New City Grower 2.0

Thanxx Bob, Joe, Bill, and Stealth.

MOTM is a well deserved accolade, Reg. You don't do what you do to win contests, you do it because you enjoy it. It's a beautiful thing. :adore:

Now for a quick update...

(Honey Haze, the Mutant, Cris Cross style) Day 114 / Day 86 under 12/12

She has started to recover. I'm still not sure what the problem was but I'll take any good news from her.

Sunday, 2 days ago





(Wild Thailand) Day 66 / Day 20 under 12/12

Go ahead baby, show everybody your sexiness!




STACK A. DOLLAR (Cotton Candy, Re-veg) Day 21

This one here is exploding. And since I figured my resignation from The Dead Clone Society is long overdue I topped her off & re-instated the Broke Ass Reg Clone Dome.













And just for something to do I placed the other half of the cut in the pot with LAVERNE.

everything looks really good. I hope the clone roots for you this time around. day 86 of under 12/12? that's ROUGH.
everything looks really good. I hope the clone roots for you this time around. day 86 of under 12/12? that's ROUGH.
Yeah, tell me about it B. She didn't even want to show pistils until she was dag-gone near 2 months under 12/12. But it's not a problem, she's a mercy grow.
Kumiko IV is fun. It looks like she will go the distance. I feel the same joy watching Kumiko I feel watching the Special Olympics. She's gonna be smiling big-time when she crosses the finish line. Love it! Rooting for the underdog over here - big time.
Thanxx Pinky, Pinky, Pinky, Pinky, Pinky, Pinky! :thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks:

:green_heart: Reg...
You really do help so many people and patiently answer the same questions over and over. I like that. Well deserved MOTM. You got my vote.:green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
Thanxx, you have to because everyone doesn't read a journal from the start page (especially when they get as long as mines do) or sub to the same threads.
Also what happens a lot is some of us don't read the text accompanying the pics. It's human nature; we love pictures. Someone may ask a question that had been answered in a Photo Shoot. That's why now I always try to make the text as noticeable as possible when posting pictures.
We also don't recall everything we've read.
Hey Broke Ass I think I know how to make the measuring easier for ya. The next time you go to the RX ask the pharmacist or clerk or whoever to give you a 10 ml measuring syringe. They don't cost ya anything at least here they will just give them to ya and if they ask what it is for tell em' ya need to measure cough medicine for your daughter or something along those lines. I actually told them I needed them to measure nutes for my veg garden and she handed me several of them. They have them at Walgreens in 5 or 10 ml (1 or 2 tsp) and again I am just assuming you have a Walgreens or the such in the big city but honestly it is so much easier than measuring all that stuff in measuring spoons. Just a thought. Don't have them very often so thought I would share.....:circle-of-love:
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