New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I took another cut. This one is from STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy). I did it for 2 reasons:

1) If the FLINTSTONES METHOD (perfect name: Flintsones/Basic) works for me I'll have another Cotton Candy plant.
2) I figured let me do one without the cover. If it aint broke don't fix it!

& I forgot to mention I put cloning compound on both stems. The red cap is covering the old Honey Haze bean I'm attempting to re-tap-root.

Re: New City Grower

Re: New City Grower

Hey BAR, so with your cloning failures so far, question....When you take a cutting do you cut off a few internodes above the cut and then cut off fan leaf stem/new growth area with razor blade, dipping in cloning gel to above where the leaves sliced off?

and try Hormex cloning gel, people seem to have best results with it.

Lastly, maybe try larger cuttings, the bigger they are the better they seem to do to me. To a certain point of course.
Re: New City Grower

If your clones start to droop you can mist the leaves and then put a x-large zip-lock bag over each plant to raise humidity

It's very cold there right now...Very cold air means very dry air

Good luck my friend :thumb:
My apt. is warm & toasty and heated the old fashioned way; radiators so in the winter it's always humid. We leave windows cracked.
Hey BAR, so with your cloning failures so far, question....When you take a cutting do you cut off a few internodes above the cut and then cut off fan leaf stem/new growth area with razor blade, dipping in cloning gel to above where the leaves sliced off?
No, no, & no. Could this be the problem? As I remember correctly from way back when, DP told me to just cut at an angle with a sterilized blade & scrape the skin. Then trim the leafs, add the gel & place it in the medium.
Re: New City Grower

My apt. is warm & toasty and heated the old fashioned way; radiators so in the winter it's always humid. We leave windows cracked.

No, no, & no. Could this be the problem? As I remember correctly from way back when, DP told me to just cut at an angle with a sterilized blade & scrape the skin. Then trim the leafs, add the gel & place it in the medium.

Yes but I bet the air is still very dry...just watch out for droop

That's what I do ...sounds good to me
Re: New City Grower

Radiators produce humidity; stem is released through the valves. We crack the windows for the humidity not for the heat. Have you ever been in an older building in a persons apt who keeps the radiators full blast & windows closed? It's like walking into a sauna. The walls actually sweat!
Re: New City Grower

Radiators produce humidity; stem is released through the valves. We crack the windows for the humidity not for the heat. Have you ever been in an older building in a persons apt who keeps the radiators full blast & windows closed? It's like walking into a sauna. The walls actually sweat!

Oh ya...the old radiators...Nice...just looking out bro...I want them to root for you
Re: New City Grower

Next time you got to wally's pick up a $2 Thermometer with hygrometer gauge and check what your room RH generally is.
Re: New City Grower

I'm proud to announce that THE REPS ARE RIGHT will be running it's 5th episode this SUNDAY JAN. 5th at 6:00 pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME with the return of everyone's favorite hostess, THE TALENTED & LOVELY DRESNEY!
Re: New City Grower

Happy Freeweed Day BAR and a Chronic weekend to you man :thumb:
your gonna have the record for the amount of pages in a journal by the time the reps are right is done lol
Re: New City Grower

Next time you got to wally's pick up a $2 Thermometer with hygrometer gauge and check what your room RH generally is.
You can't do any big business in this city without our corrupt (YOU KNOW WHO'S) unions involved. Wallys is non-union. That's the unwritten law here. Does STarget carry them?
Re: New City Grower

Because I just realized via pm that it was something I already owned with a different name.


That was during the fall when it's not as humid in my apt.
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