New City Grower 2.0

Nothing to it but to do it Jaga. LA has made his Fluxing thread FLUX CENTRAL. Any plant you're trying to flux just post it there & he will guide you through it.

Please please put another mark next to my name on the Dead Clone Society killboard. I had a sudden overnight mold attack, prob. from no humidity meter. It grew a ball of white fur overnight. I'm just gonna try what I saw here a few pages back, I think it was BB's share. The cutting started with bad odds, because it was from a flowering plant (the purple) best of luck with yours.
Back to the Mag glasses. Where did you get them and how much as I tried to buy some and they were like $600.

latinBudder:thumb:!! where you been? sorry bro I probably scared a lot of members away! I hope your flux is cooperating! Actually I don't blame you one bit, it's like a circus sometimes, I can't even keep up. trying to slow it down. still flew thru 4 pages or something today, lots of issues, but lots of great member help. I'll try to check in soon.

BAR, thank you for the ONLY soldering iron compliment!:high-five:
I hope this is okay. I blame Dennise because she told me to post here!

Is there anything I should do yet? These are in six inch pots and I just got them potted up about ten days ago from their germ pots.

How many do you think I should flux? I just wonder how it will work in the ground.

I'm just a student here GF, but I'd guess, when you have 2 nodes growing below the top node, you will be removing the top node first, to start a standard flux, similar to mine. I have recently seen the teacher growing a 4 way flux/ crossflux/ double flux. My thought only applies to the standard flux, but do anything w/out Mr Miagi's confirmation.

I am so stoked to watch you, BAR & latinbudder (to name just a few) start new fluxes !!!!:thumb:
What the Trichster said Brooklyn. Also if you don't have a problem with fluxing 4 plants at a time I'd do 4 but start on a stagnated schedule. Start one about every 3 or 4 days so if you do anything wrong like accidental be-headings (LOL) you'll have another clean shot. But in your case you'll probably end up with 4 perfectly fluxed plants.

BAR, thank you for the ONLY soldering iron compliment!:high-five:
Please please put another mark next to my name on the Dead Clone Society killboard. I had a sudden overnight mold attack, prob. from no humidity meter. It grew a ball of white fur overnight. I'm just gonna try what I saw here a few pages back, I think it was BB's share. The cutting started with bad odds, because it was from a flowering plant (the purple) best of luck with yours.
It's funny you've mentioned The Dead Clone Society. I might not be canceling my membership as soon as I thought. I forgot to re-fill the humidifier this morning & this is what I came home to.


I hope the clone recovers. I have to stop making all these senseless mistakes.
What the Trichster said Brooklyn. Also if you don't have a problem with fluxing 4 plants at a time I'd do 4 but start on a stagnated schedule. Start one about every 3 or 4 days so if you do anything wrong like accidental be-headings (LOL) you'll have another clean shot. But in your case you'll probably end up with 4 perfectly fluxed plants.

It's funny you've mentioned The Dead Clone Society. I might not be canceling my membership as soon as I thought. I forgot to re-fill the humidifier this morning & this is what I came home to.


I hope the clone recovers. I have to stop making all these senseless mistakes.

I want to complete this no dome method attempt first. If it doesn't bounce back I'll try it again without forgetting to fill the humidifier.
Yeah, I know.
Dear Reg,

please tell me you new clone is looking good today.

i'm off to hit the pillow in 5 mins.

I would like to of dreaming of healthy green clones in NYC.

Especially the one at your place :)

Edit: Just seen the pics. Water water Reg !

In my experience you cannot overwater a clone. Just keep the water low down in the root zone.

Top watering can cause rot.

If this one dies I'm coming over for a hands on how to. :)
A few post back Brit.
I'm now changing my middle name to Azz so my full 420 name is Broke Azz Reg.
latinBudder:thumb:!! where you been? sorry bro I probably scared a lot of members away! I hope your flux is cooperating! Actually I don't blame you one bit, it's like a circus sometimes, I can't even keep up. trying to slow it down. still flew thru 4 pages or something today, lots of issues, but lots of great member help. I'll try to check in soon.

BAR, thank you for the ONLY soldering iron compliment!:high-five:

Thanks for asking Trich. I been Ok I guess. I have a bad back Upper and lower so can't sit stand walk for long periods and the pain meds are highly addicting so I have been staying off the computer and laying down a lot. As for the fluxing. That goes well. Took some pics the other day but again didn't feel good so forgot to post. I flux every two days as the veg needs to be kept in check. I will take some more pics later and post. As for keeping up, man I don't know how you all do it.
:lot-o-toke:Hope all is good with your clone B A R:circle-of-love:
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