New City Grower 2.0

Computer Geek tip of the day

At the time of this posting, many members are having problems

with the "My Photos" tab not working when trying to add pics to their post.

A temporary workaround is to use the camera icon instead, third in from right

on the top toolbar.

If a Moderator pics this up can you please look into this issue.

So this is why i'm not having problems... I thought the camera icon was the only way to post pictures :)
March 23, 2014

The first bit of news I have is; as promised I'll start a new plant twice a month. Lets call it 3 this month counting the re-vegs. Here's an OG Kush I dropped in the seed dish last night.


Part 1
The Veg Tent

The temps and RH are both steady & acceptable now.

RH 32 - 58%
Temps 69 - 84F


LAVERNE (2X Re-Veg) Day 6

Nothing really happening yet. Now you know what it is Brit.


STACK A. DOLLAR (Cotton Candy Re-veg) Day 13

On the other hand, she has plenty new growth and has already sprouted some regular leafs.




(Power Flower Flux) Day 26

She's a slow grower but a healthy one. It's going to take forever to flux her but I think it'll be worth the wait.



Part 2
The Bloom Tent



(Regular) Day 20 / Day 10 under 12/12

I've decided if she sexes out to be female I'm leaving her in Bloom. No clue yet on sex.




(Wild Thailand) Day 58 / Day 12 under 12/12

She's a doll...



And strutting her stuff as she reveals her first pistils.



(Honey Haze, the mutant cris-cross) Day 106 / Day 78 under 12/12.

If she wasn't a mutant she would be close to her final days already. If you notice in the first pic below I've been starving her a couple days to allow her to soak up all the nutes. Then I watered her with 6.5 PHed tap water. She bounced right back.




Hope Everyone enjoyed...
the structure on that SLEESTACK X SKUNK is amazing! they all look amazing but i wanted to single her (hopefully) out!
well done, great looking plants as per usual
Let's hope she's not a dude.
Did not see the add in your sig for the show this week. Has it been cancelled?
I can't seem to get in touch with Dres so it won't happen until further notice. Glad to see you found your way back around Kim. I was about to send a search party out for you too.
I hope that Honey Haze does something magical for ya soon, that thing has occupied a lot of space and time for you in there. That Wild Thailand would have put her out of business quick. Over all looking great BAR, hope you enjoy the fruits of your labor. :thumb:
I can't seem to get in touch with Dres so it won't happen until further notice. Glad to see you found your way back around Kim. I was about to send a search party out for you too.
I'm always lurking !
Wow I might be a little prejudice but the SS x Skunk and the Wild Thai look amazing and I was really glad to hear the above smoke report on the SS. I think that is most likely what I will pop next and then I am going to pop the same kind you just did. I'm having drain bamage and can't remember what it is called right this instant but the one that you just put in water. Anyhow everything looks great Broke Ass and can't wait to see what they produce for ya............:circle-of-love:
I just like the name sleestack.. Reminds me of the simple times when a gay guy went over the waterfall in a boat
Good job on the re-veg BAR, last one I tried, got neglected, then it got mites, then it had to stay outside, the mites won, the plant died. Live n learn from mistakes. A plant is easily neglected after a nice harvest, I was paying too much attention to all my curing jars.

I saw that jaga comes here :circle-of-love:
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