New City Grower 2.0

Dont leave footprints. Dont use well worn trails. Follow creekbeds. Wear tape under your shoe to obscure footprints. Have a reason to be in the wilderness if questioned. Binoculars and a brochure for birdwatching for instance. Dont break a branch on a tree to mark the location as those stand out in a helicopter flyby.
Dont leave footprints. Dont use well worn trails. Follow creekbeds. Wear tape under your shoe to obscure footprints. Have a reason to be in the wilderness if questioned. Binoculars and a brochure for birdwatching for instance. Dont break a branch on a tree to mark the location as those stand out in a helicopter flyby.

Excellent tips Smoker Joe + Reps
You might have seen these sad specimens of mine.

We did this just for a laugh, but I'm pretty sure they'll all root.

I came up with a plan to put them out in the wild if they do,

then go back in October to see what we got :cheesygrinsmiley:

I plan on doing the same with some bag seed and Broke Ass ya know I love ya but you blow at cloning..... Some day I am going to come to the big city and take a cutting and stick it in a poddy thingy and stick it under a dome and let it breathe a couple of times a day and mist it and watch it grow. Dude you rock at all the rest... well except when intoxicated... how can this be so hard I can do it..... heck I can't kill em'. I better be careful or my little SBR will croak but really I know if I can do it you got this........:circle-of-love:
Wow Joe, sounds like some eastern block country, not Obama's America!
I refuse to say I'm living in "Obama's" anything......:thedoubletake::thedoubletake:......I live the the great United States of America......:circle-of-love:
Yep, You and I Dennise need to get our Reg out of that DCS pronto.

I can't seem to kill any of mine either, however badly I treat them.

Reg for clone success #1 :cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:

Time for BB's pillow now, sweet dreams everyone.

More fun tomorrow, my new kit should all be here.

Night night my good friends.

BB out.
Queen thai is looking good, sorry to hear about the 3 arms going SNAP! alcohol will do that every time, not sure LA mentioned that, to help persuade a limb to bend, hold w/ one hand, where u want the bend, and twist the limb in a circular motion, back n forth several times to loosen her up, then do the downward bend, then secure with your new, clone depot wire. Three SNAPS in one night ties (DS's) record. (is ok to call him that?) no offense can, you don't even want to know the stories of SNAP I performed on "the practice plant" nobody wants to see those pics, she died a very agonizing death. Practice makes perfect, lots of tiops on "bending" and how to make your girl cooperate, in LST, supercropping, stuff to be seen on youtub, sometimes watching is easier than reading, many many vids of plants being tortured on yootube. nite nite bbs:thumb:
Wait......What? BB, it's 5 hours ahead of us in NY, so it's like 4am there, you mean good morn or good day - have a good snooze brother.
Wow Jam, I didn't know you were another neighbor.
Well Reg, I'm out on the Island, way out in suffolk county; but I worked for many years in Manhattan down town, Wall st, Rector st near Trinity Church.
Well I'll just have to drop by this summer when we head to the beach. I work in the same neighborhood you use to.
You just don't know my clone history. Back in NEW CITY GROWER 1.0 I've tried nearly everything but a bubble cloner. Now I'm attempting to clone as basic as possible with the cutting sitting in the pot with LAVERNE'S stump. It's an idea I got from Brit. But I thank you for trying to help poor old me.

I feel your pain Reg
I see you said you tried everything ??? Well did you try the Honey method its real simple theres a video on the tube
it shows you a very simple way just dip into the Honey an then put it in a cup of water :thumb:
She says the method will work for any cutting I think she was using Orchids,I would think they would be very hard to get right BUT she said she has a very high success rate :welcome:
I will look for the video an put it up,,,sorry to hear about Laverne I really thought she had pulled through :peace:
You guys are making me homesick. I worked at 360 Madison and ate lunch on the library steps by Bryant Park. That was my very first job. I was a file clerk. I also lived on Long Island for some years in Lake Ronkonkoma! How's that for a name to people not familiar? My mom lives out on E. Long Island on the water. I can't get her off that island where her real estate taxes are 12,000 dollars and that is a senior program!

Gorgeous, but way too intense for me any more. I'd move back to Brooklyn if I could buy a house in Sheepshead Bay.
I feel your pain Reg
I see you said you tried everything ??? Well did you try the Honey method its real simple theres a video on the tube
it shows you a very simple way just dip into the Honey an then put it in a cup of water :thumb:
The honey method was my very first attempt Jaga.

I worked in the same area on the Battery.
You worked on Battery place? We probably bumped into each other before during rush hour. I work on the other side of the Bull; Bway

GF, I also worked for a couple years midtown by grand central - that's east of the library. Lake Ronkonkoma, that's close to me. That's my train station to manhattan.
My first summer job was handing out flyers in front of Grand Cen. Sta. It's a shame though how the economy's gotten so bad now that those same jobs are done by adults.
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