New City Grower 2.0

My SBR oops clone is officially alive and growing. She has new growth on her today and the new baby AKxWW has popped the soil. So it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Going for a ride after my fella gets through polishing my bike up (I think he thinks I'm going to die or something cause this has never happened)... I hope you have a wonderful day.....:circle-of-love:
I'll have a wonderful day now after hearing all that good news from you Lady Dee.
Hi BAR, high everyone...

I went back to the start of your journal BAR, and noticed if I've got the plants correct...sorry BAR but there have been lots that came and went...some harvested....yes, not having a go :) but having not been with you from the start it's been hard to absorb it all, but...

The drooping tips were evident on page (edit: wrong page) 11...maybe over watering? any way...back then her colour was good too..and maybe you also overwatered some of the seedlings/clones too...gardenfaerie mentioned letting things dry out..

By page 40 odd, the colour had deteriorated a little, but the plant is still healthy, has droopy tips....maybe just this girl...some girls have droopy tips you know :)

So, you've still got droopy tips, some colour oddities, and now 'drying' 'crunchy' (?) browning tips?

By the way she still looks great ok...just saying...:)

Im running with the flush, also maybe being real careful with watering...let her dry out a bit...flush again maybe...salinity, nutrient lock to some degree, over nute...all these problems if they're present sort of get catered for at once.

I spent a quarter this time...not 2 cents.
Hello Tas. It's better to use the post# as the page# always changes as a thread gets longer. I not sure which plants you refer to but after this update maybe you can help me out a little more precisely.

April 17, 2014​

The only thing going on in the Veg Tent right now is the flux & a CRITICAL bean that's been tap-rooted awaiting sprout day.

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 51





STACK A. DOLLAR (Cotton Candy, Re-Veg) Day 28 / Day 15 under 12/12

I've decided to see what happens if I leave her alone; no defol or training, What will she do.



(Wild Thailand) Day 69 / Day 23 under 12/12

The issue with her is the nute burn. I think with the help of some of you we've isolated the problem. She was planted in
SCIENTIFIC SOILS which is a complete soil. I was adding FOX FARM nutes which is considered pretty hot already, following the steps KJC coached Lady Dee (Dennise) through without ever advising him I was in a complete soil. She received a double flush today.




(Regular) Day 45 / Day 35 under 12/12

Still, no sign of sex yet. She's also dealing with the same issue as QUEEN THAI & was also flushed



(Honey Haze, the mutant, cris-cross style) Day 131 / Day 103 under 12/12

And last but not least is my mercy grow. For all the headaches she's caused throughout this long life of hers it's amazing she's still alive. A mutant from day 1, with all the times I was ready to give up on her I have to say: She's a survivor. Thank each & every one of you who's been rooting for her and convinced me to keep the faith.










Hey BAR.

Thanks for all the current piccies with the names and all, like I said I got lost over the past 2 days :reading420magazine: your journal...

Great Job :thumb:

I think your on it with the flushing...I guess what I was eluding to.

Kumiko is the one I was following.

Some look like they have the same symptoms I guess is what I noticed from the start...are you a little heavy handed with the water? Just wondering :)

I think the results speak for themselves, but also there seems to be a consistancy of symptoms amongst different strains, so there's something in that....and you and I both learned something about scientific soils and adding nutes... :)

The next few days will see after the flush :)
Thanxx Tas. I really don't water to often. Instead of a schedule I go by the weight of the plant & sticking a popsicle stick into the soil to check dampness. Also KUMIKO IV is a mutant from a bean with bad genetics. Most of her fans here are aware of her situation. That's why we call her a mercy grow. PJ said it best;
Kumiko IV is fun. It looks like she will go the distance. I feel the same joy watching Kumiko I feel watching the Special Olympics. She's gonna be smiling big-time when she crosses the finish line. Love it! Rooting for the underdog over here - big time.
I shared a story with Oz where a local possum did a 'pruning' job on a prized outdoor grow with new shoots and branches right back to wood. I was as ill as the plant, in panic over watered it, over fertilised it, and then stopped and waited, just let it be...eventually it produced the most lovely ball shaped topiary and damn fine qty of smoke! :)

I do have a soft spot for the underdogs too...'ca'an the pies', so am also looking forward to her shining finish :)
Thanxx Jimmy. If it weren't for the burns on QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand), the SLEESTACK X SKUNK not showing sex, and all the be-headings I did at the beginning of FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower) I'd be a happy camper right now. Also Jimmy, could you or anyone give a hand to Scotty, He's having problems with mites.
Hideho Neighbor.... If my 2 cents is wanted or even if it is not I will give it to ya anyhow.... Kumoko... God love her. If she gives ya a nick you should be happy... The Wild Thai is blooming nicely but I think it is definitely nute burn. Maybe I'm glad that soil never showed up. Stack a dollar is beautiful. I think she is one of the prettiest ever so what have you done differently with her than with the others? I know it is probably in here but I will admit I have been skimming trying to catch up and Dude your flux looks awesome to have been manhandled by a drunk guy. My fluxing baby popped the soil today..:yahoo:.... Guess I agree that I would do a good flush on the SSxS#1 and the Wild Thai cause I really do think it is nutes and after reading up on the soil can see where it would be very easy to have the soil to hot if anything else is added. I think maybe even harder than the MG. Anyhow things look like you have them under control but I love the way your reveg and flux look........:circle-of-love:
Stacks was planted b4 I received the SCIENTIFIC SOILS Lady Dee. Only if I knew all along not to add anything to that dag-gone soil. We live & learn.
Hey Reg

Hope all is well in your world.

I was just wondering, as quite a lot of you soil growers are having problems right now.

If you have ever considered just as an experiment, to try something like a one plant Coco coir grow ?

It's relatively easy, much more forgiving, and yields are comparable if not better.

Please Reg, open the possibilities here. And the bonus is another addition to your Canna knowledge.

Here's hoping for a Fem bean in coco/perlite in your tent some time soon :cheesygrinsmiley: :circle-of-love:

all the best

Coco is awesome, and blended with rice hulls is super awesome!! lol

My 13 dollar brick of coco is going on it's second year of growing.

Haha and my nutes cost less than 3 bucks a 60 day grow.
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