New City Grower 2.0

Cloning can be in the cards for you ! I do it in 3 oz cups filled with 100% perlite. Each cup has 4 small holes so they can drain well. I use whatever cheap rooting powder Wmart or Lowes has on the shelf. No nutes the first week and for the second week I add 1/8 tsp of MG all purpose to a gallon of water. Once in a while I lose one. Usually because it was too small. A heating pad in the winter time is a must. I just put mine away for the year.
You just don't know my clone history. Back in NEW CITY GROWER 1.0 I've tried nearly everything but a bubble cloner. Now I'm attempting to clone as basic as possible with the cutting sitting in the pot with LAVERNE'S stump. It's an idea I got from Brit. But I thank you for trying to help poor old me.
You just don't know my clone history. Back in NEW CITY GROWER 1.0 I've tried nearly everything but a bubble cloner. Now I'm attempting to clone as basic as possible with the cutting sitting in the pot with LAVERNE'S stump. It's an idea I got from Brit. But I thank you for trying to help poor old me.

I think along the same lines as you about "cloning as basic as possible". I made a 50 site cloner "420Fied Style" and went back to doing this way. Some strains would not root for me in the aerocloner, but they all do in perlite. I commend you for trying and getting back to the basics, but I whole-heartedly believe that dirt will not yield as good results because of rot/ fungus issues.. I don't like domes either. I make them work for their roots ! If they want to live they better grow some feet. I mist them one time the first day and then they are on their own.
Nice update reg.;)
My average is as bad as your with cloning.:rip:
That's hard for me to believe coming from such an accomplished grower as you Stealth.
Cloning can seem to be hard but I noticed that each strain will clone differently. My WW and AK three days and the roots start popping out. I tried to clone Kandy Kush and Jack Herer this last winter and it was a battle that didn't work out to well. So we must keep that in mind when we fail at cloning a certain strain.
Hey BAR, WOW, you have got your hands full...

I think you underestimate yourself too mate, you have so many in so many stages, I think maybe you need to ease up on yourself.
You also must, just by where you are, and the complexity of your grow, be...good at it...sorry can't find the words...Fresh bowl... :)

The Queen Lives, Long Live the Queen!
Hello Mr. Broke ass. So I see you are getting down on yourself concerning cloning. Dont be like that think positive. Cloning isnt to terribly hard but I have a blog entry on cloning made easy that you just may like to read. You got skills so dont worry yourself man. Im not great at every aspect of growing either it takes time considerable amount of patience and effort. You have the effort down bro so dont beat yourself up experience is always the best teacher. So go read my blogpost if you like and let me know what you think. Take it easy
Cloning can seem to be hard but I noticed that each strain will clone differently. My WW and AK three days and the roots start popping out. I tried to clone Kandy Kush and Jack Herer this last winter and it was a battle that didn't work out to well. So we must keep that in mind when we fail at cloning a certain strain.
When I first made the aerocloner, my least favorite strain rooted like crazy. Fast big roots that never failed. My favorite strain at the time took forever and many failed. I tried different pH and gels too. Perlite has rooted everything that I put in there. My friends say I could grow roots on a pencil. I would try, but I'm afraid of what might happen if it did !
Cloning can seem to be hard but I noticed that each strain will clone differently. My WW and AK three days and the roots start popping out. I tried to clone Kandy Kush and Jack Herer this last winter and it was a battle that didn't work out to well. So we must keep that in mind when we fail at cloning a certain strain.
You & Kim might just have a point there. If my memory serves me correctly, I've only tried to clone LAVERNE & STACK A. DOLLAR (Cotton Candy). Maybe those two strains are not such great candidates. I'll re-evaluate the situation when I get home & see what I have to work with.

Thanxx for the encouraging words guys but I don't doubt myself or feel down in anyway. I just know there's some things I just have to improve on. I'm the type of person that always sees the glass as half full & do my best to fill it up. I'm still a 420 student.
Oh...look I got 2c to spend with ya too..

I had a mate who I assisted with cloning. My disclaimer, I was given stuff to do, and discussed some of it. I didn't know/nor do I know first hand with full understanding the next statements.

He had a mother and cloned daughters alongside in cupboard. We used roll a fatty open her up and clone for a fair sized out door setup. He did the cutting and dipping.

I'd hold the fresh clone :passitleft: wait, push a skewer into a free spot on in a seedling tray :passitleft: , and well this is what he taught me to do, I'm very gently 'waving' the clone in the air the whole time (look gentle pinch thumb and forefinger down at base of cutting, off dip and cutting zone...before carefully inserting the clone in the hole made in the seedling tray, gently tighten the dirt around it, next clone....waving.... :passitleft: next, next, was...a process....

oh and reps to anyone who can do this gentle shaking, whilst toking on a joint, keeping a rhythm for the timing of pushing, toking waving, passing, inserting, waving, toking, pushing, to Pink Floyd Dark side of the Moon in Quadraphonic stereo (YES, vinyl album recorded with 4 channels)...

it's like patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time...tricky for the uninitiated...

I guess the airing time before 'planting' was a few minutes...I don't know the compound, but I was once told they're all the same (whatever? don't know)... He used seed raising mix/perlite 50/50, that I do remember, and we had a good(?) success rate...Im guessing but maybe 75%...we would do 50 at a time, ok 48 2 trays of 24.

Look, I started out trying to help, but after re-reading, it looks like dribble...I choose to finish my story now :)
I have been reading forums for many years and I firmly believe that most peoples clones fail due to being over-watered. My results have improved by tapering off the water cycles. I water at 24 hours the first time. Then again 48 hours later. The next and subsequent waterings come at 72 hours apart until transplanting.

I always take twice as many as I think I will need, then I can choose from the best looking ones and cull the rest.
FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style)

She has a bit of new growth. Let's see if we can salvage this Flux.




Hey BAR, there's still symmetry or balance, more time and a little loving and I'm sure you can bring her back :)

Look, mate if you were here, and we were mates, I may be able to get away with the next comment.

Your wires look mighty tight on the growing ends of the little got her on the rack and stretching...

Has she been broken many times. Maybe the wire method you're using is a little heavy handed for you. I got a modification for using the wire which I've seen here, and Im gunna start looking now to find a link and post it back here.

But the gist is, just run this wire over the top, no need to hold her so tight, just gently guide her by the weight and tension of the wire over the top of the branches, to hold her down. You could run two wires either side of the Flux Y (East / West) which span from one side of the pot to the other. This would weigh down those North / West arms without pulling and therefore the chance of snapping again.(?)

Maybe, if Im outta line please say, it's just my observational conclusion based on what I can see...
Dang BAR, lookin good in here, looks like your getting the fluxing thing down!

Not ragging at all but was just curious are you in favor of your criss cross plant? Harder to tell from the pics but to me she kinda looks like she is driving more energy into trying to hold herself up instead of budding out, I only say that because you have diffrent bud sizes on the same levels.(from what I can see)

Tho she looks like she's leaning hard on the sativa side and she's got some time to pack on!:thumb:

Hope you and your girls have a great day BAR! everyone have a great day!:peace:
Out of line... How could I think you'd be out of line for positive criticism trying to help my grow? Isn't that the point here, to get the best results possible? I've dealt with this on 420 in a lot worse scenario already when everyone jumped on Cult's case for giving me his honest opinion. It was like I was the only one that was happy he told me what he thought. But I'm not sure you linked me to the correct post on LA's thread. It took me to a post that had nothing to do with the type of wire you use.

Ok M1. This is for you & the rest of the guys that wasn't following NEW CITY GROWER 1.0

KUMIKO IV is from a bad batch of six HONEY HAZE seeds that I ordered from our sponsor Herbies; my first beans.
The reason her name is Kumiko IV is because Spimp, one of the first members that took me under his wing named the first honey haze I planted Kumiko. She never sprouted and the next one I named Kumiko II. She sprouted with conflicted leafs that didn't even resemble cannabis leaves & eventually died.
The 3rd one I had sitting on the kitchen counter while I was trying to sprout it & when my daughter was cleaning she threw it away.
The 4th one started with the same funny leafs as Kumiko II and started dying slowly day by day. That was Kumiko III.
At this point King John C advised me that it may be poor genetics.
As the one you see now started off as ugly & pitiful looking as the other 2, she did survive but didn't start looking like cannabis until about 3 wks & even then she only had even # fingered leafs; 2 and 4 fingered leafs, not your traditional 3 and 5 fingered leafs.
So as you can see, she's a mutant. I mean just look at how long she's taking to develop. I hope everyone understands now why she's my mercy grow.

And by the way; not only did Herbie replace them with 6 asst feminized beans, he threw in a couple of freebies.
Bar I was going to add that you have to much pulling going on as LA explained to me. Lay your wire down and then run your branch or flux under. You just keep doing that until you'v fluxed her. Look at TD's post. Once you get it it's easy as long as you put in the time and TLC. Good luck. Also I went to home depot today and bought some more wire. If you intend on buying some get it before they stop socking it.
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