New City Grower 2.0

BAR pm me if you want I will give you a step by step cloning plan that needs almost none of your time and with very little cost. I don't know if you want me tying up time and space on your thread here. But I will be happy to help you out. Just let me know.
@ Trichomes

That must have been the Spimpster or our good friend Ricorico.
I know it wasn't as far back as the Spimp Days.

BAR pm me if you want I will give you a step by step cloning plan that needs almost none of your time and with very little cost. I don't know if you want me tying up time and space on your thread here. But I will be happy to help you out. Just let me know.
You can post it right here so the whole 420 community can benefit from your method Holler.

Good morning BAR. Just checking to see how you did at HD on 23rd street.
Never made it.


QUEEN THAI (Wild Thailand) Day 71 / Day 25 under 12/12

Full strength dose of:
Fox Farm Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, & Cha Ching

(Honey Haze, The mutant, cris-cross style) Day 119 / Day 91 under 12/12

1/2 strength dose of:
Fox Farm Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, & Cha Ching


Both received 1/4 dose of:
Fox Farm Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, & Open Sesame

Also have a CRITICAL bean tap-rooting in the seed dish.

BAR....look into Cloning in rock wool by the Capn.

I have followed it 4 times now with 100% success rate....even on a couple of my stubborn hard to clone strains.

I don't use the air stone or ppm meter as shown in the tutorial but follow the rest of the directions as close as possible.

If I can do it, surely buddy you can have the same success with your clones :high-five:

How to clone in rock wool

You can see what I used in my current journal heady's 8, post #107 :high-five:

Heady's Redemption x 6 with T5 Veg & JD Lighting 600w E Ballast x 2
:oops: Double post...
If you're on a budget and you don't have $250 bucks for a new aeroponic cloner, you might want to try cloning in rock wool. There are several tutorials on this site about cloning in rockwool, and my method isn't much different than most of them, but I'll show you DETAILED step by step how I do it (and why I do this or that), from start to finish. This method works for me, 100% of the time, and it can work for you too if you follow this recipe.

First, I'll tell you why I like cloning in rock wool, better than an aeroponic cloner:

1. RW is "set it and forget it". If done properly, you won't have to touch your clones for TWO weeks.

2. No wires, no electricity, nothing to go wrong.

3. Whether you are planting in dirt, hydroton, or more rockwool, after your clone roots, you can go to any growing medium with no transplanting shock.

4. It's CHEAP! No pump or sprayers or plumbing, etc, to buy.

Here we go:

1. Prepare your work area and gather the necessary items:

a. 1/2 gallon of Reverse Osmosis or Distilled water. It is better to use distilled water for clones. The reason is because most tap water contains chloramines and chlorine, which may kill the beneficial bacteria (that accelerate root growth). If you're using tap water, aerate* the water for a few hours first.

b. Bloom formula nutrients (general hydroponics, fox farm, any will do)

c. Aquashield or voodoo juice (same thing)

d. optional: any kind of beneficial bacteria (great white, roots excelurator, soluble mycos, etc)

e. Razor blade or scissors

f. Labels to label your clones so you know what is what

g. Rock wool. I use the slabs and cut to size. You can use 2 or 3 inch blocks instead.

h. Clonex rooting gel (other gels will work too)

i. Mother plants, of course!


2. Mix up your water:

a. To the 1/2 gallon of water, add about 5ml of bloom formula (general hydroponics bloom or foxfarm big bloom) to the water, and mix to 250ppm @ .5 conversion. If you don't have a PPM meter, 2ml of Bloom in 1/2 gal of water should be close.

b. 10ml of aquashield or voodoo juice (same thing)

c. optional: add any kind of beneficial bacteria (mycos, etc) If you're not sure what this is, just skip this step!

d. The ph should be between 5.5 - 5.8, adjust if necessary* . If you OVER adjust, start over with a fresh 1/2 gallon, we don't want too many PH up/down chemicals in our mix.


3. Soak your rockwool
Put your rockwool cubes in the water for an hour with an airstone in the container, so the beneficial bacteria can get air and survive, otherwise, it may die with lack of oxygen. It is not necessary to soak these small rock wool cubes for 24 hours.


4. Take your cuttings
Clean your razor blade or scissors with rubbing alcohol, then be sure to rinse and wipe them off well (so you don't get alcohol on your clone). Find a branch near the bottom* of the mother plant (these root best), like the one in the picture below. Cut the branch off at the stem, and immediately put the cutting in a glass of water that you just mixed up. Cut the fan leaves off (as shown below). Where you cut, these nodes will go inside the rockwool. Roots tend to sprout first where fan leaves were.



5. Put cutting into rock wool
a. Clean a toothpic or similar with alcohol, and use it to make a new hole in the rockwool for the stem. I use my plant markers. The stem of the clone should fit snug into the hole. You don't want any air between the stem and the rock wool.


b. Dip the stem of the cutting into the clonex gel. Put the stem in the rockwool. Try to get the part where you cut off leaves, inside the rockwool. Push the stem down into it until it is about 3/4th the way to the bottom of the cube. Don't Squeeze the rockwool cube.


6. Trim off any excess leaves
The plant has no roots to feed the leaves, so if you have too many leaves, the clone may suffer.

7. Put the clone inside a humidome
You don't need an expensive humidome. You can use a regular seed germination tray or two plastic containers as you can see in my picture. You can mist the inside of the dome with pure water if you want. If your clones are wilting now, you took too long to get them set in rockwool and put in the dome. Don't worry, they should perk up after they get in the humid dome.


8. Wait two weeks for roots to pop out the bottoms of the work wool cubes. When you see lots of roots, you can take then out of the humidome and transplant.

More information:
* If the branch you take has a "woody" stem, meaning the stem is hard, and more brownish color than green, these take much longer to root. Also, cuttings taken from higher "hollow" branches
* I crack up every time I hear people on youtube say, "Air-eee-ate your water." As if this was a 3 syllable word.
* If you don't have a PH meter, using this recipe with distilled or RO water should land your PH close enough and there is no need to adjust it. Also, it is not possible to "PH" water. "PH" is not a verb.

Subscribe, and in two weeks, I'll post root pictures!

And oh yeah, here's what became of my latest clone attempt.

Have you tried a simple water clone just place a couple of expanding clay pellets in a dark bottle of water and pop the clone in the top of the bottle so as her base is submerged and leaves hold her head out of the water and leave in the corner of the tent refreshing the water every few days? happy shatterday :bong:
Ouch BAR, she looks like the soil and the little lady completely dried sure was a nice viable clone.
The soil dried out yesterday after I'd given up.

Have you tried a simple water clone just place a couple of expanding clay pellets in a dark bottle of water and pop the clone in the top of the bottle so as her base is submerged and leaves hold her head out of the water and leave in the corner of the tent refreshing the water every few days? happy shatterday :bong:
Yes I have Scotty. It was the Flintstone Method.
Had a look there :( must be something that works put straight into perlite? get yourself a pepper or rose plant rip em up and find a technique that works for you or even a plant produces there best root at night try placing a clone in a dark airing cupboard so its warm and humid but has noo light it should root quicker than a normal clone :bong:
Good morning
Hey BAR, just wondered, did you examine, or have you been examining your clones, even after they're dead, for root development, signs of rot etc? Im curious to see what's happening under the soil.
Reg, please tell me exactly what you did to root your cuttings. Step by step. Many people totally over water their cuttings. This is why a dome is helpful because most exchange at first is done through the stomata on the leaf surfaces. Uptake and transpiration. When I make cuttings of plants (never did cannabis yet) I use a simple Jiffy pellet. I soak it in boiling hot water, let it cool, cut the clone under water on an angle and place it directly into the rooting powder, shaking off all excess and into the pellet. That all goes into a container for three days in light, but not bright light. I know you've done all of this, but try again. C'mon now.
Good morning
Hey BAR, just wondered, did you examine, or have you been examining your clones, even after they're dead, for root development, signs of rot etc? Im curious to see what's happening under the soil.



Brooklyn, I've tried over watering, under watering, no watering, dome, dome-less, high humidity, low humidity, with & without cloning gel, short cuttings, long cuttings, and the list goes on. But earlier today I went back through New City Grower 1 and confirmed that LAVERNE & STACK A. DOLLAR were the only 2 plants I've actually tried to clone. I'm starting to think it may not be me but rather those two plants just aren't good clone candidates.
I'll try a cutting off of the SLEESTACK X SKUNK. Even though she hasn't shown sex yet, if the clone lives and the mother is female I'll have 2.
Good luck on that endeavor. Some plants just are hard or resist cloning. A lot of seed companies have a terminator gene in their product. I wont claim to know nearly the amount on cloning or genetics that I do in other aspects but to me that would also carry over to trying to clone. I have no proof as to if that is true but theoretically it makes sense in my mind. Hopefully somebody with more cloning experience and genetics can shed light on this.
Ok BAR it is simply a modified air layering technique using rockwool also. In my old Horticulture 101 days in college we used sphagnum moss.

Here is all you need -some loose rockwool I just pull some off of a slab
-some distilled water
-whatever rooting hormone that you are using powder or liquid
-some medical gauze bandaging
- Some dental floss or twine
- a couple of Q tips
- a small section of plastic wrap ( optional)
- spray bottle
-scalple ,sharp knife or razor blade
Pull off a 3-4 inch strip of your rockwool. Make a solution at the recommended strength of your rooting hormone if it is the kind you have to mix yourself or simply use it a the strength provided if it's premixed.
Soak your rockwool in the solution.
While it's soaking go to a branch that you would like to clone off of. break off the leaves at the petiole where you would like to layer at.
Don't cut them off snap the leaf petiole at the stem. This encourages callous formation which is waht you want.
I personally then simply scrape the stem for an inch or so up and down the stem. Some people make a small diagonal cut. I have never done that but I don't really see any harm. Again you want the plant to callous. Next take a swab dampened with your solution or with water if your are using a powdered hormone and cover the scraped or cut area with rooting hormone. Next wrap the wet rockwool that has been soaking in hormone solution around the cut or scrapped and treated portion of the stem. Now wrap the rock wool in your medical gauze. I used to simply wrap it in wet newspaper but another member suggested the gauze and it works well. Now tie the gauze with a small piece of dental floss to hold the rockwool and gauze in place. Viola! Done. Depending on your light you may need to spray it occasionall with distilled water to keep it moist. If you are using a cool light source you can even wrap it with a little plastic wrap. In a few days you should see roots starting to show through the gauze. When they do simply take a blade and cut the stem right below your gauze and plant it in what ever your medium is. No need for a cloner, no need for humidity control it literally is one of the first propagation techniques that I learned in college. Best of luck!
Man this is literally a step by step guide. I will be keeping a close on this Thread!
Ok BAR it is simply a modified air layering technique using rockwool also. In my old Horticulture 101 days in college we used sphagnum moss.

Here is all you need -some loose rockwool I just pull some off of a slab
-some distilled water
-whatever rooting hormone that you are using powder or liquid
-some medical gauze bandaging
- Some dental floss or twine
- a couple of Q tips
- a small section of plastic wrap ( optional)
- spray bottle
-scalple ,sharp knife or razor blade
Pull off a 3-4 inch strip of your rockwool. Make a solution at the recommended strength of your rooting hormone if it is the kind you have to mix yourself or simply use it a the strength provided if it's premixed.
Soak your rockwool in the solution.
While it's soaking go to a branch that you would like to clone off of. break off the leaves at the petiole where you would like to layer at.
Don't cut them off snap the leaf petiole at the stem. This encourages callous formation which is waht you want.
I personally then simply scrape the stem for an inch or so up and down the stem. Some people make a small diagonal cut. I have never done that but I don't really see any harm. Again you want the plant to callous. Next take a swab dampened with your solution or with water if your are using a powdered hormone and cover the scraped or cut area with rooting hormone. Next wrap the wet rockwool that has been soaking in hormone solution around the cut or scrapped and treated portion of the stem. Now wrap the rock wool in your medical gauze. I used to simply wrap it in wet newspaper but another member suggested the gauze and it works well. Now tie the gauze with a small piece of dental floss to hold the rockwool and gauze in place. Viola! Done. Depending on your light you may need to spray it occasionall with distilled water to keep it moist. If you are using a cool light source you can even wrap it with a little plastic wrap. In a few days you should see roots starting to show through the gauze. When they do simply take a blade and cut the stem right below your gauze and plant it in what ever your medium is. No need for a cloner, no need for humidity control it literally is one of the first propagation techniques that I learned in college. Best of luck!

Thanks for this uptheholler! I had just posted a cloning method on one of my other threads by 420, I am doing some cloning this weekend, so I'll give your method a try too! On my last cloning session I lost 3, so I want to get a method that is reliable.
Trespass share, I posted this to "ruffle LA's feathers" in jest. lol He's helped a lot, thanks for your positive input.:high-five:

LMK, if you want this removed! Hope your 3 SNAPPED limbs are recovering , or were they amputated?

"LA, She's been re-restrained, nice opening in the middle now, thank you, great tip, she's lower and much more spread out!!

My neighbor borrowed my wire, you may not like this wire, I found those white furry wire things in BAR's trash.

white furry wire added, heat shrink (hooks)...."

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower) has been strapped down.


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