New City Grower 2.0

Ok Magic. I just started really paying attention to the RH & temps since I started this new journal. During the Veg stage you want humidity high; between 40 & 60%. That's what I've rounded it off to. Some say a little higher while others say a little lower. During vegetation the leafs absorb the moisture and you don't have any buds to get molded yet.
In the Bloom stage you want to keep it lower; mid 20's low 30's because this is when mold becomes a factor. Now I'm no expert on the matter but these are the reasons I came up with. Any addition or contradiction is welcomed.
Hey Smokey, I like they new device, keep an eye out for any excess moisture on any wire or metal, hopefully the steam output is well dispersed, last thing you want is the tiny water dots (condensation) that could accumulates by dots gathering in mass, to the point a drop forms.

Drops are bad,

like 420 quiet, is sad. :peace:
Ok Magic. I just started really paying attention to the RH & temps since I started this new journal. During the Veg stage you want humidity high; between 40 & 60%. That's what I've rounded it off to. Some say a little higher while others say a little lower. During vegetation the leafs absorb the moisture and you don't have any buds to get molded yet.
In the Bloom stage you want to keep it lower; mid 20's low 30's because this is when mold becomes a factor. Now I'm no expert on the matter but these are the reasons I came up with. Any addition or contradiction is welcomed.

That makes sense to me! Thank you, Reg! +reps! I appreciate the help, hopefully I will get to grow some ladies of my own someday! :thanks:
So, keeping in mind that I am not a grower, I have a question that may seem like a no-brainer... Is the concern about humidity that is too high because of an impact on the plants health or more because it increases the chance of mold and the like which would then impact the plant? :loopy: Does that make sense?

The reason to keep the humidity lower in flower is to lessen the chance of mould and mould spores in the buds, when cannabis is grown bud rot due to mould can occur at higher humidity. You want 70°-90° Fahrenheit and 50%-70% humidity for vegetative growth and 30%-50% humidity for flowering.
Thanxx John.

The RH is now steady in the Veg tent. It's bouncing between 49 & 56%. The humidifier is the answer.


I gotta get me one of those! My RH is awful low during veg.

EDIT: And by one of those I mean the humidifier not the temp/RH gauge. :laugh:
I've heard seven times to re veg a plant, then the plant declines, I have no experience with this though. So happy the queens alive and going to spoil you again. Peace
ok BAR Happy Weednsday
Wheres the Buds ?
Good Weed and Green Days to you
Good day cronic. All the buds are in Alex's capsules.

That ladybug's not mines. It's one of a thousand The Trichster purchased for 7 bucks Jaga.
STACK A. DOLLAR (Cotton Candy, re-veg) Day 9

She's showing her first new foliage. It's only been 9 days but don't feel discouraged if you're attempting a Re-veg & haven't seen any new growth. It can take up to 3 weeks.



Jam, you had me confused earlier. Now I understand where you were at. LAVERNE was only chopped once during this re-veg, on the 17th; two days ago. Right here

It was STACK A. DOLLAR that had the top & bottom half harvested on separate occasions; the lower buds being chopped about a month after the main buds. I may start doing that on a regular basis. Right here

I know it can get quit confusing and that's why I try to be descriptive as possible when posting updates so it wont just be a naughty magazine. You guys know what I'm talking about. My girls have a lot more to say other than they like horseback riding in the rain.
Good day cronic. All the buds are in Alex's capsules.

That ladybug's not mines. It's one of a thousand The Trichster purchased for 7 bucks Jaga.

Thank you BAR! LMAO! Great one liner & a huge smile when I saw you using my oz induced nickname, BrokeAss gets REPS

I was just going to clarify that, I will find another haven to make some noise today.

Remember when replying to jaga, use maximum font size.

I didn't see it mentioned here, but the superior way to eliminate worms of any kind, including all the good butterflies (which don't eat canna) is available most everywhere, is very cheap and works.

Here is a link to the information:

Bacillus thuringiensis
Amazing shots and amazing info. Every time I pass by to catch up on the page or two I missed I learn so much. I'm very impressed with everything you do.
My wick system didn't raise my humidity enough so I too am having to get a humidifier.
I'm saving for a good silent one as my grow is right next to my bed.

Good work reg!
I've named the Power Flower Fluxy Momma. So here's her trying to get fluxxed.

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, flux) Day 22


You can barely see it but I removed new growth from the 3 fingered node & the single fingered node.

Fluxy's gonna be a hot Momma! Love the pictures you've been posting. It has really helped explain the process. :thanks:
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