New City Grower 2.0

If there is any heat coming out of the unit, I would not for sure.

As I stated a few pages back, you want to force the baby to want roots. Some cuts stall under domes because the plant is not moving water through its' stem fast enough. Others die under a dome because rot sets in. I'm glad you are not using a dome this time, but being under a humidifier is not going to encourage transpiration either. Even in low humidity environments you can clone without domes if you can keep an eye on them and mist them only if they wilt. Normally if they are going to wilt, they will do it in the first 48 hours until they learn to drink from their stem.

I wish you would get a small bag of perlite and ditch the dirt for cuttings. I won't go as far as to say that perlite is sterile, but there is a much greater chance for your babies to get fungus or bacteria growing on them in dirt or potting mix.

Lastly there are big differences of opinions on trimming the leaves. I personally don't do it because I feel that the leaf loses moisture and has to heal. These babies don't need the added stress at this time. Instead of trimming leaves in half, I would have cut both of the lower ones(in your pic) off completely and that node would be under the dirt level too leaving only one set of leaves besides the growing shoot above the dirt level. I always make sure that there are two nodes under the dirt level and the lowest node gets scraped pretty good.

I hope you don't mind the input. Good luck Sir !

Fine words my friend and pretty much goes along with my methods.

Only thing I would change is to use a coco/perlite or moss/perlite mix. These have good water retention

and aeration. I've said many times, I totally abuse my clones and they all root 100%.
Oh and congratulations Reg

This pic clearly shows the cutting is drawing up water.

As my blog says if it's looking perky 24 to 48 hours in you've probably cracked it

Well done, I'm dusting off your THC card now. Please leave her be now, 2 weeks

and no peeking. Kapish ?

Good day Broke ass. How are you doing on this sunday?
Hey B A R, I've been so busy reading and learning on this great magazine that I've missed out on voting or even knowing that there was a vote or what to vote for, so please Mr. B A R a little teaching of the rookie here, thank you.

Just wanted to give a shout out,

Hmm what store would sell bamboo papers? A tobacconist?
Hmm what store would sell bamboo papers? A tobacconist?
Here they sell them in almost every bodega.

Excuse me BAR, dunno how else to do this...

Good morning Jaga, hope your having a shanti night(?)

This journal is an open forum Tas, as long as you keep it clean & don't dis-respect your fellow member.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: I am so hapy for you.. :yahoo:
Now I have a real question.... Do you know who is using Growology only and what journal it is? I know there are a couple I have been to I just can't remember who's..... Pretty sad but pretty much waked and baked too so 2 excuses in one.........:circle-of-love:
If my memory serves me correctly I think Cronic uses Growology.
what is your soil temp BAR? most kitchens have those therms. for cooking, try to keep her at 80° minimum, my 2 cents
I have no idea.

Thanxx Jimmy.

QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) Day 72 / Day 26 under 12/12

I did a little defol to get some light penetration to those lower budsites.





She's been placed in a cup of Happy Frog with MYKOS.


I think I cant get caught up on this journal. It's quite vast in no time at all. I am going to try and stay afloat instead :) Looking good my friend. Hope all is well!
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