New guy on the board

I've decided to move all of my plants outside since everything else I'm growing is outside and everything else is doing great. I suppose if I'm going to get more into growing weed then I'm gonna have to invest better equipment designed for the purpose. But for now mother nature can help me out while I've got her on my side hopefully no more plant issues I'll update my results either way
Lots of sunny days ahead. :thumb:
Good luck with the outdoor garden. :high-five:
If your keeping them in coco look into calmag, you'll need it.:Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It was definitely the heat I did an experiment with one of my tomato sprouts and recreated the conditions and it looked the same when I checked it this morning so lesson learned I clipped away the scorched leaves from my weed plant and gave her some water and now she's outside recovering I also changed her soil to a good organic compost soil. So hopefully she will pull through I've always wanted to grow Marijuana and northern lights has always been my favorite strain so I'm pretty bummed out but if she recovers then that will definitely be uplifting and create good memories about my first grow. So wish her some luck please and hope that mother nature will be kind to her
It was definitely the heat I did an experiment with one of my tomato sprouts and recreated the conditions and it looked the same when I checked it this morning so lesson learned I clipped away the scorched leaves from my weed plant and gave her some water and now she's outside recovering I also changed her soil to a good organic compost soil. So hopefully she will pull through I've always wanted to grow Marijuana and northern lights has always been my favorite strain so I'm pretty bummed out but if she recovers then that will definitely be uplifting and create good memories about my first grow. So wish her some luck please and hope that mother nature will be kind to her
So hopefully she will pull through I've always wanted to grow Marijuana and northern lights has always been my favorite strain so I'm pretty bummed out but if she recovers then that will definitely be uplifting and create good memories about my first grow. So wish her some luck please and hope that mother nature will be kind to her
Unfortunately auto's have an internal clock so any hiccups cause a setback that can't be made up like it can with photo's. It'll finish for you but with growth probably stunted.
I'm fine with smaller plants and small yields I don't smoke weed anymore I just love growing stuff and this is the first time it's ever been legal to grow I will actually end up giving away whatever I produce for medicinal use to friends and family or just cuz ppl want to get high cuz weeds fuckin awesome lol
My northern lights autoflower seedling got heat burn and I had to trim it down to almost nothing it's pretty pathetic looking. So is it worth trying to save? Will it recover I am not concerned about the yield I'm just wanting to know if anyone else has been in my position with young autoflowers and if I should chock it up to lesson learned or keep letting her do her thing. I'm asking here because I got nowhere with Google I'm just looking for a yes or a no from an experienced person
My northern lights autoflower seedling got heat burn and I had to trim it down to almost nothing it's pretty pathetic looking. So is it worth trying to save? Will it recover I am not concerned about the yield I'm just wanting to know if anyone else has been in my position with young autoflowers and if I should chock it up to lesson learned or keep letting her do her thing. I'm asking here because I got nowhere with Google I'm just looking for a yes or a no from an experienced person
Sorry about your auto my friend. :Namaste:
Unfortunately they are sensitive to stress of any kind.
Usually a damaged baby will be a waste of time to grow.
Do you have another seed to replace it?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
No but I've got some blue dream clones that are getting close to being ready to pot. I'll keep the auto in my grow cabinet and let it decide what it wants to do. I've got plenty to keep me busy I'll find more northern lights seeds somewhere but this time I'm not messing with autos
Speaking of which I just went to check on the roots and here are my results I'm very excited this is my first time ever cloning anything. I didn't do anything fancy I got a plastic cup poked some holes in it I put plain coco soil in the cup I dipped my cutting in cinnamon stuck it in the dirt covered it with a sammich bag sprayed it with water 5 times a day and one week later here we are I just planted my very first clone. Now let's all wish the young lady some luck!!!!

Speaking of which I just went to check on the roots and here are my results I'm very excited this is my first time ever cloning anything. I didn't do anything fancy I got a plastic cup poked some holes in it I put plain coco soil in the cup I dipped my cutting in cinnamon stuck it in the dirt covered it with a sammich bag sprayed it with water 5 times a day and one week later here we are I just planted my very first clone. Now let's all wish the young lady some luck!!!!

Put @DYNOMYCO on those roots anytime you have access to them.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Looking good Brother! Next time use a clear solo as your clone planter and a red solo as a sleeve so that you can see your root development without having to disturb the roots.
Yeah I agree I did it very low tech I waited a week then I gently tugged on it and felt that it was giving resistance so I knew she had taken root a then I just gently poured it into my hand and boy was I surprised to see that beautiful root structure!!!!
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