New City Grower 2.0

Re: Trespass or Vandalism? page 99 was very lonely

computer issue not , pot stuck in keys, did that last msg go? somethings wrong with 99

OK BAR, I'm back in th moth patrol chair I got from BB, no pic yet, but i'm getting madder that u r not re[plying!

or BB, just me n Toker having some fun!

all pics from my journl in 2013 ending with less likes, in 6 months (TOTAL LIKES!!),

than I saw at a circus in one fluxin dayone day, a 3 fluxin ring circus!!

alll BAR & LA's fault for this text u r shaking your head at


if this doesn't work, im gonna go make my sig as long as fluxin possible
my battery will die b4 u get this maybe

im sorry for this bar, computer getting harder to see

last typed y


:popcorn: im starting memorize those dudes , never bmind

Sorry for my absence lately but it's been busy at work & I've been enjoying a little real life activities with family & friends these last couple of weeks.



:thanks: all for trying to push this thread over the 100 page mark but I really don't pay attention to the amount of pages or likes & what not. They're somewhat irrelevant to the grow. I'm just grateful to have enough followers & supporters helping with this grow to reach 100 pages.

:passitleft: High Broke Ass. Hope you are having a awesome Good Friday and Easter weekend.....:circle-of-love:

Thanxx Lady Dee. I am and hope everyone else is.

Looking to try to get two tents like this as well to Getty rotation going. Right now I have 4 plants (blue dream, sour diesel) in a closet with two LEDs in there. I've been stalking around on here for awhile now just reading all the great info people share. I haven't started a grow log because I don't really know what I'm doing yet or how it will turn out. I've read your other journals too about Laverne, awesome story on how you found them!:thumb:

Greetings Green!! Welcome aboard! I say start your grow journal. You won't find a more supportive place to be and... I love all the pictures!


As Magic said, Welcome aboard Green. Definitely start your journal as soon as possible. You'll get more help than enough from the greatest members growing on the web from all around the globe here on 420. Also I acquired everything slowly over the course of time. You don't necessarily have to go all out to get what you need. I use a grow budget.

Its all looking awesome. And makes me realize I need to get a better Camera :bravo:

Thanxx Jax. I just use an HTC camera phone. It's not the greatest camera but I just take my time focusing.

Im here but its going to take me a day or 2 to read up to date but ill get there. I like the led bloom light.

Welcome aboard Sapper. If you want to do an Express catch-up just type "PHOTO SHOOT" in the "Search Thread" box on the top right hand of the page. You can see most of the relevant updates of this grow.

Hey and what are you talking about all the problems going on in the soil growers world??? I'm not having any problems and I grow in soil. I'm actually gonna chop 2 of my girls on 4/20 :yahoo:.. and Broke Ass's girls look good unless I missed something so hey... who you talking

Well Lady Dee, you're an excellent grower flowing through your grow like the Nile. I on the other hand am finally getting discouraged. My last two tap-rooted beans haven't surfaced & I'm not doing anything different. Out of the four plants in the bloom tent, three of them have issues. Everything seems to be going downhill. I need to re-evaluate it all.

congrats!! c u Sunday!:circle-of-love:

If you notice my sig Trichster you'll see the 11th episode of THE REPS ARE RIGHT isn't until the following Sunday. This will be Easter Sunday, a family day for most members.

Happt Shatterday BAR :thumb:

Back atcha Cronic.

Now a quick update; Two days after the deep flushes...

QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) I had a mathematical error on her age in the last update; Day 85 / Day 39 under 12/12

Since the triple flush and the defol to remove a lot of the damaged leafs she's looking much better & hasn't shown any new signs of nute burn.



(Regular) Day 47 / Day 37 under 12/12

Same as above but she still hasn't revealed her sex.

Just wanted to be on page Hundo!
Hows the fluxing going buddy??
She was posted on Flux Central Professor Flux but her she goes again.

(Power Flower, Flux style) Day 53

Wow... They look great Broke Ass... The flux looks amazing. I think I am going to try for the double flux. Not cause I'm trying to get fancy and all but because it looks easier and makes more sense in my head for some reason And to respond to a statement made on my journal.... I bet if you didn't have to work and lived with a carpenter that was falling over her feet to make you happy right now (my diagnosis has scared him really bad) and had absolutely nothing more important to do than take care of your plants you would be prepared for all these things too. You have helped me since pretty much day one and at times probably gave me more of your time and help than you gave to yourself so with that said your girls look amazing and if it is time to regroup and start afresh just let me know what we need to do to get ya all together again and get this train back on the right track. I am now going to go get on my motorcycle and ride with my fella to get some dinner. I am getting so excited about tomorrow..:yahoo:.. I think we should start a #'s board for the weight of the 2 girls I am going to chop.... My fella says he gives the first guess at 224 grams wet.... I say 196 grams wet. Guess we might have somewhat of an advantage in that we are looking at them but with all the pics everyone should have a pretty good idea of the actual size. I will put this up on my journal too. Guess I should have just put it up there but am extremely :lot-o-toke: and extremely happy Broke Ass is here.....:circle-of-love:
a happy easter to the whole 420 community & your families from me & my family
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