New City Grower 2.0

I have have had it in the fridge for up to a month with no problem as long as you strain it very well and there is no plant matter in the butter. The smash left after the straining I also use in brownies if it is not all stems and ucky but I use it within a week because it will mold a whole lot faster due to having the plant material. I have frozen my cannabutter and used it as much at 6 weeks later and it was fine and I didn't notice any quality change. As far as cookies or already baked items I would say they would be good for as long as any other baked item using butter. They will last longer if kept in the fridge I am sure and with my brownies I freeze them and take them out of the freezer when I want one so they don't go bad and as far as that goes I have done it with molasses cookies also.......:circle-of-love:
Congrats on surpassing 100 pages! Your journal is one of my favs. Keep it up and enjoy your Easter Monday!
Thanxx Hidden. I also enjoy yours.

A 'delete' key would be nice. Use it on people, mistakes, pain, things you can't unsee...
Man Jam, I can give you 5 people right now off the top of my head I wouldn't hesitate to delete but if that was the case I wouldn't be here. I probably would've been deleted long ago. LOL

Only thing, it only last a week, possibly a little longer in freezer. I wonder why that is. How long does cannabutter last; how long does, say, cookies made with cannabudda last? I would think that the cannabudda lasts longer; and the cookies even longer: correct?

Thanxx for sharing that info here on this thread Bill. Your cannabis wisdom is always a sight for sore eyes.

Around these parts between my sis & I a batch of canna-cookies would last about 30 mins, no matter where you try to store them.

I had a 1/2 day today. Guess what I did for the remainder of my afternoon?
I'll put it to you like this PJ; I walked for about 3hrs looking up like the tourist do but had fun & enjoyed myself. But once I found that tree I couldn't find the closest exit out of the park fast enough. If maybe I would have been wearing sneakers instead of shoes it wouldn't have been so bad.
I'll put it to you like this PJ; I walked for about 3hrs looking up like the tourist do but had fun & enjoyed myself. But once I found that tree I couldn't find the closest exit out of the park fast enough. If maybe I would have been wearing sneakers instead of shoes it wouldn't have been so bad.

Next time you need to lace-up your Red Ball Jets before you go famous park defiling. :grinjoint:
This is an open thread. You know this already Trichster. What's the only two rules? You know, so you post them this time.
This is an open thread. You know this already Trichster. What's the only two rules? You know, so you post them this time.

Thank again BAR:thanks:
Upon my re-reading 420 guidelines, I understand & it makes sense,

trespass posting, instantly changes the current discussion in ANY thread.

My picture, trespass posting days are now over. please forgive my

posting of pictures in your yard, looking for faster answers.

i have a severe patience issue, i'm not proud of it.:peace:
Ha, ha, ha

Pick a Curtain Jimmy; Oh, That's For Sunday's questions.
As the kids say; What's poppin Mr. Suavay?
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