New City Grower 2.0

Isn't he suppose to remove the new leaf growth on the one & three fingered nodes also LA? I hope so because if not I fluxxed up.

Hey Reg,

What was the outcome of your fluxing ?

I hope it'll be OK.
Im jealous BAR, fruits of our labor.:tokin::welldone::bigtoke::yummy:
Don't get jealous Huey, just get busy. 8 months ago I had never even seen a cannabis plant in real life. Now I'm thinking about producing my own beans. I still a newbe and have a lot to learn.

I not sure yet Brit. I'm still waiting on a reply from that post you quoted.

I also have a dry weight in for LAVERNE;

Wet: 71.3 grams
Dry: 21.3 grams




Need I say more. Go Laverne!

Bob ;)
Thanxx all & Good Friday to you Cronic.
The "Heart" is that group of teeny tiny new growth? Comprende. Alright, Good night.

Not so fast The question of the evening is....

1. What happens when you cut the heart out?
2. When do I cut the heart out?

Reason for the above questions are....My original laterals are coming thru the trellis. They are at least 2 and 3 short nodes above the net. I haven't flipped my lights yet (only in week 8 but plan on flipping them week 9). The rest of the side shoots are coming thru now. I would like to stop or slow the growth of the original tips to give the rest time to clear the net before flipping. Updated pics on my journal.

Also....I won't defol her again till I flip the week.


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