New City Grower 2.0

Hey BAR,

LB's flux shows I guess the wire and the method I was trying to describe.

and OZ's post

Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

I hope those links work, I just got to hit POST, and try, so here go's
Bar I was going to add that you have to much pulling going on as LA explained to me. Lay your wire down and then run your branch or flux under. You just keep doing that until you'v fluxed her. Look at TD's post. Once you get it it's easy as long as you put in the time and TLC. Good luck. Also I went to home depot today and bought some more wire. If you intend on buying some get it before they stop socking it.
OK LB, I'll go tomorrow evening. What exactly do I ask for & do you think the one on 23rd St. will carry it or would I have to go to one of the big ones in the BX?
Tassie, puff puff pass! I don't think your tolerance is strong enough to smoke that one by your lonesome. That's my pic & my post that you keep sending me to but LB's flux is also on that thread. LA has made that Flux Central where anyone doing a flux can post there And he'll guide you.
Out of line... How could I think you'd be out of line for positive criticism trying to help my grow? Isn't that the point here, to get the best results possible? I've dealt with this on 420 in a lot worse scenario already when everyone jumped on Cult's case for giving me his honest opinion. It was like I was the only one that was happy he told me what he thought. But I'm not sure you linked me to the correct post on LA's thread. It took me to a post that had nothing to do with the type of wire you use.

Ok M1. This is for you & the rest of the guys that wasn't following NEW CITY GROWER 1.0

KUMIKO IV is from a bad batch of six HONEY HAZE seeds that I ordered from our sponsor Herbies; my first beans.
The reason her name is Kumiko IV is because Spimp, one of the first members that took me under his wing named the first honey haze I planted Kumiko. She never sprouted and the next one I named Kumiko II. She sprouted with conflicted leafs that didn't even resemble cannabis leaves & eventually died.
The 3rd one I had sitting on the kitchen counter while I was trying to sprout it & when my daughter was cleaning she threw it away.
The 4th one started with the same funny leafs as Kumiko II and started dying slowly day by day. That was Kumiko III.
At this point King John C advised me that it may be poor genetics.
As the one you see now started off as ugly & pitiful looking as the other 2, she did survive but didn't start looking like cannabis until about 3 wks & even then she only had even # fingered leafs; 2 and 4 fingered leafs, not your traditional 3 and 5 fingered leafs.
So as you can see, she's a mutant. I mean just look at how long she's taking to develop. I hope everyone understands now why she's my mercy grow.

And by the way; not only did Herbie replace them with 6 asst feminized beans, he threw in a couple of freebies.

I'm really sorry dude, I really didn't mean anything by it. Oddly enough after being silent on here for a bit your journal was the first I came to check out perhaps I need to remain silent especially when I haven't read through your entire journal yet.

Again, I am really sorry.
What do you keep apologizing for? that's what this site is all about; helping one another. If it weren't for the fact the she's a mutant wouldn't it be your duty to let me know what you thought her problem might be? Don't post less, post more. Everyone's input is valued here.
OK LB, I'll go tomorrow evening. What exactly do I ask for & do you think the one on 23rd St. will carry it or would I have to go to one of the big ones in the BX?

23rd street should have it they actually are better at stocking garden supplies. When you walk in go down the escalator and you will be in the garden section.
Hey Sir Reg....If possible get 1.2mm green wire. It flexible yet strong and doesn't bruise the girls too much :) Try to take them down level with your pot rim and keep them there. BEFORE you flip 12/12 let them go vertical for 2 weeks then pull all your colas GENTLY back to a level canopy (it may take a week or two). Once you flip KEEP THE CANOPY LEVEL.......honestly THAT'S the secret to BIG results :)
Hey Reg

I just jumped 2 pages, so might have missed something here.

I'm not a believer in humidity domes for the simple reason if airborne pathogens get

at the cutting in that warm damp environment then rot usually takes hold.

To get round this problem in dry air, you could periodically spray the leaves with a little

water a couple of times a day, that will help to keep the green stuff hydrated.

Those clones are not dead yet, so you've nothing to lose by trying this.

I really want your DCS card in the bin.
You might have seen these sad specimens of mine.

We did this just for a laugh, but I'm pretty sure they'll all root.

I came up with a plan to put them out in the wild if they do,

then go back in October to see what we got :cheesygrinsmiley:

Hey Brit.......Love the effort buddy :) Depending upon where you....if you "wild grow" watch out for the green wellie brigade!!!!

Yeah, there's always that risk Oz.

I'm fortunate to live in an area where there are many wild overgrown locations.

So we'll spread em about a bit a hopefully hit on a least one good one.
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