New City Grower 2.0

:thanks: Cdaddy.
Hey Reg.

What happened to my fellow Brit, the Cultivator ?

Don't want to step on his toes, but next round we really should be getting some more bud from those tents.

See ya on the dark side my NYC buddy.
For all those who fall behind here you don't have to kill yourself catching up. Just type "Photo Shoot" into the "Search Thread" box located at the top right hand corner of any page & then left click "search". It will give you a list of my most relevant updates.

Thanks Reg I love to try an keep up as much as can,,,hey brother hows the sleestack I seen the posts but only read them very quickly :reading420magazine:if you could sex it an find out weather its worth keeping:cheesygrinsmiley:really hope you do have a girl cause as I think you know she has the most fab cola from the video on the tube I saw the guy didnt give his any special treatment or nutes but got so many Oz I would really love to atch her go flower an give you a Massive bud:slide: :slide: :slide: :slide::high-five::love::love::love::love::circle-of-love:
For all those who fall behind here you don't have to kill yourself catching up. Just type "Photo Shoot" into the "Search Thread" box located at the top right hand corner of any page & then left click "search". It will give you a list of my most relevant updates.

Don't like it, information on your grow is only 50% of the reason I comes here, the other 50% is for the fun I have reading through everyone's posts!
I'm the type of person to leave my smartphone at home just because I have no need for it and just carry my cheap " burner" "throwaway" "dealerphone" whatever you wanna call it because I just need to make calls...not anymore, now I'm that person with his phone on his lap while out at dinner trying to post in all the journals I'm subbed to!
For all those who fall behind here you don't have to kill yourself catching up. Just type "Photo Shoot" into the "Search Thread" box located at the top right hand corner of any page & then left click "search". It will give you a list of my most relevant updates.

To late, I'm all caught up too!

I like reading post between members, that's how I learn.
Heya BAR Happy Weednsday Man :thumb:
Happy Thurweed day BAR :thumb:
Well now it's Friday here And you know how I do on Fridays.
For all those who fall behind here you don't have to kill yourself catching up. Just type "Photo Shoot" into the "Search Thread" box located at the top right hand corner of any page & then left click "search". It will give you a list of my most relevant updates.
Don't like it, information on your grow is only 50% of the reason I comes here, the other 50% is for the fun I have reading through everyone's posts!
I'm the type of person to leave my smartphone at home just because I have no need for it and just carry my cheap " burner" "throwaway" "dealerphone" whatever you wanna call it because I just need to make calls...not anymore, now I'm that person with his phone on his lap while out at dinner trying to post in all the journals I'm subbed to!

To late, I'm all caught up too!

I like reading post between members, that's how I learn.
Well thanxx guys. I'm honored you want to read all my gibberish. The "Photo Shoot" shortcut is really for late subbers, followers who don't log in too often, drive-bys, & those that just fall behind but want to still know how the grow is going.

Brit, Coach Cult is still there for me. He's made it clear that if I need anything just PM him; which I've done a few times. And just so you know, I think this round has rebounded. The nute burn issues are deteriorating on both the SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular) and QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand). The SLEESTACK X SKUNK has even branched out since the last Photo Shoot Jaga.

I'm pretty sure I seen pistils on STACK A. DOLLAR (Cotton Candy, Re-veg) yesterday morning. All my girls have retired for the night but I'll take some pics at lights on.

And don't forget. We're on for this Sunday's THE REPS ARE RIGHT
I know I am late :
KUMIKO IV (Honey Haze) Day 79 / Day 51 under 12/12

This little conflicted doll is my mercy grow. She has bad genetics and was a true mutant from day one. As long as she continues to grow I'll continue to care for her. She's planted in NYC compost, SCIENTIFIC SOILS, and VERMICULITE

Is that why the leafs look so thin? I am still trying to learn the different types of genetics .
Princess DIY, Dusty, Stealth, PJ, Two Jays, Jimmy, Brit, Lester, B, Cronic, Judge John, & LB glad to see you could make it.



Product Details
SE 2 20x Loupe on Glasses Frame, 1 LED on Loupe, Blk Color by SE

$4.47 new

Product Features
20x Magnification Hand Free Double Illuminated Loupe on Eye Glass Frame

These are the latest new design in high fashion eyewear; Suavay Rico's

I also use them to take my close-ups with my cell phone.

Nice I could use something like that!!! can I ask were you find something like that?
:hmmmm: ... willow water... :hmmmm: I thought all you needed was small piece of a willow tree branch chucked in with your cuts?
:hmmmm: ... willow water... :hmmmm: I thought all you needed was small piece of a willow tree branch chucked in with your cuts?
That method would probably also work Buck but I'm just letting them soak in some 6.5 PH tap for awhile and then use that water.

Quick Update

(Cotton Candy, Re-veg) Day 35 / Day 23 under 12/12

I knew I seen pistils yesterday morning!



(Regular) Day 53 / Day 43 under 12/12

She's bouncing back from the nute burns & defol but still not a hint of sex.



(Wild Thailand) Day 91 / Day 45 under 12/12

The sweetness of recovery...




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