New City Grower 2.0

Uh, oh....
Someone said Clone on Reg's thread... :bitingnails:

P.s. Good Share Growlow. Some of us (not Reg:)) are interested in new cloning methods. :biglaugh:

Typical! I'm here not even a month and I'm using terms or words that might not be received so good. I'll remove it and change it to ... any suggestions :helpsmilie:???
No no no.. it's fine. Reg and I are a combined ZERO for infinity on clones. :)
I was joking about it being a dirty word.

He has mastered the re-veg and Wild Cannabis Hunting now.
It's all good Growlow.
No no no.. it's fine. Reg and I are a combined ZERO for infinity on clones. :)
I was joking about it being a dirty word.

He has mastered the re-veg and Wild Cannabis Hunting now.
It's all good Growlow.

I kind of took it that way. I was being sarcastically dry. It's a terrible habbit :tokin: I dig your guys sense of humour and the fun times are abundant in journals like this :)
Wow Spimp !! Wild Cannabis Hunting :rofl: I can see it all now .....It's great new show called the Cannabis Hunter... staring BAR..follow along with the fearless Cannabis Hunter as he searches the urban jungle .....:rofl:
Now u you have to say it with your best Australian accent! :rofl::rofl:
:rofl: canna hunters a true story of rags too riches hoodrats found and brought in from the mean streets :rofl: spimp I think ya missed a page b.a.r is dipping his toes again 4clones and I think each shall root I only use the small sidebranches hes used the whole branch and varied methods he may be leaving you his dcs card finaly :rofl:

Growlow ive heard the honey method before I have my clonin down with pure water but I like a good experiment is it just any honey or does the good stuff like manuka work better? And does it attract pests? :roorrip:
I guess it's confirmed: "SCIENTIFIC SOILS PROFESSIONAL GROWERS' MIX" was the problem.

1. Stuns growth: After 52 days without any manipulation RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) had not grown any taller than 6 inches.

2. Caused deficiencies and/or lockouts: Both RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) and KUMIKO I (Honey Haze) had discolored, twisted and conflicted leafs.

3. Bad medium for seedlings: After tap-rooting in my seed dish KUMIKO II (Honey Haze) was planted in "SCIENTIFIC SOILS PROFESSIONAL GROWERS' MIX" and never sprouted.

And last but not least​

4. Can kill your plant: After getting KUMIKO I (Honey Haze) started in a dixie cup she was transplanted into a pot of "SCIENTIFIC SOILS PROFESSIONAL GROWERS' MIX" where she eventually died after 16 days.
First things first.

It's past due for me to apologize to one of our sponsors, "SCIENTIFIC SOILS" The above post by me was done on 11/28/2013 in New City Grower 1.0

Situation #1: I was over-watering.

Situation #2: I was heavy-handed with my nutes.

Situation #3: It's not suggested to use for germinating.

Situation #4: That whole batch of Honey Haze beans were inferior mutants.

Please forgive me as I was pretty wet behind the ears then.

Did Lasagna boy ever get his knuckle sandwich dessert? :)
I see the Tree of Life is still a givin'. :rofl:
Hello Spimp. He came pretty close to tasting my knuckle sandwich to go along with my lasagna Monday but our co-workers broke us up. Yesterday I decided to be the bigger man and accept his apology. He's still a sucker in my book though.

I tried to breeze through the last few pages to catch up and I was wondering. have any of you guys tried using organic honey for clones?? I've used the stuff for over 12 years now and it works a dream. I actually didn't know about rooting solutions until getting in the industry in Seattle. Just thought I'd share that in case you guys weren't aware :)

Uh, oh....
Someone said Clone on Reg's thread... :bitingnails:

P.s. Good Share Growlow. Some of us (not Reg:)) are interested in new cloning methods. :biglaugh:
Welcome aboard Growlow. We hang out in some of the same Hot Spots. "HONEY" Been there, done that. It's part of my DCS portfolio but I'm in the mist of attempting to retire again from my Presidency & as CEO of the club Spimpster.

Wow Spimp !! Wild Cannabis Hunting :rofl: I can see it all now .....It's great new show called the Cannabis Hunter... staring BAR..follow along with the fearless Cannabis Hunter as he searches the urban jungle .....:rofl:
I'm not sure how many of you know but one of our fellow members will most likely be hosting a television show on the Discovery Channel in the near future; CO Finest.

In other news;

THE STREET GIRLS #3, and #4 (Unknown Strains) Day 37 / Day 11 under 12/12

They're the two surviving hood-rats in the Bloom Tent that are going SOG (B. Real) style. Last night I seen pistils on both. :blunt::blunt::blunt::blunt::blunt: Blunts for everyone! It's 2 confirmed girls...







Rest in Peace

Hey BAR. Gonna try and catch up on your journal a little later. Just wanted to show you this


Spot is nice. Outdoors, but definitely well laid out. Staff is helpful. Definitely geared towards you soil growers. But try have little pebbles in their soil bar so I may give those a shot next grow.

Sorry for the horizontal pics.
Ah Shoot Tamir, you beat me up there. I'll be stopping by this weekend. Did they have peat-moss?
Rest in Peace

What happened to Big Irish Dude?? Do I want to know? I saw the beginning of one of his journals then got sidetracked...
What happened to Big Irish Dude?? Do I want to know? I saw the beginning of one of his journals then got sidetracked...

Sadly, Big Irish Dude has passed away what looks like last night. He posted his condition and how he was feeling and the next post was from someone saying he had died of a pulmonary embolism. More information will be released by his family soon...including his real name. It's horribly sad.
Wow what a bummer, it's gona feel a little different round here.......
None of us knows when this will ever happen. It is too ghastly to talk about, but it is real. The reality for me is just this morning is I posted on my Facebook timeline:

Photo of a rainbow...and I said this:

Fabulous news!! We all woke up again today! I must remember to always cherish that. Rejoice!

Then I read about BID. It's unthinkable.
Ah Shoot Tamir, you beat me up there. I'll be stopping by this weekend. Did they have peat-moss?

How did I know you would ask that question. Only thing I saw that said peat moss was..


And RIP Big Irish Dude... It's unfortunate but it's the circle of life. I'll light one up for him when I get home.
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