New City Grower 2.0

I have my screen out as large as the viewer will allow and still have trouble sometimes. I certainly don't need to have GIANT fonts, but a little bigger is helpful. Jaga, if you use a mouse, scroll the mouse while holding the CTRL key and it will get larger, also.
I have my screen out as large as the viewer will allow and still have trouble sometimes. I certainly don't need to have GIANT fonts, but a little bigger is helpful. Jaga, if you use a mouse, scroll the mouse while holding the CTRL key and it will get larger, also.

I have to use my tablet if I don't want my eyes to hurt, I don't have a problem with my eye sight and I can read it all, but it just hurts looking at small letters on a screen.
With my tablet I can just zoom in and scroll left to right.
Takes longer to read things but my eyes don't hurt after
Yeah, I had a iPad, but it went back to his old job. I'd buy one, but I can't justify that kind of money for that thing. I used it for FB, Candy Crush and email. 700 dollars. NOT. I have about 4 laptops and in Mr. GF's office at home, there are about 3 laptops and a desktop spaceship complete with cockpit and landing gear. He's such a nerd.
You're asking the wrong guy Trichster. I'm not only a client but I'm the president of the Dead Clone Society.

I'm doing good Cronic.

Thanks BAR, lol, that (clone advice) was just bait (Rico taught me that one) for a good laugh, I like that I can always count on you. I give the clone 50% survival odds, I'm tempted to lop off another limb for a backup clone to increase the odds. DCS is not my favorite club membership, at least I have good company.:peace:
Hey bar I don't think I am subbed here. just wanted to stop by and show some love. Been missing the 420 fam
Well you're here now Shotta. That's all that counts. Welcome aboard.

Thanks BAR, lol, that (clone advice) was just bait (Rico taught me that one) for a good laugh, I like that I can always count on you. I give the clone 50% survival odds, I'm tempted to lop off another limb for a backup clone to increase the odds. DCS is not my favorite club membership, at least I have good company.:peace:
"The Ringmaster Yut, Mr. Squirryl Rico Suavay PhD. AKA Ricorico Ricardo/Donnie Brassco, the purple people weeder from Updown the Valleymountaintop in the desert by the sea, Da GODDAMN Man who most likely grew the best bud he ever smoked" is still getting me from a different angle.
I knew he'd stay the same. A lot of you newer guys might not get all the adjectives to his name but Rico was a wild a crazy guy before he went MOD on us & everything in his name represents something that happened.
That irritated eye thing from reading small fonts is known in the medical profession as eye strain; get use to it, it is a symptom of a genetic disorder you must have known as aging.

Oh no he didn'

FOTFLMAO....but wrong...but funny as

This coming from an old man. At 40 they were (and so far the only the first thing that went bad. Now I am forced to use reading glasses but still can see an nice Azzz in the distance. The problem is it is normally attached to a long haired

Happy Munchday BAR
Back atcha Cronic.

Here's a look at the new flux and tap root.

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower) Day 27


OG KUSH (Just planted today)


Whoa there my fluxing friend,

do I need to be strapping my girl down like that right now ?
It's all LA's work. I'm just his hands. Each step I make is described in detail on his fluxxing thread.
That's the best laugh I had all day Brit. LMAOL

The 10th episode of THE REPS ARE RIGHT will take place here on this thread Sunday, March 30, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time (It is now approximately 12:20 pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME at the time of this post).
For those of you who've never participated, it's an open forum where we discuss grow issues that 420 members have been plagued with since the last episode. Instead of waiting for questions to be answered there's some of the top growers here on this site all in the same place at the same time interacting with each other & the rest of us.
It's presented in a game show format where we give away Cyber Prizes and Reps to keep it fun & light hearted.
An Event you don't want to miss...
Thanxx so much Brit. Now let me try that photo shoot again...

High there Reg
I just popped over and when I saw this picture well lets just say I am so glad you are letting her have another grow
One hundred reps ++++ Laverne :thumb:
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