New guy on the board

Getting closer on my blue dream the tricomes are coming in beautifully

My blue dream has peaked and I'm 4 days away from the chop!!!! So what is the most colorful strain you guys have ever seen personally I want to start a new grow and I want to grow something visually stunning with as many colors as I can get from sprout to harvest I don't care if it's indica sativa hybrid cbd whatever I'm just looking for something visually spectacular to grow!!!! Any ideas????

My blue dream has peaked and I'm 4 days away from the chop!!!! So what is the most colorful strain you guys have ever seen personally I want to start a new grow and I want to grow something visually stunning with as many colors as I can get from sprout to harvest I don't care if it's indica sativa hybrid cbd whatever I'm just looking for something visually spectacular to grow!!!! Any ideas????

If you drop nighttime temps by 10 degrees c or more most cannabis strain will show some colors.
Strains with purps will change to purple.
Purple Kush is a good strain to try.
Check out my thread purple pics.
Lots of ideas there.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
My blue dream has peaked and I'm 4 days away from the chop!!!! So what is the most colorful strain you guys have ever seen personally I want to start a new grow and I want to grow something visually stunning with as many colors as I can get from sprout to harvest I don't care if it's indica sativa hybrid cbd whatever I'm just looking for something visually spectacular to grow!!!! Any ideas????

Plenty of purple in the blackberry kush 😁

Those are awesome they look bad ass!!!! I've got 2 purple punch ladies flowering now but so far all I've seen is green and white lol. I'm told they'll start turning purple closer to harvest so 🤞 I'd like to see an assortment of colors though. I'm not even sure if that's actually possible but if it is I'd love to know which strain to grow
Those are awesome they look bad ass!!!! I've got 2 purple punch ladies flowering now but so far all I've seen is green and white lol. I'm told they'll start turning purple closer to harvest so 🤞 I'd like to see an assortment of colors though. I'm not even sure if that's actually possible but if it is I'd love to know which strain to grow
Unless you drop temps at night the color doesn't show.
Nice cool nights do it.

Stay safe
Bill284 :Namaste:
I was worried about dropping temp once flowering started I've been running 70-75 degrees average with 60-75% humidity since day one
That's why a lot of growers never see the change in color.
The tents never get that cool.
AC helps or growing in a cool basement.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
That's awesome information I'm in week 5 with one of my purple ladies ill stick an extra fan in my grow room and see if that's enough to bring the temp down a bit and I'll keep it there and see what happens thanks I appreciate it
I had a two mimosa x orange punch autos aswell and one was purple the other was green.. the green plant was way more frosty and way stronger 👍 that was probably the only time I grew in dirt and I still had the nutrients chilled so probably helped with the purple. Blackberry kush was purple before I saw pistils 🤣
🤞 You get some purple and come harvest you can get all kinds of colours when she's finishing up 🤞🤞
Nice I just planted a blue gelato 44 photo my wife likes the frosty look they take on during flowering but as far as I could tell from Google pictures it pretty much stays green but looks like it's covered in frost so that'll be pretty I think
I put another fan in my grow room it brought the temp down a few degrees but I'd say it'll drop lower after 6pm when my lights kick off I'll check it in the morning and see what kind of a difference it makes
Nice I just planted a blue gelato 44 photo my wife likes the frosty look they take on during flowering but as far as I could tell from Google pictures it pretty much stays green but looks like it's covered in frost so that'll be pretty I think
I put another fan in my grow room it brought the temp down a few degrees but I'd say it'll drop lower after 6pm when my lights kick off I'll check it in the morning and see what kind of a difference it makes
I love Gelato. Great strain.
If you had an AC going it would work.
Otherwise your lung room needs to be cool.
And your air circulation has to be really good. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Air circulation is great and I've been able to maintain a constant 70-75 temp with just a fan going even during light hours so I think adding a second fan should do the trick. Time will tell
Air circulation is great and I've been able to maintain a constant 70-75 temp with just a fan going even during light hours so I think adding a second fan should do the trick. Time will tell
I use an 8" turbo fan sucking air from my flower room.
It can empty the air volume of the room fairly quickly.
Then I have a cool lung room that refills the flower room keeping it cool.
If I drop the temp in my lung room at night I get some great colors.
When you say air circulation is that what your referring too?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I have an exhaust fan that takes air out and a 1" gap at the bottom and top of my grow room door to allow for plenty of fresh air to be pulled in by an additional fan I'm just growing in a little 3'x5' room I built so it's very easy to control the environment
I have an exhaust fan that takes air out and a 1" gap at the bottom and top of my grow room door to allow for plenty of fresh air to be pulled in by an additional fan I'm just growing in a little 3'x5' room I built so it's very easy to control the environment
I wasn't sure. :Namaste:
You said circulating fan, just checking :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Gotcha brother it's very important to ask those kind of questions lol everybody's set ups are different. Basically for me everything I've added or subtracted from my grow room has been with purpose through trial and error lol. I've got it dialed in to the point where I feel that adding a 2nd fan should be all I need to drop the temp down to around 60-65 degrees. Especially at night when my lights kick off
I was growing in my wife's China cabinet with her permission lol and she was the one who suggested that I build a little grow room for myself unfortunately 3'x5' was as big as I could make it until the kids grow up and move out then I'm taking up an entire bedroom lol
I was growing in my wife's China cabinet with her permission lol and she was the one who suggested that I build a little grow room for myself unfortunately 3'x5' was as big as I could make it until the kids grow up and move out then I'm taking up an entire bedroom lol
I ran 5 rooms out of my entire basement.
It was nice and cool year round.
I was very fortunate to have my wife's full support. :love:
Until I caught the house on fire.
That reminds me did I ask you about a smoke detector?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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