New City Grower 2.0

I just remember the red carpet on the stairs and it was real fancy. My Uncle was a financial adviser to whoever was in office at the time and he kept a suite there but lived in Maryland or something like that but it was my first experience in a fancy hotel and it left an impression. Fancy people opening the door for ya and stuff. It ain't like that round here.... Welll the closet hotel is by the truck stop soooo .... just sayin' don't stay at the hotel.....:circle-of-love:
Of Couse we have willow tree in NYC. Little known fat NYC has a lot of parkland it's just not visited a lot by us NY'ers because we're to busy working to pay the BILLS. Discounting Washington Square park for obvious reasons (more concrete than veg) Bryant again in the middle of Times square doesn't really count. Then we get to Central Park which spans from 59th street to 110th street, 5th Ave to Columbus circle followed by Prospect ark in Brooklyn I believe bigger than CP. Up in the Bronx we have Pelham Bay park. Then we have a state park off of the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn that spans for miles the name escapes me. Anyway a couple of years ago some bright grower decided to throw about 100 beans in the ground and come back in Oct. Some bird watcher was doing what they do when looking to be a bird peeping toms, finds the now budding beans and he calls the police. Long rant just to say YES. LOL.

I used to hang out in Prospect Park. When I got a little older, about 15, I started hanging out in Central Park. By the Fountain by day, and behind the Mall at night. Ooof, memories...don't forget the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens across from Prospect and NY Botanical Gardens in the Bronx, and the Bronx Zoo! I used to go horseback riding in Brooklyn down by the Belt Parkway at Plum Beach. Where all lost, I mean stolen cars go to die!
I just remember the red carpet on the stairs and it was real fancy. My Uncle was a financial adviser to whoever was in office at the time and he kept a suite there but lived in Maryland or something like that but it was my first experience in a fancy hotel and it left an impression. Fancy people opening the door for ya and stuff. It ain't like that round here.... Welll the closet hotel is by the truck stop soooo .... just sayin' don't stay at the hotel.....:circle-of-love:

That was probably The Plaza Hotel on Central Park South.

As for willow trees, I'm going to take a wild guess that you want to use the bark to make rooting water? The willow tree is where we get salicylic acid, aka aspirin. By all means try it. One time I bought some willow branches at the store, the curly kind to make an arrangement and when I got them home I noticed they all had rooted in the water they were sitting in at the florist! I have used willow water to make rooting medium and it definitely sped the process.
I used to hang out in Prospect Park. When I got a little older, about 15, I started hanging out in Central Park. By the Fountain by day, and behind the Mall at night. Ooof, memories...don't forget the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens across from Prospect and NY Botanical Gardens in the Bronx, and the Bronx Zoo! I used to go horseback riding in Brooklyn down by the Belt Parkway at Plum Beach. Where all lost, I mean stolen cars go to die!

Yes GF the fountain in CP brings back memories. Loose joints. LOL
You are 100% right GF The Plaza. How could I forget.
Those really were the days. You could go into the park at night and not be in danger. We'd trip back there behind that band shell! We used to call it Hell because of the way the Wisteria vines grew it was so scary under that trellis. They filmed Kramer vs. Kramer back there. If you watch the movie, it's the scene when the kid sees his mother for the first time after she Central Park exactly where I had many, many the experiences! Heh.

My mother grew up on and my grandmother lived for 65 years at W.110 St. and Broadway. She was forced out by the building when they went co-op. New York, New York. Fffffffffft. My mom knew George Carlin. He lived two streets away. It used to be Spanish Harlem. Now it is GentrifiHarlem. Thanks NYC for allowing this to happen to my home town.
YES, YES and YES GF. The trellis behind the ban shell was scary, Spanish Harlem where I grew up 110 and LEX. Sadly gentrification has moved many people, cultures and spread them either to the outer boroughs or out of state due to affordability. That's why I am currently planning to buy a house in FL. before it happens to me and mine. Thanks for riding down memory lane with me GF you are the best and your memory is better than mine. LOL.:thumb:
YES, YES and YES GF. The trellis behind the ban shell was scary, Spanish Harlem where I grew up 110 and LEX. Sadly gentrification has moved many people, cultures and spread them either to the outer boroughs or out of state due to affordability. That's why I am currently planning to buy a house in FL. before it happens to me and mine. Thanks for riding down memory lane with me GF you are the best and your memory is better than mine. LOL.:thumb:

Well, long term memory is good, short term is not so good. Brain damage is brain damage damn it!

They actually paid my grandmother 30,000 dollars to leave her apartment! The rooms I grew up in at Christmas, two weeks a summer on the roof hanging clothes and sun bathing, and the building looks totally different now. Fancy awning and all. 514 W. 110. 10th floor.

Most of my friends have moved to Williamsburg or Greenpoint. I have a dear friend whose been doing the flea market for 30 years. The one on 26th and was it 10th? But it moved now to Brooklyn near Atlantic Avenue somewhere downtown. I'd move back, but to Sheepshead Bay or Mahnattan Beach...and I can't afford any of that, so I am not moving back anytime soon. My peeps.
I hated to see your cut wilt like that. The dirt looked moist in the pic. Is there a fan or air intake near it ?

As fast as it wilted I knew too much air had dried it out. Next time try to keep it away from drafts and too much light. They don't have to be in your tent. Just don't let them get chilly.

Dang. I'm upset that it died. I was really "rooting" for you this time !
Speaking of gentrification. Downtown Brooklyn case in point. I have a girlfriend from BK and when I first met her and wanted to piss her off I would say something Neg about BK. No more BK is back and better than ever. some times we have to take the good with the bad.
That was probably The Plaza Hotel on Central Park South.

As for willow trees, I'm going to take a wild guess that you want to use the bark to make rooting water? The willow tree is where we get salicylic acid, aka aspirin. By all means try it. One time I bought some willow branches at the store, the curly kind to make an arrangement and when I got them home I noticed they all had rooted in the water they were sitting in at the florist! I have used willow water to make rooting medium and it definitely sped the process.
Yes, that's The Plaza.

Actually the new branch growth, not the bark.

Yes GF the fountain in CP brings back memories. Loose joints. LOL
You are 100% right GF The Plaza. How could I forget.
Ahh man, you guys are bringing back some good times. Loose Joints $1 and tray bags twice the size of what I think they sell for dimes now.

Those really were the days. You could go into the park at night and not be in danger. We'd trip back there behind that band shell! We used to call it Hell because of the way the Wisteria vines grew it was so scary under that trellis. They filmed Kramer vs. Kramer back there. If you watch the movie, it's the scene when the kid sees his mother for the first time after she Central Park exactly where I had many, many the experiences! Heh.

My mother grew up on and my grandmother lived for 65 years at W.110 St. and Broadway. She was forced out by the building when they went co-op. New York, New York. Fffffffffft. My mom knew George Carlin. He lived two streets away. It used to be Spanish Harlem. Now it is GentrifiHarlem. Thanks NYC for allowing this to happen to my home town.
It's crazy. If you haven't been living in the same apt. for nearly 10 years forget about it. The rent in the city is sky high now. My sister just gave the landlord back the apt. we grew up in recently. The by-out she settled for didn't even last her a year. I couldn't even jump in & stop her silly butt because thanxx to our x-mayor you now have to have bills or mail dating back from the last lease renewal or one year to prove occupancy of an apt.. No longer is immediate family automatically considered an occupant of an apt under the new rent control laws. They've made it so much easier for landlords to get old tenants apt's back.

As fast as it wilted I knew too much air had dried it out. Next time try to keep it away from drafts and too much light. They don't have to be in your tent. Just don't let them get chilly.

Dang. I'm upset that it died. I was really "rooting" for you this time !
What happen was I had a humidifier over it & things were going well. It only took one day of forgetting to fill the humidifier with water and it dried out.

Happy FreeWeed day BAR :thumb:

Happy Friday BAR, hope all is well :Namaste:

Same to you guys.

T-minus 2 days until Showtime...
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