New City Grower 2.0

What he said... would love to hear the answers all in one place at one time so it will make sense to me please. So type real slow so I can understand........:circle-of-love:


Jus kiddin but yes please.....input

So you are Italian? :rofl:
No, actually I'm a Martian from Mars.

congrats on your harvest BAR, those buds look nice. :yummy:
Thanxx Stealth.

Not so fast The question of the evening is....

1. What happens when you cut the heart out?
This is what happens.



2. When do I cut the heart out?
It depends on what you're trying to accomplish but it's definitely done during the veg cycle.
So it doesn't send that energy back down the plant to the side laterals it just stops new growth from that tip and starts a new and last set of laterals on that branch?

Best used in the early stages of fluxing?

So in my case it would be better to top that branch instead of taking the heart?

This is what happens.



Perfect set of pictures for the example by the way....

It depends on what you're trying to accomplish but it's definitely done during the veg cycle.[/QUOTE]

I'm trying to slow down the growth on those tips so that the side shoots have time to catch up and clear the net...

So it doesn't send that energy back down the plant to the side laterals it just stops new growth from that tip and starts a new and last set of laterals on that branch?

Best used in the early stages of fluxing?

So in my case it would be better to top that branch instead of taking the heart?

Yes, agreed. Topping would be better for height restriction.
Not so fast The question of the evening is....

1. What happens when you cut the heart out?
2. When do I cut the heart out?
Those were questionS!
Reason for the above questions are....My original laterals are coming thru the trellis. They are at least 2 and 3 short nodes above the net. I haven't flipped my lights yet (only in week 8 but plan on flipping them week 9). The rest of the side shoots are coming thru now. I would like to stop or slow the growth of the original tips to give the rest time to clear the net before flipping. Updated pics on my journal.

Also....I won't defol her again till I flip the week.


Happy Shatterday Cronic
Yes it is jaga
An alternative and better option to topping would be to super crop. basically allow ur plant to grow then bend from couple nodes up. that will encourage more branching and not stress the plant. topping will def slow growth but it depends on why ud want to slow growth? i cant think of anyreason id want to slow the growth down?
:high-five: It's about time somebody else stirred the Fluxy pot!! thank you Broke Assy

I thought you'd like to see this post# specific link again, I just framed it.

thank you for your offer to be best man, but I'll pass, LA asked first,

you're an usher if somebody backs out.:cheer:

Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restrained

Thanks for the link to the outside Flux journal, I'm sub'd over there as well.

Have a Happy Sativa or ShatterDay to all....who changed the greeting

Ok, I'm out...have a great weekend all.

for some reason it wont let me post any pics so i can demonstrate what i mean.
Here's an old pic of some super-cropping I did. I'll give you the honor of explaining it Cult.

An alternative and better option to topping would be to super crop. basically allow ur plant to grow then bend from couple nodes up. that will encourage more branching and not stress the plant. topping will def slow growth but it depends on why ud want to slow growth? i cant think of anyreason id want to slow the growth down?

I want slow growth because I'm growing outside in the suburbs on a fourth acre with neighbors. If I keep the plants low and tight, they won't notice them mixed in with other perennials the same height or higher.
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