New City Grower 2.0

NOOOOOO>>>>>>>>NOT the Lasagna!
YEAH, the Lasagna!

I raised the roof in that office, then a co-worker snitched the thief out to me. He tried to deny it but the idiot had the nerve to leave my container in his waste basket. Needless to say it was on! We both got sent home for the day & our supervisor put a reprimand in his file. I'm not done with him yet!
To top it all off THIS was the ad I seen on the train coming home.

Actually it turned out good. This first pic is under a tree on the ave around the corner from me. I would of got some of it then but had nothing to put it in.


Plus the Magic Tree is still doing it's magic...




And it looks like all 3 of the last batch of STREET GIRLS are all going to make it.

hopefully the co-worker and yourself have resolved things enough to be able to work together. Not worth losing a job over Lasagna.

Nowhere near resolved! I'm so tight behind this mess. It's not even about the food, it's the principle of the matter. I already really didn't care for this dude but you're right. It's probably not even worth the consequences. Co-workers have a way to bring the worst out in me. Sorry folks, I'm just venting...

And some more little hoodrats that tree really is magic :bong: may I suggest keeping one in a long veg for cloning practice? You have enough :rofl: :roorrip:
Great idea Scotty. That's what I'll do.
Great story on the lasagne & the tree pics! Very funny....probably not to you.
It wasn't funny to me until I seen the ad on the train.
There are a bunch of factors that affect flowering dates for cannabis outside. The number of hours of daylight is the most influential. Remember that the farther North you are (in the Northern Hemisphere,) the longer the days get in the summer, and the shorter the days get in the winter. There is a bigger swing.

In NYC right now, there are 14 hours and 12 minutes between sunrise and sunset. Where I live farther South there are 13 hours and 38 minutes. My plants started flowering at about 14 hours and 8 minutes between sunrise and sunset ~ July 21st.

Because BAR is farther North, the length of the days will shorten much more quickly that they do here moving forward. By the end of the month his daylight time will be shorter than mine.

It is pretty easy to find a chart of sunrise and sunset times for a location online. A fun comparison to make is between Southern California and Northern California. It's a big state! Plants in So Cal typically start flowering about two weeks before plants in Nor Cal.

Another factor is whether or not the light mentioned above is direct sun-hours, hours of shade will effect the plants growth & it can act differently depending on direct sun & number of hours in the shade, while the sun is still up. my 2 cents.
All hail the magic tree brings more fruit your way
Hey Reg the advert said it all BUT you are right to tell the jerk were ta get off,, you was sent home
an why did they go after your supervisor ,, we are Vegy but a Lasagna:thedoubletake: OMG I would want some return for the trouble
hope the rest of the week is a HC-FTW in the workspace:circle-of-love:
Trix: Come to think about it, from a distance with fake tomatoes on it a cannabis plant would resemble a tomato plant.

Jam: Sorry to let you know but Stouffers is no-more lasagna than Sunny Delight is Orange Juice. What I had was some left over homemade lasagna from my birthday.

Jaga: Yesterday's news is old news today Jaga. I'll be heading to work with a fresh new Attitude. Might even accept his apology today.

Now, I rescued 3 more
STREET GIRLS from under the Magic Tree this morning & planted all 3 in the new compost/mulch I got from the Avenue this morn. And GF, I left the original soil around the roots this time. They're the 3 on the front row below.


And here's the new medium; NYC Compost/Mulch

Jam: Sorry to let you know but Stouffers is no-more lasagna than Sunny Delight is Orange Juice. What I had was some left over homemade lasagna from my birthday.

:rofl: I was gona let that one slide, but ......B A R you are 100% right .....If it's pre-made out of a box it's something but not lasagna :thumb:
Thanxx Brooklyn and PJ. I hate to change the subject but someone swiped my container of lasangna from the fridge. There's going to be some furniture moving on this floor today...

Let it go. The sign on the train is right. Even YOU can't prevent Aholes. If I was there I'd make you a tray of lasagna immediately.

Nowhere near resolved! I'm so tight behind this mess. It's not even about the food, it's the principle of the matter. I already really didn't care for this dude but you're right. It's probably not even worth the consequences. Co-workers have a way to bring the worst out in me. Sorry folks, I'm just venting...

Great idea Scotty. That's what I'll do.

Please vent. Please don't apologize. I wish my husband would do that once in a while. Ironically, last night before bed he did! You are sending out vibes! I tell him to go to work, perform, and get out and get home. Nobody is your friend at work. Who cares what they do, even if they steal your lasagna. What goes around, comes around. He's a moron.

Trix: Come to think about it, from a distance with fake tomatoes on it a cannabis plant would resemble a tomato plant.

Jam: Sorry to let you know but Stouffers is no-more lasagna than Sunny Delight is Orange Juice. What I had was some left over homemade lasagna from my birthday.

Hahaha, got that right. There is one product I will buy frozen and that is Eggplant Parmesan by Michelle's. That is some good frozen. Not better than mine, but...

Jaga: Yesterday's news is old news today Jaga. I'll be heading to work with a fresh new Attitude. Might even accept his apology today.

Now, I rescued 3 more
STREET GIRLS from under the Magic Tree this morning & planted all 3 in the new compost/mulch I got from the Avenue this morn. And GF, I left the original soil around the roots this time. They're the 3 on the front row below.

What do they have there, a pile you can take from?


And here's the new medium; NYC Compost/Mulch

Cant wait to see you upgrade your dcs card for a nursery of little clones they must be pretty strong strains got high hopes for you bar :bong: should put some medicated food stuff in the fridge im sure next person who steals it cant handle the buzz :rofl: :roorrip:
I think that the magic tree should be made a 420 official well-wisher
Nice one Reg thats so cool :cheesygrinsmiley:
Jaga, last year I found only 2 plants under the Magic Tree & they were the first cannabis plants I had ever seen in person (not in a picture). This summer I'm up to 12. Either I wasn't too good at identifying them last year or those kids have been buying a lot more weed with seeds in it this summer, which has me thinking.

Whenever I walk by them and they're smoking it smells pretty good but over the last 10 years or so I personally haven't seen any real good weed that has seeds in it and now that I'm a grower I don't see how weed with seeds gets on the market. Anyway, I have more seedlings now than I'm going to have real estate for so I'll be trying a little bit of everything in the near future.

Also, I don't know a lot about compost or mulch but it appears that they top-dressed the trees on the avenue with both. The top was quite woody while right underneath that looked more like rich soil which I assume was compost. I brushed away the woody looking stuff and bagged the soil-like stuff.


Dealers put seeds in there and stems as well to add weight. Sometimes I remember finding tiny pebbles in my pot when I used to buy it in the old days. We bought sensemillia back then and every bag always had seeds. The only thing that never came with seeds were Thai Sticks, but they were buds tied onto those little skewers.

I think that is why there are seeds. It may not be from what they are smoking.
[COLOR="#006400"My stash ran out a while back now a I actually get some quite nice Jamaican
it comes in a brick but its a local operation an it smells Dank real Dank
some times its almost like the sensi back from the younger days
I still think the tree deserves an honorary title:420:
Dealers put seeds in there and stems as well to add weight. Sometimes I remember finding tiny pebbles in my pot when I used to buy it in the old days. We bought sensemillia back then and every bag always had seeds. The only thing that never came with seeds were Thai Sticks, but they were buds tied onto those little skewers.

I think that is why there are seeds. It may not be from what they are smoking.
In front of that building is their smoking hang-out spot. It's the only explanation. I can't see anyone intentionally trying to grow weed under a tree in the city. & if someone was actually doing that there would be an APB out on me. LOL But seriously, even if it were being done on purpose they wouldn't expect the seedlings to stay there and grow.

Jaga, we'll let you name the Magic Tree.
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