New City Grower 2.0

FYI, something a lot of people may not know is that, tomatoes do not need insects to be pollinated. They are not insect pollinated, but wind pollinated, so in the greenhouse it is good to shake the plants the way wind would do it. However, it is always really good to remove the first flush of bloom on a tomato. Your coming fruit will be bigger and you will have more of it.

Hi GF, hello and all that formal stuff!:Namaste: :circle-of-love: Would you remove if your season is short?

All capsicum can self-pollinate too! Makes them really simple to crossbreed!
Hi GF, hello and all that formal stuff!:Namaste: :circle-of-love: Would you remove if your season is short?

All capsicum can self-pollinate too! Makes them really simple to crossbreed!

Yes, I would. Actually, where I grow, we have two short grow seasons because our summers force most everything into dormancy. Tomatoes are put out in my garden around March 15 with some protection. That is our last frost date. I remove the first flowers. I only grow heirlooms so cross breeding is not something I care much about. When you cross two hybrids you don't get either of the parent plant. The seed usually can revert to something below being an F1 or other hybrid.

Also, there are varieties specifically for short seasons. Johnny's Select Seed sells short season seeds and tons of other great stuff for gardeners. Elliott Coleman is someone you can look up and take a look at his books on short seasons. I believe he is up in Vermont. Can't get much shorter than that.

Nice to meet you! _/|\_
Congratulations on your MOTM
sorry it can't be more for your fine work here on


There are very few original jokes anymore

and most of them are in Congress
Tomatoes are put out in my garden around March 15 with some protection. That is our last frost date.

Hey GF. Just out of interest here in Tassie, the gardening rule is to plant tomato's out after 'Show Day' which is the second Sunday in September, usually around the 15th(!)...and I've never seen a frost after Show Day.

Good morning all, and congrats BAR, you deserve it! :)
Nobody deserves it more Broke Ass....:circle-of-love:

Hey GF. Just out of interest here in Tassie, the gardening rule is to plant tomato's out after 'Show Day' which is the second Sunday in September, usually around the 15th(!)...and I've never seen a frost after Show Day.

Good morning all, and congrats BAR, you deserve it! :)

Congratulations on your MOTM
sorry it can't be more for your fine work here on

Believe you me, this is much more than expected.

Congratulations Reg!! Just rewards for an outstanding member! :thumb:
Thanxx all for your support & generous words.
Yes good job Mr Broke ass. Hopefully its my turn soon :) We will see.
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