumour involves & Co fury which amuses me. No one wants to be on the receiving end of that
I have so far lived my life without getting a full dose of it - long may that continue!
They look alright.
The Netafim pipe and new Co2 tanks come tomorrow, yay! Then we have a decision to make.
So we’re basically “lazy quadline and defoliate” That’s what we do. Scrog would get in the way of the defol.
But this 5x5 has lots of doors and I have two 5x5 Scrog nets next to me. Way more room relative to our flower room (that’s way bigger but much higher plant density) so I’m mulling using them here.
We’ll see.
I got to design a water supply and drainage system for three tents and the washing machine & Co moved out the kitchen into the garage with the tents today.
“Look at the new chest freezer for your ice honey!” Yeah right, honey! What’s really going in there?!”
Any way - plants fine. Tread water here another day or so. Irrigation and gas tomorrow. The HVAC can wait as its just background perfect.
My caveman sensors tell me its like 75% Rh and 28c in there.
@Mars Hydro sensors tell me a little different but meh. They do read high for me.
Nick & Co