New City Grower 2.0

I've no idea what the nasty critters are but how the hell did they find your plant? Surely they should be eating up plants at ground level not flying up to your fire escape for lunch
:laughtwo: Monster, first she was plagued with gnats & now this. She must be pretty tasty.
Here's some pics of aphids and thrips:

The above pic is exactly what I saw this morning. I can see things good through my jewelers glasses but have a problem holding them steady when taking pics.
has anyone else got this popup when coming to the site. Just started in the last few minutes.

Oh for sure they track it. Even your isp tracks everything you do online for up to 5 years thats why I use a vpn to block the isp from knowing but google still knows. I hope it isnt a denial of service attack on the site from the feds. Just want to inform everyone so they are aware and can be safe. I may be overly cautious but in my mind overly cautious is better then overly careless.
I'm totally clueless on technology but I know in the US you get monitored & told you're monitored, here in the UK they monitor you & say they don't. If they want to bust my door down on my personal grow then good luck to them :)
Yes I told rico about it sent the screen capture and he said it happened to him just now as well. Its concerning when it pops up trying to view the site and then again trying to link pics from the gallery when the gallery is supposed to pop up. I hope its nothing as you say but im still gonna run some ip sniffing tests to find out for myself.
Yes I told rico about it sent the screen capture and he said it happened to him just now as well. Its concerning when it pops up trying to view the site and then again trying to link pics from the gallery when the gallery is supposed to pop up. I hope its nothing as you say but im still gonna run some ip sniffing tests to find out for myself.

Didn't say it's nothing...LOL It's irritating, but after a year on this site I can say I've seen it happen before with google chrome.

Well I dont mean nothing but as in not as nefarious as I thought. It only happens in google chrome? That does seem unusual.
All the critters mentioned are carried by most street-girls. Soak the entire plant in SNS 203 if you have it. They will multiply exponentially if not eradicated.

I got the same 420mag-MALWARE warning thru Google-Chrome & thru Mozilla Firefox, what's up with that?
Good day weed BAR. Those look like aphids. They don't seem to bother the girls but my pepper they love. It doesn't matter what kind. I am pretty much 100% organic so I just buy lady bugs and they have kept the greenhouse clean of pests this year so far. Last year I had spider mites dam near all the time. Lady bugs don't seem to like them but will eat them if they are hungry enough. Had to spray to get them under control so that screwed me for having LB. No more spraying in the greenhouse unless it's for mold.
has anyone else got this popup when coming to the site. Just started in the last few minutes.
I saw something similar the last time I tried to log-on at work. I hate to say it but I'm glad a few of you have seen the same thing. I thought the company had put some type of ban on the site for my computer. Had no problem logging on now that I'm home.

I hope it isnt a denial of service attack on the site from the feds. Just want to inform everyone so they are aware and can be safe. I may be overly cautious but in my mind overly cautious is better then overly careless.

All the critters mentioned are carried by most street-girls. Soak the entire plant in SNS 203 if you have it. They will multiply exponentially if not eradicated.?
Thanxx Trix. I've already checked all the indoor plants and they're critter free. Both of the Fire Escape girls are from seed. It had to happen right out there on the fire escape.

Hey Reg It's finally FRRRRIIIIIDAYY!
Hope you have fun tonight!


It's starting out great! I'm ready Coach PJ. I stopped by our Canna friendly outdoor Market.


Here's my purchases for a mere $20. The peat moss was $2 a bag & $7 each for the Perlite.


Here's some of their soil bar.



Here's the soil they say a lot of their weed growing customers swear by but it didn't have a list of ingredients on the bag. Its only 20 bucks but it was too big for me to pick up as I already was carrying a lot of stuff.


And here's a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff I may be interested in depending on what you guys think.

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