New City Grower 2.0

FINALLY!! thanks BAR, now :rofl::rofl::rofl: first one of the day, so far:thumb:


And oh yeah, here's what became of my latest clone attempt.

hey BAR try the most simple method get a cup of water throw a cutting or two in it
just change the water every couple days the most simple method to try
Plants (not cannabis) are cheap this time of year. Why not get a geranium or something and use it for cloning practice - and ultimately confidence building? You can clone most plants. Get something and use it as a lab rat. You won't care if the clone dies. It may be a good way for folks who struggle with the process to get the hang of it in a low-stakes game.
hey BAR try the most simple method get a cup of water throw a cutting or two in it
just change the water every couple days the most simple method to try

Good 7am to all...I forgot this one....I guess at the very least its so simple it's worth a go, and there's not much effort invested if it goes pear shaped...not saying that it will...

My father once said to me....If you find yourself digging a hole, first thing to do is stop digging...

down tools.... :)
K.I.S.S. Garden is spot on and as you know and not that I'm trying to rub it in but I can't kill one of the son of a guns. I guess I didn't realize they were the only ones you had tried to clone but the Thai looks like she would be easy and your SSxS#1 does too but since the SS is not in flower yet it would most likely clone easier. I bet it works and that it has been the strain you have been trying to clone. Come on do it. Before you start drinking this evening not after...:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:
Now that ya mention it I have wild blackberries all down my property that I took cutting and now they are running all down the drive and I have airplane plants all over the house that all came from 1 original plant and all I ever did was stick it in water till there were roots. Never thought of it as cloning but guess it is. I know you got this Broke Ass really let's go with the assumption it is the strain that you have been attempting to clone and just go in there and cut the SSxS#1.... Just do it....:circle-of-love:
Plants (not cannabis) are cheap this time of year. Why not get a geranium or something and use it for cloning practice - and ultimately confidence building? You can clone most plants. Get something and use it as a lab rat. You won't care if the clone dies. It may be a good way for folks who struggle with the process to get the hang of it in a low-stakes game.
Excellent idea! I'm gonna tear apart a begonia. LOL
Thanks PeeJay
BAR, Cronic has a point. My mother used to clone (she called it cuttings) all kinds of flowers and veggies she would get from her friends. All she would do is drop them in some tap water in a glass; no special angular cut, no hormones or RO water - she had a huge strawberry patch from cuttings.

Some plants can be propagated by cuttings more easily than others. Spider Plants are famously easy. Taking cuttings from them is a classic preschool activity - cutting into a styro cup with tap water, get roots, put the plant in another cup filled with dirt, take it home and feel proud!

Culinary herbs would make good lab rats, I think. Oregano/marjoram, basil, sages, rosemary. Reg could pick up some container plants and stick them out on the balcony and screw around with cloning to his hearts content. He'd also be able to pick some fresh herbs to add to sauce.
HINT: Squirrel
That's not a hint, that's a give away.

hey BAR try the most simple method get a cup of water throw a cutting or two in it
just change the water every couple days the most simple method to try
Been there, done that. LOL / Hold up Cronic, I just thought about it. I never changed the water when I tried that. This is being type after the rest of the post. Call it an edit.

BAR, Cronic has a point. My mother used to clone (she called it cuttings) all kinds of flowers and veggies she would get from her friends. All she would do is drop them in some tap water in a glass; no special angular cut, no hormones or RO water - she had a huge strawberry patch from cuttings.
My Mom use to do the same thing.

I'm 2 steps ahead of you Lady Dee. Here's a cutting from the SSXS.



I scrapped the stem and put rooting compound on it.


And this time I put MYKOS in the soil.



I'm going dome-less this time. There's a humidifier in the Veg tent.



Trust me my friends, I'm not discouraged. I just figured it was time for me to start trying again. If you'd like to see all the different methods I've tried go to my previous journal & type "Clone" in the search box.
This is like I'm a kid all over again & I'm the only one in our crew who couldn't skip a rock more than once across the River
Reg is the consummate urbanite and loves it. He has minimal gardening experience. Very minimal. I'm not talking about you as if you aren't here, BAR, this is more of a tribute/roast post. * Raise glass - take swig.*

Reg has discovered he likes growing stuff - accidently. I don't think it is about the "smoke." There is a little farmer in his gene pool somewhere...

I propose he should grow some plants, tomatoes in Mama's dirt, arugula, etc, out on the emergency exit where the orphans once lived...


Grow some other stuff and you will learn a ton about growing cannabis! *Raise glass - take a bigger drink*

The tomato you grow out on the fire escape will be the best you ever tasted !
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