New guy on the board

I decided to try inducing flowering on my big blue dream plant it's a clone my brother inlaw gave me its about 20" tall and I've already topped her so I just figured I'd try it and see what happens I decided to go with the 72 hour darkness method before I start the 12/12 light schedule. So since we don't have any closets in our house that the kids will stay out of I put it in my laundry room cabinet and locked it so I know it won't be disturbed. I did use my phones video camera and shut the door to check for total darkness and it's all good so now I wait lol
Yeah I agree I did it very low tech I waited a week then I gently tugged on it and felt that it was giving resistance so I knew she had taken root a then I just gently poured it into my hand and boy was I surprised to see that beautiful root structure!!!!
So my blue dream has entered the flowering stage!!!! She is absolutely loaded with little buds everywhere!!!! This is the first time I've ever grown weed so I'm sharing my excitement. I've also got a question for the experienced growers. My purple punch has had her 2nd topping and is now about 14" tall and really bushy as you can see in the picture. My question is does she look ready to be put on the 12/12 light cycle to start flowing now I don't want huge ass plants I don't have the space for it and I'm not going for huge yields.





So my blue dream has entered the flowering stage!!!! She is absolutely loaded with little buds everywhere!!!! This is the first time I've ever grown weed so I'm sharing my excitement. I've also got a question for the experienced growers. My purple punch has had her 2nd topping and is now about 14" tall and really bushy as you can see in the picture. My question is does she look ready to be put on the 12/12 light cycle to start flowing now I don't want huge ass plants I don't have the space for it and I'm not going for huge yields.





Autos don't need to go on a 12/12 time schedule. Best to keep them going on your 18/6 assuming that's what your lights are set too 👍 she's about to put on a show. Enjoy buddy 😎
I put my blue dream into flowering myself already and I also have my purple punch that I'm considering putting into flowering I'm wondering if it's far along enough to do so that is my purple punch that I'm considering

I put my blue dream into flowering myself already and I also have my purple punch that I'm considering putting into flowering I'm wondering if it's far along enough to do so that is my purple punch that I'm considering

Hahaha my bad I must have read it wrong 🤣

Your purple puch looks great and it depends on how big you want her mainly.. some people run photoperiod on 12/12 all the way from sprout and get great little plants 👍 she looks ready when you are.

If you wanted to give her more time (bigger harvest) you could try some lst on her. A bit of fun too 😁
Cool I've got 2 other purple punch going ones a sprout and one is still like week 3 in veg so I believe I'm gonna start the biggest one flowering and feel it out from there I figured since she's gonna double her size I should end up with the ideal size I'm going for with the space I have available
Cool I've got 2 other purple punch going ones a sprout and one is still like week 3 in veg so I believe I'm gonna start the biggest one flowering and feel it out from there I figured since she's gonna double her size I should end up with the ideal size I'm going for with the space I have available
Great plan batman 🤣 always good to count on a good stretch 👍 saves you getting caught out.
If you was to clone a plant and grow it a second or third time then you really take a plant to your space limits without the dreaded surprise 😎
Hope she does well Amigo :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks I'm starting to feel like I've got the sprout and veg stage pretty dialed in and from what I've learned so far about the flowering stage the main difference is light time and different nutrients it seems like the veg stage has a lot more forgiveness than the flowering stage though so in the flowering stage I think less intervention is best pretty much feed her tell her she's beautiful and keep her happy kinda like my wife lmao
Here's my newest sprout on day 3 she's doing great this is round 2 of growing northern lights. I killed my last one because I had it too close to the heater. So I will learn from my mistakes and start over

Hey Bro!

Next time you plant a seed in a cup make sure the cups a little deeper.

Look up "perched water table". You're already using a small shot cup which limits the plants ability to keep its newborn roots out of standing water. Even with drain holes, the perched water table of the media is going to keep it wet and you don't want that, especially with young roots. Fill it only half way and you exacerbate the issue.

Looking at the media in the picture, I'm guessing that your perched water table is, at minimum, one inch essentially leaving the roots of your seedling sitting in water reducing any O² exchange. It's probably survived so far due to the small amount of media evaporating enough water fast enough to keep the roots from drowning but I would transplant the seedling into a taller cup like a regular solo cup to keep the perched water table from drowning your roots.
I do that to help establish a strong root system I leave it go just until I see the roots coming out of the bottom of the cup and I only spray the soil I never pour water into the little cup and once I see the roots make their way to the bottom and pop through the drain holes I transplant into a little bit bigger pot and usually it stays there until I get 2 sets of true leaves and then I increase the pot size accordingly I've had great success doing this and a lot of good healthy plants. That grow like crazy. For example I've got a 12 day old purple punch that is almost ready for its first topping. To each is own I like my way it's working great for me
One thing that I'm doing now is growing my blue dream in the high dollar name brand stuff and I've got a purple punch going right beside her and I'm using a generic with actually slightly better numbers and lo a behold the generic stuff is working better so I'm pretty sure that buying a name doesn't make a difference. Good dirt is good dirt it doesn't matter whose names on the bag
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