New City Grower 2.0

What do you mean? I am not saying they planted the seeds there. You were wondering how or why there were seeds in their pot when it smells good. I just think those are bag seeds, but not from the pot they are smoking. The people selling it are cutting it with seeds, stems and like I said, tiny pebbles. Really tiny. Even if it adds half a gram to every bag, it saves the dealer.

Of course nobody would intentionally plant pot in a tree planter hole!

Whatchoo talking bout Willis?
Ha ha, Oh I got it now. You mean the seeds were just added to the bag & not necessarily seeds from the weed they're smoking. Could be.
I would purposely plant a pot seed in a public tree bed... Just to see how far along she'll get before someone notices. Lol a dealer I knows adds everything mentioned above(except pebbles) to his bags Ang his logic is "if I paid for it y'all payin for it!" He's even threw main cola stems into a blender and ground them up and put them in his bags. LOL i had to tell him to leave them whole cause I make yea of of my stems. Needless to say I have more than enough stems for my Sunday tea now.
More babies from the Magic Tree. Have walked the area to see if there are any other Magic Trees??? Happy Tokerday BAR
More babies from the Magic Tree. Have walked the area to see if there are any other Magic Trees??? Happy Tokerday BAR
Lol... Bill, I've checked under every tree on my block & routinely check under every tree from my train-stop to my building. How do you think I spotted the "compost plac cards"? They're only like maybe 3 X 6 inches. :geek:
In front of that building is their smoking hang-out spot. It's the only explanation. I can't see anyone intentionally trying to grow weed under a tree in the city. & if someone was actually doing that there would be an APB out on me. LOL But seriously, even if it were being done on purpose they wouldn't expect the seedlings to stay there and grow.

Well, throwing some seeds under a tree on a busy city street is something I would do. I wouldn't do it to see if I would get a harvest, I'd do it to see how big they got before they were destroyed or ginked. It would be great fun. You have planty of plants, Reg. Let some go down there so we can see how big they get before they disappear! It has epic entertainment value.
You went into the archives for that one Partner.

"Sakura the Magic Tree" it is...

Ok, let's see if I can turn in my retirement papers to the Dead Clone Society.

There's 4 cuttings from STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy, Double Re-veg). I'm trying 2 using the window seal method & 2 using Rapid Rooter cubes.
I trimmed the leafs on one of each method & didn't on the other. I'll be trying different variables until I get roots.








Peejay, "epic entertainment value"

your posts are always extremely informative & packed with 420 topical detail. :high-five: I appreciate your knowledgeable shares I see everywhere, all fresh information. I'm pretty sure the your quote up there is humor, it's on topic and very well stated, :thanks: for my best laugh all week!

"epic entertainment value" that's priceless, P :thumb:
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Those clones are going to go, Reg. Your plant health is way better than the last times you tried to clone like that. It is much easier to clone a healthy vigorous plant than one that is sort of struggling along. Easy money, brotha!

Trix, I don't really know what would happen if a plant was left under the tree. Not that many folks who recognized what it was would dig it up and take it home. Most would just walk by and give it a glance now and then, I think. For all we know several pedestrians have already been doing that. Then, one morning the plants are gone. Stuff like that makes the walk to work fun. Sooner or later someone will take offence, pull it up, and cast it aside or throw it in the rubbish. Or, perhaps some fool will rip it up and try to smoke it.

Instead of digging them all up it would be fun to just casually bend over and pinch a top or two to keep it low. I'm truly curious how long it would go. As I said before, a live cam would be huge fun - probably not very realistic, but it would be great. Maybe there is already one, and Reg is on it skulking out in the night and digging them up?
Instead of digging them all up it would be fun to just casually bend over and pinch a top or two to keep it low.
Bunk that! Free seedlings! :yummy:
But because I love you man, PJ if anything else pop's up I'll leave one that I won't snatch just for your pleasure. Now if it gets big enough where it's noticeable & someone else snatches it I'm going to blame you for revealing Sakura the Magic Tree to someone who will start checking it.
By next June, they will have completely forgot about it. You didn't, but you are an extraordinary individual.

Besides, you are going to be way slick at cloning all your plants next year and are going to be deftly filling your grow space with carefully selected strains. :)
If my beanstalk ends up with 2 Jacks all this flattery won't get you anywhere... :eyebrowsmile:
LOL. True that, BAR. It's your magic tree. I could start one of my own for giggles if I want. I'm certain you value it much more than I do vicariously from a distance.
I wish this came up in the spring. I would definitely plant a few seeds outside in a semi-conspicuous place to see what would happen. I could even hide a camera on it to take photos when something moves. It gets video too. Next year, definitely. Down by the creek: if we're still here.
I tried to breeze through the last few pages to catch up and I was wondering. have any of you guys tried using organic honey for clones?? I've used the stuff for over 12 years now and it works a dream. I actually didn't know about rooting solutions until getting in the industry in Seattle. Just thought I'd share that in case you guys weren't aware :)
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