New City Grower 2.0

No need to apologize Cdaddy. When I was younger I was the type that would Kick my gift to one girl & if she gave me the cold shoulder I'd just turn around right there & kick it to her friend. I can take criticism and rejection without batting an eye. Constructive criticism is the best way to improve. We very rarely get that here on 420. I know things aren't looking good here but I just want to see it through.

I'm going to post the good along with the bad & ugly. Maybe someone can learn from my mistakes.
I also want to get rid of my FF. It definitely burns and not knowing much when I bought it I thought it was something else and it is really not organic, so probably will use it in the compost pile to get it nice and hot once I do all the weeding.

I think when I grow inside over winter I am using Growology. I love Dennise's results.

I wish I would have known this before I dropped over 100 bucks on the fox farm line of nutes.... :straightface: Hopefully they don't burn my plants. I've been using like 1/4 the prescribed amount though.. Hopefully I'll be alright. I'm gonna use them regardless now because I've spent the money on them...
You will be fine using 1/4th. I love fox farms nutrients absolutely. Their soil and nutrient lines have done very well in my book.Feel free to come to my journal and take a look.
I also want to get rid of my FF. It definitely burns and not knowing much when I bought it I thought it was something else and it is really not organic, so probably will use it in the compost pile to get it nice and hot once I do all the weeding.

I think when I grow inside over winter I am using Growology. I love Dennise's results.
Sorry Garden but the girls that have made it to the finish line have all been Fox Farms all the way. My Growology girls are just now getting to the closet so it is going to be a bit till we know for sure if they do as well...:circle-of-love:
Fifi, I mean Lady Dee used Fox Farm nutes nearly to the finish line. I followed her grow under the coaching of Judge John on when & how much to feed but being that I'm in a complete soil (SCIENTIFIC SOILS) it was too much.
You should go back to the beginning of the first grow when I was using MG and just a small amount of the FF as suggested by King :adore: but it was a very small amount and don't you dare get rid of SSxS#1. It's not her fault you didn't let her mature enough before you tried to force her into flower :thedoubletake:... just let her do her thing and ya might just be surprised. Just look at the mutant ... she's getting there.....:circle-of-love:
I wish I would have known this before I dropped over 100 bucks on the fox farm line of nutes.... :straightface: Hopefully they don't burn my plants. I've been using like 1/4 the prescribed amount though.. Hopefully I'll be alright. I'm gonna use them regardless now because I've spent the money on them...
OK let me set the record straight here. I have been using FF all the way and just harvested some of the best smoke I have ever smoked in 42 years of smoking. I used FF soils with Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Open sesame, Beastie Bloom and Cha Ching. Now with that said it is a major pain in the azz to mix up and figure it all out and with out King :adore: doing it for me I would have failed miserably however with his very kind help and using nothing but FF products I am amazed at what I just harvested off of now 2 of my girls...:yahoo:... So don't be sad you bought the product and use them starting at about 1/4 strength and work up to what each girl likes and they work.... really well actually I just hae all the mixing and figuring and I watched what Growology has done for other member on here and it is so much easier and cheaper too. I hope I get as good of results as I did with FF and if I don't I will be going back to FF....:circle-of-love:
Just like anything in this wonderful world of growing there are many different ways to get the same thing in the end, and the variety of plants plus the variety in human beings leads to some things working great for some and working crappy for others, be it 'style' or 'plant genetics'.

My simple point in this situation for that above philosophy is....just cause some have bad grow with FF ferts, does not mean someone else will not have good grow with FF ferts...

So do not fret Green Closet, listen to those that have had luck, and not those that have not, and at worst you will gain $100 worth of experience....
OK let me set the record straight here. I have been using FF all the way and just harvested some of the best smoke I have ever smoked in 42 years of smoking. I used FF soils with Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Open sesame, Beastie Bloom and Cha Ching. Now with that said it is a major pain in the azz to mix up and figure it all out and with out King :adore: doing it for me I would have failed miserably however with his very kind help and using nothing but FF products I am amazed at what I just harvested off of now 2 of my girls...:yahoo:... So don't be sad you bought the product and use them starting at about 1/4 strength and work up to what each girl likes and they work.... really well actually I just hae all the mixing and figuring and I watched what Growology has done for other member on here and it is so much easier and cheaper too. I hope I get as good of results as I did with FF and if I don't I will be going back to FF....:circle-of-love:
Ok Green Closet (who will be referred to as Green from here on out), if you're really ready to use your hundred bucks wisely, get ready to read. I'm going to take you to the origins of the KJC/Lady Dee connection; the proven way to go about using the Fox Farm trio. Mind you, it's a long journey but as long as you're not using a soil as hot as SCIENTIFIC SOILS you'll be fine. Even in MIRACLE GROW which is pretty unstable this system worked. Follow this path.
Finally caught back up :bong:
For all those who fall behind here you don't have to kill yourself catching up. Just type "Photo Shoot" into the "Search Thread" box located at the top right hand corner of any page & then left click "search". It will give you a list of my most relevant updates.
Ok Green Closet (who will be referred to as Green from here on out), if you're really ready to use your hundred bucks wisely, get ready to read. I'm going to take you to the origins of the KJC/Lady Dee connection; the proven way to go about using the Fox Farm trio. Mind you, it's a long journey but as long as you're not using a soil as hot as SCIENTIFIC SOILS you'll be fine. Even in MIRACLE GROW which is pretty unstable this system worked. Follow this path.

Thanks BAR, + reps for the link, looks like I have some reading to do..
Just doing a fast drive bye. I'm not sure what exactly you are meaning by fluxing. I'm think it's another LSTing? I see you have a full flower tent going. Just a thought I see you had alittle nutrient problem afew weeks back, they look like they are growing out of it fine, but just my little two cent, you might want to add alittle blood/bone meal to your medium. I really like the 'high yield' brand. Come premixed blood and bone. What I really like is they use fine ground bone meal plus some that are the size of a pea. Them pea sized ones will supply calcium through-out flower. I haven't read a lot just looking back at pictures. They never taught us how to read back in Arkansas. JK but anyways. Interesting one in that Haze mutant. Looks like the kind that tend to run away on ya in the stretching department. But she sure show heavy sativa that's for sure.
Great grow and Keepem Green
Not keeping them too green these days & the whole grow is a little suspect Norcaliwood but I'm happy to see those nute burnt baby-dolls getting their vigor back. Is blood/bone meal something you add to the soil prior to the initial transplant? My next grow budget dough is open to be spent on whatever. I want my next purchase to be something that can really escalate my yields. Thanxx for dropping by.
not to answer for Norcal, but yes it a soil amendment, not sure if can mix with water but I would doubt it.

If you want to escalate your yield, there of course could be many suggestions to be made. I think the best thing to do is to find some one with real good results and has had track record of people 'copying' them with good results, then 'copy' them with your own little splash of BAR style thrown in. I am trying that now with hydro growing in rockwool chunks/pots, a la 'Cap'n Style'. His blog is VERY informative.
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