New City Grower 2.0

Nothing to it but to do it Jaga. LA has made his Fluxing thread FLUX CENTRAL. Any plant you're trying to flux just post it there & he will guide you through it.

Thanks Reg its a great growing style that bewilders me with some staggering results
Best of days to you on this fine shatterday:circle-of-love:
so BAR you anxiously awaiting that butter machine arriving?
Happy Shatterday :thumb:
Top of the Sativaday to yea BAR. Your flowering tent is looking good even with a little tip burn. :thumb: I use Root Riots for cloning and seeds with 75 to 80F bottom heat with a dome. I have had really good luck doing this. Sucks losing babies.
Thanxx Bill.

T-minus 1 day until Showtime
SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular) Day 40 / Day 30 under 12/12

She's been in the Bloom tent for a month & still hasn't revealed her sex yet. I've just done a thorough inspection with my Suavay Rico's (jewelers glasses).


Also does anyone have any questions you want addressed tomorrow during the show? You can PM Cannafan or myself.
But only 10 days veg. :cheesygrinsmiley: ... and females tend to show later ...
This is my first time switching light schedules to determine sex. So I shouldn't really worry then, right Gray? If anything, taking so long is a good sign of showing up female.
Just an observation Reg.

I note you tend to purchase a lot of regular seeds. As you're only growing one or two examples

of your selected strains, are you really convinced it is worth all the time and effort waiting to

determine the sex of the plant. Some might say "yeah, well regulars are much cheaper"

If you were running 20 plant grows, then that might make a small financial gain as you can go

full on veg, and take out the males when necessary.

In my humble opinion regular seeds are just not worth the "win or lose" effort in small operations

such as yours. Just think of the amount of time you are losing over say 1 year every time yet another

male has to go to compost. In your current setup, I reckon you could be doing about two feminized

plants per month. Does an average 1 oz per week appeal ?

Just me 2 cents.

This is my first time switching light schedules to determine sex. So I shouldn't really worry then, right Gray? If anything, taking so long is a good sign of showing up female.

Heheh, sorta, as you say "if anything". It's not a bad sign - no reason to worry - s'all good. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'd expect it to show pretty soon now.
Waiting for the sex to show can be mindbogglingly slow and tedious. It took my plants just over 30 days this season. I had expected them to show sooner due to the GLR schedule I have running in my mother room. I think they slowed down due to the cooler nights of the bay.

Your plants will bloom soon. They'll be all rushing to after that much dark.
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