New City Grower 2.0

I hated to see your cut wilt like that. The dirt looked moist in the pic. Is there a fan or air intake near it ?

Hey BAR and the 420:circle-of-love: Sorry to say but I had un subbed myself from my own thread @ Fluxing central lol Sorry for the delay in answers, now Im back for all whom flux :)
Best of buds to you all! :)
Not a problem. Your co-pilot Ozzy was holding it down.

I have dug out an old "cooking bell/ timer" any chance we could

set a FIXED number of minutes between every new question?

This will substantially reduce :love:Rapid Heartbeat:love:, I experienced last time,

thank you for considering this.
Thanxx for the idea Trichster, but we already have a method of keeping everything on a time schedule.

Heya BAR Happy Thurweed day Brotha :thumb:
And a Great "one more day" day to you.

Ok, the clone is officially dead (not surprising) and I'm having an issue with
QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand)

I don't believe it's too serious. Hopefully it's just nute burn as I had moved her up to full doses of Fox Farm nutes. I'll be feeding her only H2o for awhile to see if it resolves the issue.





The clone is dead, long live the :)

Sorry about it...can I see the start of nodules at the end of the stem? Maybe not, I'm sure you looked.

I think REPS R Right ends up being about 8am monday morning, this monday is out for me, wish I time maybe... :)
try the cup of water method BAR
less effort and it does work just get a dark cup that light cant get through put some
water in take a cut throw it in right away change the water every couple days and just wait
you don't even have to leave it under your lights just throw it on a windowsill or something
Duuuude! Do I really have to come to NY? The very thought terrifies me but not nearly as much as you doing another clone alone. If you look out the peep hole and there is an old blonde standing there in a Harley shirt and levi's please open the door.(don't worry I love ya to much to ever put ya through that nightmare)......:circle-of-love:
Duuuude! Do I really have to come to NY? The very thought terrifies me but not nearly as much as you doing another clone alone. If you look out the peep hole and there is an old blonde standing there in a Harley shirt and levi's please open the door.(don't worry I love ya to much to ever put ya through that nightmare)......:circle-of-love:
That wouldn't be a nightmare, it would be a blessing.
I wouldn't make you go through all that after the trouble you had digging it out. Just set it on 5 minute intervals and see how many post "watch this flux" get's every 5 mins.
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