New City Grower 2.0

I'm eager to see how they turn out. they look a little too far from the light? congrats on the harvest and the female.
Thanxx B but do you recall, I asked you at the beginning would it be alright to leave them on the floor & you said it should be alright being that they're under an LED panel...
really? I honestly don't remember that. I would put them about 12" away from the light.
:thumb: I like the update BAR & congrats on your confirmed, girl. I am no pro but, I recommend removing the cover from the dome at least once a day for a hour or so & as we've all heard 100 times, don't over water :goodjob: looking good n green. The Grand Poobah at DCS said I won't get my deposit back on the cape because it has, too many burn holes,

Is that fair?

I call it normal wear & tear, whatever. :peace:
Don't worry Trix, I'm the President & CEO of the DCS. I'll get you your deposit back.
Dominoes Sugar container...
Aug 8, 2014​

I took way too many pics this morning but I'm not going to OD you all with them. I'll just use the relevant ones.

SLEESTACK X SKUNK (Regular) Day 158 / Day 148 under 12/12


She was starting to show a little too many amber trichs for my liking plus she's the last of the Mohicans from that issue plagued round. Soooo...






The root structure was weak so I won't be re-vegging her.


And also found 5 seeds in one of her lower small buds.


Pepé Le Pew (Skunk) Day 96

I was going to bring her inside to take the empty spot in the Bloom Tent.



But after getting her inside the tent & doing a thorough inspection I seen this. Are they spider-mites?



I don't have to tell you she's back on the Fire Escape & will probably be moving to the roof of the building tonight. At this point I'd rather take a chance of someone swiping her than giving her the chance to infest any of my other plants. I sprayed her like crazy with SNS 217 before I left.
Shoot, I might even be moving that Amazon woman in the flowered dress from the Fire Escape into the Bloom Tent this evening...
What Spimp said. Mites look more black. You've certainly got some bugs. I don't see where they're sucking on leaves. You'll usually see most mites on the underside of the leaf.
Whatever they are I'm not in the mood for them.
Whatever they are I'm not in the mood for them.

You have the SNS 203 also, don't you Reg? Here's what it's supposed to kill as a foliar spray:

When used as a foliage spray SNS-203™ will control and eliminate Greenhouse Thrips, Fungus Gnats, Root Aphids, White Flies and Shore Flies.

Also, I would check those recent rescued ophans very closely. It could very well be that some bugs were carried in on them or the soil?
Thrips are almost invisible to the naked eye. Spider mites can be white, clear or black with spots on their back and are also extremely tiny. I can't tell, but the eggs look to be aphid eggs. Put her on the roof with a note. You can say, if you steal this plant, at least wait for her to flower and be decent pot. Otherwise, just leave it be cus I need it for medicine. YA neva know my friend. A fellow smoker may just do you right.
I've no idea what the nasty critters are but how the hell did they find your plant? Surely they should be eating up plants at ground level not flying up to your fire escape for lunch
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